To build friendship requires time, and all efforts. Be a good listener. Friends bring more happiness into our lives than virtually anything else. You’ll make far more friends by showing your interest rather than trying to get people interested in you. Feel comfortable sharing things about themselves with you. When looking to meet new people, try to open yourself up to new experiences. If you are authentic and are willing to open yourself up to others, you will find that there are many people who are looking for a good friend. Note: This is a guest post by Alaia Williams of One Organized Life, Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive. Don’t be too clingy or needy. What can you do for another that will make their life better? You and your friends may not have the same likes and dislikes in people, politics, or passions. Be encouraging. Is the person supportive and am I treated with respect? Our content does not constitute a medical or psychological consultation. By paying close attention to what they say, do, and how they interact, you’ll quickly get to know them. This is truly an eye opening article, glad I took the time to read it, some of things listed I really need to work on especially #2 and #15, not just in a friendship scenario, but in almost everything, I admit there are some aspects about myself that I need to change. | defining someday, The Importance of Brain Waves in Our Everyday Learning | Deep Brain Stimulation, IQ Matrix Blog » Blog Archive » Becoming a Person of Influence | Mind Map, Elsewhere on the Web: A Guest Post on Friendship | One Organized Business, What Is Happiness? It’s a good conversation starter and will help you connect with people who live near you. Go outside your “zone” to find friends. Be the friend that you would like to have. Particarly when love and sex was the base of it. Developing close friendships can also have a powerful impact on your physical health. What are your thoughts of an older woman sleeping with a much younger man? Believe in yourself and be proud of your achievement. Be loyal. How to Fix a Broken Friendship. Do they tell you things about themselves beyond surface small talk? Don’t let your friends down—ever. Just like any other relationship, a friendship requires that you put in the work. If you truly don’t have time for multiple one-on-one sessions with friends, set up a group get-together. All rights reserved. Knowing there are people you can turn to for company and support can provide purpose as you age and serve as a buffer against depression, disability, hardship and loss. 13 Insights About Relationships That Could Save You A Lot of Pain, Love Them Today, Before Their Tomorrow’s Taken Away, I’m obsessively worried about past people coming back to hurt me. Every friendship takes commitment, sacrifice and dedication to sustain. Be available. If a friend says something that I don’t like or that hurt my ego a bit, how should I let them know? (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services), Friendships: Enrich your life and improve your health – How to boost your health with healthy friendships. Keep rejection in perspective. Then you can help them understand you. They may be your lifelines one day, and you may be one for them. Lots of other people feel just as uncomfortable about reaching out and making new friends as you do. Do you feel as if any rejection will haunt you forever or prove that you’re unlikeable or destined to be friendless? Will getting married before finishing residency affect your relationship? Whether you’re trying to get fit, give up smoking, or otherwise improve your life, encouragement from a friend can really boost your willpower and increase your chances of success. So make it a priority to stay in touch in the real world, not just online. i will definitely share this to my friends. But you don’t have to be naturally outgoing or the life of the party to make new friends. Why do I always fear showing my anger to others but not my sadness? All u said and listed here are wise thourth, am highly intouch now expecialy in ( making out time for your partner and keeping your promises), Well I think it’s very important to help your friends if they need help after all that is a responsibility in a friendship I’ve learn that from a failed friendship with a guy named Dominic well I didn’t fail he did and I understood that it was my job to take care of myself at that point not him he should have known better then to not help with my anxiety he did maybe once in person but that’s it and I ended the friendship because he didn’t really act like he cares very much I strongly believe friends are supposed to be just like family I’m not talking cousins I’m talking about like brothers and sisters if your friends don’t treat you like a brother or sister they aren’t worth being friends with at all. Maybe they’re having a bad day. Connect with your alumni association. I had a wonderful relationship that suddenly ended…Please help. Be friendly. How would you build a strong and lasting friendship? Friendships have a huge impact on your mental health and happiness. love & friendship. Do they seem interested? How to Stop Obsessing Over What Other People Think of You, How to Stop Over-Apologizing, From a Lifelong Over-Apologizer, 14 Daily Happiness Habits to Adopt Right Now, How to Set Healthy Boundaries and Protect Your Space and Energy, How to Make Sense of the Anxiety That Comes with Being a Parent. This post in particular got me thinking about friendship. Science and its spiritual counterparts are offering you the key to unlock […]. Be positive. Mother was right; you have to be a friend to have a friend. Thus, when my husband passed away, I had a fully developed support system of ladies who, even now, are still meeting countless needs and making me feel included even though I am flying solo. Support you through tough times. Pay attention. This site is not intended to provide and does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. So look at the places you frequent as you start your search for potential friends. Never let a disagreement fester and damage a friendship. Boost your self-worth. I have exactly the same feelings about myself. Be giving. Anyone most of your points are correct but except one point is not at all correct which said that “you have to replaces your old friends with new friends atleast in ayear . A Definition of Happiness, A Key to Adventure: Reimagining Your Life, Productivity and Longevity: A Timeless Lesson From Warren Buffett. You’re not going to like everyone you meet, and vice versa. But by working with the right therapist, you can explore ways to build trust in existing and future friendships. My husband knew that not only was time with girl friends beneficial for my mental health, but also the positive tenor of our home. If not you, then who? A friend is someone you trust and with whom you share a deep level of understanding and communication.