[52], From Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core. Ancestors are fromFrance, Germany, Belgium. [17] Charter evidence begins Berengar's reign at Pavia between 26 December 887 and 2 January 888, though this has been disputed. AF(B), 900 (p. 141 and n4), with a loss of 20,000 men and many bishops. AF(B), 889 (p. 139 and n2). Previté Orton, pp 339–340, who also remarks on Berengar's "unrevengeful character.". [11] Berengar and Liutward had a feud that year, which involved his attack on Vercelli and plundering of the bishop's goods. De plus , son propre petit-fils, Berengar d'Ivrea (qui régnerait en tant que Berengar II d'Italie à partir de 950), se souleva contre lui, incité par Rudolph. This appears to be flatly contradicted, however, by the other sources. Berengar advanced on Pavia, but was defeated by Lambert at Borgo San Donnino and taken prisoner. [13] He made peace with the emperor and compensated for the actions of the previous year by dispensing great gifts. "[4], When his older brother Unruoch III died in 874,[5] Berengar succeeded him in the March of Friuli. Berengario emperador.jpg 461 × 571; 115 KB. AF(M), 887 (p. 102), presents it as an invasion on Liutward's part. In 894, Arnulf and Berengar defeated Guy at Bergamo and took control of Pavia and Milan. In 950 he succeeded the latter and had his son, Adalbert crowned as his co-ruler. Though Guy had been supported by Pope Stephen V since before the death of Charles the Fat, he was now abandoned by the pope, who turned to Arnulf. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He was held back, but Berengar also faced Rudolph II of Burgundy and Adalbert I of Ivrea's rebellious forces - they brought him to battle at Fiorenzuola on 29 July 923. [13] In June or July, Berengar was again at the emperor's side at Kirchen, when Louis of Provence was adopted as the emperor's son. [8][9] This was not successful until the death of Charles the Bald in 877. As a result, he seemed simply violent and high-handed. [42] Adalbert was one of Berengar's earliest internal enemies after the defeat of Louis of Provence. [32] Louis returned to Provence and ruled for another twenty years as Louis the Blind.

[39] In that case, she would have been betrothed to Berengar while still a child and only become his consors and imperatrix in 923. La bataille fut décisive et Berengar fut de facto détrôné et remplacé par Rudolf. Louis retourna en Provence et régna pendant encore vingt ans en tant que Louis l'Aveugle. Berengar was the only one of the reguli (petty kings) to crop up in the aftermath of Charles' deposition besides Arnulf of Carinthia, his deposer, who was made king before the emperor's death. In early 889, the truce with Guy expired, and Guy defeated Berengar at the Trebbia, making himself King of Italy. He was an important channel for the men of Friuli to get access to the emperor and for the emperor to exercise authority in Friuli. In January 915, Pope John X tried to forge an alliance between Berengar and the local Italian rulers in hopes that he could face the Saracen threat in southern Italy. [13] He made peace with the emperor and compensated for the actions of the previous year by dispensing great gifts.
[18] Berengar was not the undisputed leading magnate in Italy at the time, but he may have made an agreement with his former rival, Guy of Spoleto, whereby Guy would have West Francia and he Italy on the emperor's death. Berengar was successful before an epidemic ravaged all Italy, affecting the emperor and his entourage as well as Berengar's army, and forced him to retire. Il était empereur romain germanique entre 915 et sa mort en 924. ". [20] The truce was to last until 6 January 889. Reuter, p. 128, suggests the former view. When, in 875, the Emperor Louis II, who was also King of Italy, died, having come to terms with Louis the German whereby the German monarch's eldest son, Carloman, would succeed in Italy, Charles the Bald of West Francia invaded the peninsula and had himself crowned king and emperor. Berengar était avec l'armée d'Arnulf qui a envahi l'Italie en 896.

Il retourna au duché de Spolète et fit alliance avec les Sarrasins . They were crucial for the development of later urban autonomies, culminating in the city communes, but they were disastrous for kings. [34] The bishop attained all the rights of a count in the city. Bertha, Abbess of Santa Giulia in Brescia, arrival of Magyar raiders in Western Europe, "Berengario I, duca-marchese del Friuli, re d'Italia, imperatore", Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски, Rosenwein, Barbara H. "The Family Politics of Berengar I, King of Italy (888–924). Berengar I (Latin: Berengarius, Perngarius; Italian: Berengario; c. 845 – 7 April 924) was the king of Italy from 887. [40] His younger daughter, Gisela, had married Adalbert I of Ivrea as early as 898 (and no later than 910), but this failed to spark an alliance with the Anscarids. His most typical solution was to overthrow all obvious rivals and replace them with his own relatives, who would in theory be more loyal to him. [6] With this he obtained a key position in the Carolingian Empire, as the march bordered the Croats and other Slavs who were a constant threat to the Italian peninsula. They invaded Italy first in 899. When Hugh faced a coup in 945, his support melted away, and he fell. En 886, Liutward , évêque de Verceil , prit la sœur de Berengar du couvent de San Salvatore à Brescia pour l'épouser avec un de ses parents; si oui ou non par la force ou par le consentement du couvent et de Charles le Gros, son parent, est incertain. Berengar rose to become one of the most influential laymen in the empire of Charles the Fat, and he was elected to replace Charles in Italy after the latter's deposition in November 887. [19] Both Guy and Berengar were related to the Carolingians in the female line. En 894, Arnulf et Berengar battirent Guy à Bergame et prirent le contrôle de Pavie et de Milan . The clergy opposed to this interference appealed to Berengar, King Charles III of France and Pope John. Hugh a envahi l'Italie, avec son frère Boso , et s'est avancé jusqu'à Pavie, où Bérenger les a affamés dans la soumission, mais leur a permis de sortir librement d'Italie.
He was usually called. Certains historiens ont vu ses «initiatives de défense privée» sous un jour plus positif et ont trouvé une politique cohérente de don. [41] Adalbert was one of Berengar's earliest internal enemies after the defeat of Louis of Provence. Berengar rose to become one of the most influential laymen in the empire of Charles the Fat, and he was elected to replace Charles in Italy after the latter's deposition in November 887. As king, Berengar made his seat at Verona, which he heavily fortified. Quoi qu'il en soit, l'évêque et margrave se sont réconciliés peu de temps avant que Liutward ne soit renvoyé du tribunal en 887. Dans ses dernières années, sa femme Bertilla a été accusée d'infidélité, une accusation pas rare contre les épouses de rois en déclin de cette période. This defeat handicapped Berengar and caused the nobility to question his ability to protect Italy. He himself then had a meeting, sometime between early November and Christmas, at Trent. Rosenwein, p. 248, who calls him "a terrible warrior.". Berengar was born in 845, a son of Eberhard of Friuli and Gisela of West Francia. Son armée a été surprise et mise en déroute près de la rivière Brenta lors de la bataille éponyme de la Brenta (24 septembre 899). Through his mother Gisela he He was the last emperor before Otto the Great was crowned in 962, after a 38-year interregnum. Cela ne réussit qu'à la mort de Charles le Chauve en 877. [8] Louis the German sent first Charles the Fat, his youngest son, and then Carloman himself, with armies containing Italian magnates led by Berengar, to possess the Italian kingdom. [23] Represented by his counsellor Walfred at the city of Verona, he remained master in Friuli, which was always the base of his support. Son règne est généralement qualifié de "troublé" à cause des nombreux concurrents pour la couronne et à cause de l' arrivée de raiders magyars en Europe occidentale . Notable ancestors includeCharlemagne (747-814). He could no longer use Carolingian-style procedures, such as new legislation or local administrative intervention, to assert his power. [24], In 893, Arnulf sent his illegitimate son Zwentibold into Italy. Berengar I di Friuli, Marquis of Friuli, King of Italy, Holy Roman Emperor, was born circa843 to Eberhard di Friuli (c815-866) and Gisela (c820-aft874) and died 924 of unspecified causes. He met up with Berengar and together they cornered Guy at Pavia, but did not press their advantage (it is believed that Guy bribed them off). Berengar a ainsi cimenté sa position de roi et a régné sans contestation, à l'exception d'un bref passage, jusqu'en 922. As surety for the accord, Lambert pledged to marry Gisela, Berengar's daughter. Berengar I on a seal.jpg 890 × 875; 519 KB. He was Holy Roman Emperor between 915 and his death in 924. Berengar n'a pas pu envoyer de troupes, mais après la grande bataille du Garigliano , une victoire sur les Sarrasins, Jean a couronné Bérenger comme empereur à Rome (décembre). [22], Early in 889, their truce having expired, Guy defeated Berengar at the Battle of the Trebbia and made himself sole king in Italy, though Berengar maintained his authority in Friuli. He is usually known as Berengar of Friuli, since he ruled the March of Friuli from 874 until at least 890, but he had lost control of the region by 896.[2]. [39] He had remarried to one named Anna by December 915. Coins of Berengar I from Benepuszta.jpg 1,205 × 1,841; 1.55 MB. He is usually known as Berengar of Friuli, since he ruled the March of Friuli from 874 until at least 890, but he had l This was a confirmation of the status quo of 889. [25] The truth or falsehood of the rumour cannot be ascertained, but Berengar was removed from Friuli and replaced with Waltfred, a former supporter and "highest counsellor" of Berengar's, who soon died. Berengar was with Arnulf's army that invaded Italy in 896. You could also do it yourself at any point in time. Bien que Guy ait été soutenu par le pape Stephen V avant la mort de Charles le Gros, il était maintenant abandonné par le pape, qui se tourna vers Arnulf. The exact dates of Waltfred's rule in Friuli are unknown. Pendant les années où Louis représentait une menace pour la royauté de Bérenger, sa femme, Bertilla, qui était une nièce de l'ancienne impératrice Engelberga , la grand-mère de Louis, joua un rôle important dans la légitimation de son règne. The Italian kingdom was to survive as a coherent administrative structure at least until the 1080s, and Frederick Barbarossa even in the 1150s could seek to revive it with some success, but it was by now external to the immediate interests of most of its subjects. Berengar was, in fact, not only long-lived but also unpopular; he spent much of the early part of his reign confined in his power base, Friuli. They usually accomplished this by supporting bishops, conceding more judicial and administrative power to them, particularly after 888. En 904, Bergame fut soumise à un long siège par les Magyars. His army was surprised and routed near the Brenta River in the eponymous Battle of the Brenta (24 September 899).[31]. Ils représentaient différentes factions de la politique italienne: Berengar le pro-allemand et Guy le pro-français. He was thus of Carolingian extraction on his mother's side. In 915, he had his wife poisoned due to her infidelity, and he remarried to Louis the Blind's daughter Anna.