How many suits does Batman have? T'Challa doesn't need countless variations of his suit to fight in (okay, we'll give you the gimme for his sweet Hulkbuster armor). There is a mask that hides his true identity, something that he keeps a secret from everyone except those closest to him. And Batman can procure tech similar to that as well. Batman plans for every eventuality, and even when a circumstance occurs that he didn't foresee, he's so quick-witted that he will find a winning solution. To be fair, Batman is likely to be more skilled. Is Black Panther the better man or does Batman still win? EDIT: Just noticed round 2 is equalized physicals so I'll give batman the win there. But, as we have saw in Captain America: Civil War, when he finally had the chance to strike down Zemo, the man responsible for his father's death, T'Challa chose to stay his hand, stating that he was done letting vengeance consume him. Neither has the upper hand here except for Black Panther in resources but it is still an even match/stalemate. He fights for Wakanda above all else, for its people and for its beauty. -- and the Dora Milaje, the female protective guard of King T'Challa, absolutely fierce warriors that rank among the best in the entire world. But herein lies the difference with Black Panther. It's the human element that makes Batman a fan favorite, knowing his funds, skill, and will is his superpower, this makes him more tangible than that of godly powerful heroes. There is just one statement i don't agree with. I'm pretty positive he has some gas mask to defend against gas like Batman does. It is a veritable stalemate. Part of being a fan of comic book characters is the never-ending debating as to whom would win a fight between two improbable characters. Hurting bulletproof opponents. Round two: Excellent. A one-stop shop for all things video games. The aftermath saw Bruce Wayne returning to his time over a six-issue miniseries. The Black Panther mantle could have fallen on others, but T'Challa fought his way to the title with everything he had. Then it comes down to who has the better gear and tactics and I think Batman will win that one. But both were not 100 percent. Suit round I give to BP becaus the insider suits drains a lot fo energy and if he doesn't end it fast BM loses. They both dress in black and protect their homestead from those who would destroy it and its residents. He may be invincible to some, and he may be just as powerful as any god-like superhero in the DC Universe, but he has no throne to sit on, just a batcave.