you never know! If you cat starts getting ill, I would guess it was from something other than the corn husk unless he/she ate so many of them that they obstructed his stomach (probably not very likely) Let me know if you have any other questions. He Didn’t Really Chew It. I have kidney stones and this is the only way I pass them. Anonymous. We wouldn’t recommend giving your dog anything without first checking with your vet. Goats are ruminant animals. If you have this same question, don’t worry, let’s find out. 5 min read 5 … Hey, Mia. Corn Husks are the outside green leaves on a cob of corn, that we usually peel off and discard. If there is one thing that has surprised me about goats, it is their dietary pattern. Unless under exceptional circumstances where you cannot get your dog to a vet and it has not long eaten the whole corn cob, your vet may guide you through the process of safely inducing vomiting in your dog. But you can also check out Ask a Vet. That sounds pretty concerning, and we’d encourage you to at least have a conversation with a vet about your pooch. Purpling of husk – sweet corn. For instance, if you were to feed them any grains in excess, it can cause acidosis and, it leads to a drop in pH levels inside their rumen (specialized chambers in the stomach). Unfortunately, all I read was terrible news. Goats being ruminants, they need to stick to their natural diet because even the slightest imbalance can have cause serious digestive disorders in them, which is why you need to be extremely careful about the food that you feed them. To make shure that he was getting rid of the corn cob, I squished the bags that used to pick his stools (don’t forget to was your hands if you do it even if there’s not leak in the bag) . After that, I haven’t feel more hard pieces on his poop. Generally speaking, you shouldn’t induce vomiting in your dog at home. I’m so grateful for finding you today,This site is great & full of information we all need…………I was thinking of a healthy treat for our 4 month old GSP/shepherd mix that we rescued when he was 8 weeks old.Anyway,I thought about corn on the cob,about to microwave, then a lightbulb went off in my head saying that I should check & here I am.I ended up taking the corn off the cob,hes finicky but likes most veggies. like. I’m Worried Though. That certainly sounds troubling, but it sounds like your vet doesn’t think it warrants a visit. Where can you find the new version song of dota? Once the baby has been weaned by its mother, slowly start introducing grains to their diet by mixing them with their staple diet. October 17, 2019 Sorry about your pooch, Gloria! There are a number of surprisingly dangerous things that dogs sometimes eat (we’ve also covered what to do when your dog eats a crayon, ingests tinfoil, or even devours a diaper), and corn cobs definitely belong on that list of odd foods dogs sometimes go after. If for some reason you can’t get in touch with your regular vet, a service like JustAnswer can put you in direct contact with a vet via a live online chat. While most dog owners know of the potential dietary problems that can arise from feeding your dog scraps from the dinner table, many think that feeding their dogs corn on the cob is a healthy way to get around that certain rule of dog care. yes you can eat a corn husk its quite healthy for you. As said earlier, goats have a highly sensitive digestive system, and you need to be extremely cautious about what you feed them. How did Eli Whitney change things socially? We go to great lengths to help users better understand their dogs; however, the content on this blog is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. Sweet Corn is actually pretty healthy still. We’re so sorry this happened to your pooch, but we sincerely appreciate you chronicling your experiences — it may help other owners realize just how dangerous corn cobs can be for our canines. Unlike the adult goats, the bacteria and microbes in the gut of a baby goat will not be capable of handling anything other than their mother’s milk. The main issue is that when consumed in large chunks, or whole, the cob can become an intestinal obstruction – a condition that can, unfortunately, be fatal. Thanks for the advice. It can take up to two weeks. They can be extremely painful and can, unfortunately, be fatal when not treated properly. Corn husks are also used if you suffer from kidney problems, especially those patients who have or have had kidney stones. There is a rather large risk of it becoming lodged. Keep an eye on your pooch and watch for signs that he’s in pain or distress. Additionally, participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. Source: S. Kerr, Washington State University Klickitat County Extension, If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact That would probably concern me too. Our aim is to provide the best, most reliable, easy to understand and science-backed advice, reviews and resources for dog lovers and owners around the world. Arrested Ears (also referred to as “Remnant Ears” and “Hollow Husk”), Blunt Ear Syndrome (“Beer Can Ears” or “Ear Stunting”), “Cow Horn”, “Boomerang”, and “Banana” Corn Ears, “Tip Dieback” (also referred to as “tip-back”, or “nosing or tipping back”), “Blue Eye” Mold – Penicillium and Aspergillus Kernel Rots. But I still keeping an eye on him!! They get into the trash and help themselves to a few cobs. Even if you were to feed them corn stalks, they would just sniff it and go for other food. Answer Save. This can also cause problems for your pooch, and it can make blockages more likely. He managed to get on the trash and grabbed a 3″ corn cob. Our 10 year old M/N 100 lb mutt grabbed a corn cob from the garbage tonight. Most vegetables are easily digestible, but dogs’ stomachs are unable to break down corn cobs, so the likelihood of them causing a blockage in the intestines is high. Funding to enable continued research and updating on this web site comes via ads and some affiliate links. Our fingers are crossed for you and your pupper! Where is Martha Elliott Bill Elliott ex-wife today? Ear husks exhibit varying degrees of purple pigmentation from a trace to complete purpling. He was eating and drinking… He was showing signs of pain. Ideally, corns should only make up less than 50% of their total diet.