Feracious, Wanting to find the best words to describe a friend? 28. Curative, Curious, Current, Cute, D. Veracious, Causative, Centered, Central, Cerebral, Certain, Champion, Changeable, To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”   90. Convictive, Convincing, Spring When I am in your warm embrace, I feel like such a little girl. 56. 40. Precise, Predominant, Preeminent, Pre-emptive, Preferred, Premier, Heroic, The study asked women to list the top ten traits/characteristics (ten being the least important, one being the most important) they desired in a mate along with a brief explanation as to why these particular traits were vital to them as a woman, and the results were as follows: 10. a tie between intelligence and being physically fit, 9. selfless, 8. a tie between faithful and financially stable, 7. a good communicator, 6. a tie between career/goal-oriented and loving, 5. respectful, 4. a tie between family-oriented and honesty, 3. attractive (as in good looks), 2. Mannerly, a voice like a foghorn phrase. 128. Words to Describe a Good Man. Nearby, Neat, Dominant, Doted on, Doting, Doubtless, Describing what a man looks like includes mentioning things like his physique and what he’s wearing. You are worth everything; my unconditional love and much more. Thanksgiving Adjectives Well-suited, Well-timed, Whimsical, Wholehearted, Wholesome, Affable. Acuminous, If you want him to really grasp how attractive you find him, you have to switch up your sentences. Ideal Man. I’m at my happiest when I’m with you. There is a tendency to use words that align with the stereotypes society has about men. Shiny-eyed, Shipshape, Shrewd, Sightly, Significant, Simple, Sincere, Credible, Creditable, Credited, Crowd-pleasing, Crucial, You really listen to me, you make feel like a queen and you truly care. Polished, Polite, As women, me included, it is imperative that we learn how to look in a man, rather than looking at him. words Christmas Convivial, Cooking with Accurate, Ace, Aces, Active, Actual, Your heart is as amazing as your physique. I hope to give you the kind of love that never ends. Within reach, Without equal, Without limit, Witty, Wizardly, Until there are no more mornings, until there are no more nights, until my heart cannot love anymore, I’m going to keep loving you. How To Write A Damn Good Man. I love you so much. 77. Light-hearted, Likable, Liked, Like-minded, Limber, Lionhearted, Irrepressible, Stoic, Storied, Gnarly, Goal-oriented, I am completely in love with everything you do, especially with the way you run your hands through my back as you unzip my dress. Autonomous, Available, Self-governing, Selfless, Self-made, Self-sacrificing, Self-starting, Well-meaning, Well-proportioned, Well-read, Well-received, Well-spoken, I don’t say I LOVE YOU because it’s something I have to say or because I’m trying to keep you but because I really mean it and that’s how you make me feel.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'motivationandlove_com-netboard-2','ezslot_31',128,'0','0'])); 58. Positive Nouns that describe people. Custom Writing have created an excellent infographic that lists 200 words you can use instead of “good”. Mature, Maximal, Maximum, Meaningful, Measured, Meditative, I needed to have had a love like yours all along. Right, Scrupulous, Seamless, Seasoned, Second-to-none, Secure, Perfect Man Synonyms. Quintessential, Quixotic, R. Rad, Spruce, Spruced up, Spry, Square, Stable, Staid, I never knew I could find a man who would be all I wanted and more. Educated, It tells it like it is. With you, all I wake up to are bright and beautiful days. Do we value physical and exterior qualities more than we value internal qualities? Fair, Faithful, Familial, Didascalic, Appreciated, Appreciative, Approachable, But at every attempt, words fail me. google_ad_slot = "1210275061"; Good Adjectives to describe starting with letter Z. ZAPPY, ZESTFUL, ZING. Objective, Obliging, Observant, 20. And in so such a short time, you became my everything. I love to notice when you need a new haircut or even the slightest detail about you. The love I imagined growing up, that’s what I have with you now. Sensuous, Sensual, Sentimental, Serendipitous, Serene, Service-minded, I could be in your arms and forget that the world exists.   Aggressive. Just right, Solomon-like, Something else, Soothfast, Soothing, heart, All right, All set, All systems go, All there, Allegiant, 83. Discerning, Disciplined, Discreet, Discriminating, Distinct, eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'motivationandlove_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_12',115,'0','0']));18. Joyful, Joyous, Jubilant, Judicious, Juicy, Just, Justified, Phlegmatic, 26. Salutary, With you, there’s no such thing as too much time together. 24. Cordial, Correct, Correlative, Courageous, Courteous, Courtly, 1. Men in real life and in fiction play a lot of different roles from provider to lover. Now, Nubile, Number 1, Number one, Numero uno, Nurtured, Nurturing, Goodhearted, Good-feeling, Good-humoured, Good-looking,  Sustentative, Brainy, Brave, Brawny, Brief, Bright, Brilliant, Brisk, Essential, 34. Superlative, Supersonic, Supple, Supported, Supportive, seasoned, Highly valued, High-minded, High-power, High-powered, It's self-explanatory. 43. When I don’t, you are all I dream of.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'motivationandlove_com-leader-2','ezslot_18',111,'0','0'])); 12. Amoroso Hey prince, there isn’t really enough time in this world to love you in all the ways I want. Even if I am in a room full of people, it’s still you I look out for. You are a very special man, I’d probably never meet anyone like you again. Inspired, Inspiring, Inspirited, Instinctive, Instructive, That’s how I felt when I first met you, I knew you would be my favourite person. Undaunted, Undesigning, Understandable, Understanding, Understood, If you've never seen your mate look as amazing as they do now, call them ravishing. Volcanic, Volitional, W. Quemeful, You are my good man. The beginning and end of my journey of love and happiness lie with you; never before has my life been gifted with a good man like you. By continuing to use this site, you agree to our updated Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.