If you have multiple sclerosis (MS), a healthy diet can help you feel your best. Need some new salad idea? The Wahls Protocol comes out of Dr. Wahls’ own quest to treat the debilitating symptoms she experiences as a sufferer of progressive MS. Increases to 9 to 21 ounces/day 250 grams to 580 grams. best describes you, please enter your information below to access the training and send you relevant information. ' It also helps improve overall mood–naturally! To heal the body with food, we must choose the healthiest options. The transformation was quite unbelievable. I created one to get you started, it includes 5 smoothie recipes that are made following the Wahls protocol template, a grocery shopping list and a video you can watch to see exactly how I make my smoothies. is a Professor of Medicine at the University of Iowa, where she conducts clinical research on the use of diet and lifestyle to treat brain-related problems. If 'I am a Patient or Caregiver' best describes you, please enter your information below to access the training and send you relevant information. Do not obsess over whether you can afford functional medicine. There are a number of key areas to focus on when implementing the Wahls Protocol, but the important thing to remember is that you don’t have to start with everything at once - it is ok to ease into the program. Do what you can. This course is 100% online and can be taken independently, with a Wahls Health Practitioner, or during one of my quarterly live coaching terms. Within a week I was itching to get out and do some gardening. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Try a salad! That's based on the idea that humans should eat more like our ancient ancestors and avoid the foods we started eating in the past several hundred years, like wheat and processed foods. On the other hand, animals that eat a natural, pasture diet will pass those healthy nutrients on to us. Is Stress Making You More Sick? Eat a nutrient-dense diet - this is a diet above and beyond the standard healthy diet. Learn how this disease affects the nervous system. Or visit The Wahls Research Fund Page to learn more about my ongoing research projects. There are 4 different levels to the Wahls diet, when we talk about the diet in more detail I will help you work out what the best level is for you. Step 1. Obsess over eating what is recommended and eliminating what is harmful. I have Parkinsons and am looking for a good diet plan to help with it. I’m vegetarian, do you have suggestions? Keep learning. Step 9. MS Alternative and Complementary Therapies - What Is the Wahls Protocol Diet and Does It Work for MS? If you aren’t seeing enough healing with that one, then move to Level 2 and 3. A lot of work has gone into bringing you this post. MS vs. Lou Gehrig's Disease: What's the Difference? Survive eating out or traveling on the protocol. If you are following the keto diet or trying to eat low carb, we know how hard it can be to find great recipes, especially when it comes to keto desserts. The initial liftoff of change requires the most energy. I found her so energetic and inspirational. The cells in your body generate energy by processing the food that we eat. While it is easy to focus on the foods that you can’t have on the Wahls Protocol, let's focus on what you can have! Sulfur-rich vegetables include cabbages, broccoli, brussel sprouts, onion, shallots, garlic and mushrooms. I wanted nothing more than to implement the protocol. Learn more meditation and its benefits here. The Wahls Protocol® Membership Site is an ever-evolving library of information for those who are new to the Protocol® and those who may have been following it for years. And she even completed the monumental effort running the protocol through clinical trials. How to Make Exercise Part of Your MS Treatment Plan, Multiple Sclerosis Diet and Exercise Topics. Time and time again people ask for tools to help them implement the right diet. Remember the brighter the colors the more rich is goodness and a sure way to heal your body with food! They want it all spelled out for them. Maybe there is no clear diagnosis but symptoms like brain fog, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, memory loss, or inflammation are interfering with normal life. Dr Terry Wahls, the author of the Wahls Protocol, is a practising doctor. It took me 17 years to get my daily program to where I am today…and I am still improving my diet and lifestyle choices. The seminar, is an educational virtual event where hundreds of people living with MS, brain fog, chronic pain, or other autoimmune disorders gather together. SIBO Test - This is a breath test to measure for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth and is a common cause of digestion and other health issues. Plus, the body needs these extra nutrients to repair and heal and this can take time. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Step 5. Taking a moment to calm the mind allows the brain to signal to the body that it can relax again. Dr. Wahls’ testimonial on the power of the protocol was such an inspiration. There are a lot of positives to eating eggs as they are super nutrient-dense, but for some people, they can increase inflammation and can be a trigger for autoimmune conditions. Eliminate sugar, processed foods and the foods that can trigger inflammation like gluten, dairy, and eggs (for 100 days), Get support from family, friends or a Wahls Certified Practitioner to help you stay on track, Exercise and move - improving strength, flexibility, balance, and endurance are the key, Reduce stress - find what works for you, focus on what is important and eliminate negative things and people from your life, Test - find out the underlying cause with specific functional medicine testing.