People: “How then were your eyes opened?” they asked. It is not used here properly. The friendly user interface, smart tools and the simplicity of the tasks are making THIS SOFTWARE the best tool on the market. Q.

Here is one I heard and is instructive and funny but not original. Bible Jokes and Riddles (Funny and Clean from Old Testament and New) Here are some great Bible jokes you can share with your church, your Christian friends, and others. How do we know moses had elastic skin? Moses had the first tablet that could connect to the cloud. HOW DID THE CLOTHES IN THE WASHING MACHINE COME OUT WHITE AS SNOW? Q. Because they were not salty. After such an immersion into Scripture, it’s time to laugh and play. What’s a missionary’s favorite type of car? Who was the smartest man in the Bible? Jesus healed Peter’s Mother-in-Law. Exodus, the part when “Mose took the tablets and went into the wilderness”…, I get its funny, by the way do you no-ah a good bible. (FUNNY), 15 Christian jokes that will tickle your funny bone, 10 Inspiring Images of Defiant Joy | Margaret Feinberg10 Inspiring Images of Defiant Joy - Margaret Feinberg, Margaret Rhodes Twitter | News Today | Post,, Is This a Joke, God? Who was the best female financier in the Bible? 6 Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. After he had said this, he went on to tell them, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up.”, 12 His disciples replied, “Lord, if he sleeps, he will get better.” Richard's reply was, 'No, he wasn't even there.'

Who in the Why did Eve want to leave the Garden of Eden and move to New York? A: “Nick’Odemos.”. Who was the only Irishman in the bible? A friend’s 3 year old son had a similar question. Who first smoked cigarettes in the Bible? What about that skin stretching part in the bible where Moses tied his Ass to a tree and then walked 10 miles. Awkward moment in the Bible. What was the only sin Jesus ever committed? The best SEO software you will ever own, and we can confidently say that there is no other software on the market that can compete with such intelligent and fully automatic features. Eve stole first, Adam stole second.

What kind of lights did Noah have on the ark? Matthew 8:14. When this happens johnny pokes her with his pencil to wake her up. He broke all ten commandments at ounce. While pharaoh’s daughter was the best female financier, she went to the Bank of Nile and drew out a little “prophit”

———- When the Sunday School teacher told her class the story of Lot’s wife looking back and turning into a pillar of salt, a boy in her class said, ” Something like that happened to my mother. Jesus never spoke of His own Honda, He said, “I did not speak of my own Accord.”. Jesus : “Do you want to be well?” They range from funny, silly, and some are down right cheesy a.k.a dad jokes! (Shoe-height! These puns are some of the funniest little bible gems you'll get to laugh at! Very funny,here’s a few from me..when are motorcycles first mentioned in the Bible.? Q. reading the first four books sounds like that. A. (A) Mathew, because he mark, Luke and John. HE’S ALIVE! (13 Jesus had been speaking of his death, but his disciples thought he meant natural sleep.). In the parable of the Good Samaritan, why did the priest and the rabbi pass by the beaten up man on the road? What did he get from the ducks? His reply was, 'Nothing.' Because Noah was standing on the deck. Madam, I’m Adam, Who is the first man mentioned in the Bible? What was the world’s first palindrome? Wife: that’s your job. But do you know the second shortest man in the Bible? Look! If Moses were alive today, why would he be considered a remarkable man? Teacher: Well because the Bible says that God created Adam from dust. The first love affair in the Bible: “When Isaac to Rebekah out into the vineyard and fed her on wine and nectar. Awesome. Your email address will not be published. *40 Minutes later* Sunday school teacher: “What is God’s name?”, Sunday school teacher: ” Why do you think that? . The wise men. Why did Samson try to avoid arguing with Delilah? A. Who was the greatest comedian in the Bible? Where is the first tennis match mentioned in the Bible? Boy: “Well, then, you’d better come quick and look under my bed! Stundent: ” Because in church we sing…. A. 19. Who is the greatest babysitter mentioned in the Bible? Q. More Funny Bible Jokes Bible Study Richard, my friend's little grandson came home from Sunday School and I asked him what they had studied. Insinuate. (Pilates), Hi! Yes, Mount of Transfiguration, The shortest man in the Bible was adam(atom). Who was the fastest runner in the race? Is there anyone following us? Heres something Beth, Zach has a key for us. He said “Love another one “, Answer: (Not Zaccheaus, but…) Bildad the Shuhite! Husband: the bible don’t say anything about brewing coffee A. Matthew because of hi MATT with the HEW men. BEST FUNNY BIBLE VERSES “And there was a young man named Eutychus sitting on the window sill, sinking into a deep sleep; and as Paul kept on talking, he was overcome by sleep and fell down from the third floor and was picked up dead.” – Acts 20:9-10 Your email address will not be published. I LOVE Jesus’ sense of humor. Nathaniel: “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Ba-dum. Who was the greatest female businessperson in the Bible? email addresses were disqulified from the list and couldn't be sent. Thanks for adding to our list! The woman at the well. My husband, Leif, superpup Hershey, and I live in Utah. Because people are sleeping! When you don’t know what to say: Greeting Cards,,,,,,,,,*/gifts?cg=196815268691898231, 23 of the Best Christian Pick-Up Lines, Bible Jokes, and Bible Riddles, Is This a Joke, God? What Bible joke have you heard that we can add to the collection?

here’s one that naturally came up in our teen school class so i reworded it and turned it into a joke. It says she was a woman of “some area” (Samaria)! Did you know there was Pole Vaulting in the bible? Jesus should be credited as the first pitcher ever because he pitched the sermon on the mound. What’s a missionary’s favorite kind of car? Which two insects are mentioned in the Bible? When Joseph served in Pharaoh’s court. That being said, I’m pretty sure there’s no verse in the Bible where Moses ties his ass/donkey to a tree and then walks any distance, but it still makes for a good chuckle! Jesus’ reply to Nathaniel is equally hilarious to me: “Look, a Jew that doesn’t lie!” They traded personal verbal jabs, cultural humor, and were probably great friends after that. Why did the unemployed man get excited while looking through his Bible? Get regular water and boil the devil out of it. With THIS SOFTWARE the link submission process will be the easiest task and completely automated, you will be able to build unlimited number of links and increase traffic to your websites which will lead to a higher number of customers and much more sales for you. My son, 7 at the time, thought Pontius Pilate was the first exercise guy. Johnny and mary at bible school So mary and johnny are at bible school and mary has a habit of falling asleep. 90 Anti-Jokes So Serious They're Hilarious. Even PMS is mentioned in the Bible. Student: Well why is that? Awkward Moment : John 4 Not to mention really funny!!! Did you know that Radio is mentioned in the Bible?

Very funny the jokes! The Giants and the Angels were rained out. Very funny,here’s a few from me..when are motorcycles first mentioned in the Bible.? He just ordered a glass of water!

I think God has a good sense of humor. He preached the sermon on the mound. 31 Meanwhile his disciples urged him, “Rabbi, eat something.”, 32 But he said to them, “I have food to eat that you know nothing about.”, Awkward Moment : Matthew 8 Where do they get this idea?