He is keeping the map at his villa in the village of Poiessa and she wants you to recover the map and then meet her associate in the village. He wants you to rescue the man and get him to his ship. that was dropped and shattered. Meditate until nightfall and a stealthy mistios can minimize hostile contact. Facing him alone is a challenge and doing so can quickly get you surrounded. He is angry but concerned about his son. A progress bar will track the destruction of the supply caches. Meditate until nightfall and scout the camps.

He needs the medicine delivered to three of his patients. The best location in Messara to erode the Nation's Power is Daidalos Fort where you can burn the five supply caches and steal the National Treasure. Note that if he isn't at the shrine, you'll need to take him out in his villa. Xenia's Questline: These five character missions are detailed in Section 27: Xenia's Questline. Completing the site requires killing the captain, releasing three captives and raiding three treasure chests.

Pursuing this mission will make eliminating the Cultist, Deianeira less challenging. She will prepare the potion and will say to come to the selection gathering at Aetios' villa after dark to receive payment. Kill the captors and get atop a structure to again release the wolves. The bandits stole the farm after they murdered the former owners.

You must then fight him and his four bodyguards. A Small Odyssey: Embedded in Section 3: Kephallonia. He is the result of a union of the smith and the lady bandit, so the Oracle's prediction was, at least, partially fulfilled. The leader will be located at his villa on the neighboring island to the north of Chios. Death Comes For Us All: This mission is embedded in Section 8: Argolis. The pearls are in the Polydektes Lagoon. There are only five hostiles at the camp, so wipe them out to recover the treasures.

Kill him and raid the body. The mission is complete when Diokles falls. It will require the completion of the objectives of ten bandit camps all over Greece. Kill them only to find that Isabel is already dead. An expensive bracelet lost at the site likely belonged to one of the leader's daughters. Crewless: Speak to the testy gal named Golon on the dock. Contrary to expectations, it isn't a friendly reunion. She needs a fine wine and some wild mushrooms to concoct the potion. He wants you to kill ten of them.

This must be done quickly as the entire crew will defend her. Taking out most of the garrison will likely be necessary to retrieve the sword. A Chest Full Of Drachmae: Fort Koressia is located on the southwest side of the island. The villa has six defenders but it is possible to monitor the movement of the patrols and climb the walls to reach the second story quarters of the leader and steal the medicine with minimal or no contact with the defenders. Kassandra returned to Agellos to inquire about what she discovered. It is apparent that the man doesn't want to do so but he feels that he is a failure with no alternative. Dive to the chest to find the obsidian. Each of the recipients have a very high opinion of Lykaon and all are worried about him for one reason or another. Return to Odessa. Agree to help and start west to find the man. Caged and Enraged: The woman at the marker will be surrounded and threatened by four Stone Dwellers. Return to the originator who has been murdered. He assures you that they have valuable stolen loot in addition to his amulet and raiding the cave should be well worth your while.

The task will then change to destroying the Spartan ship. Appearance