Scientists generally agree modern birds descended from flying dinosaurs, so there isn't any debate about whether dragons could fly. The Real Story Behind Dinosaurs and Dragons, Reptiles: Species and Common Characteristics, 10 Facts About Archaeopteryx, the Famous 'Dino-Bird'. Its chemical formula is H2O. The reason: It seeps through everything. Also, Hartings notes, gases are difficult to control. The word "dragon" comes from the ancient Greek word "draconta," meaning "to … The heavily armored dragon portrayed in movies is (almost certainly) a myth. membrane     A barrier which blocks the passage (or flow through) of some materials depending on their size or other features. This is a flammable gas that smells like rotten eggs. Martin’s Game of Thrones series.). Some journals publish papers from all fields of science, technology, engineering and math, while others are specific to a single subject. The paradise tree snake (Chrysopelea paradisi) can glide a hundred meters from tree to tree. The fire dragon can also be a … Dragon fire is the realm of fantasy. “If you’re living amongst a bunch of rocks, you’ll have access to a high amount of iron.”. A.E. molecule     An electrically neutral group of atoms that represents the smallest possible amount of a chemical compound. One is a tiny fish, and the other isn’t real. It may contain grit or small stones to help the bird break down tough seeds. Some scientists believe the energy expenditure to maintain feathers determines size. In birds, those rocks help break down tough foods. Basically, these snakes can remain airborne the length of a soccer field or twice the length of an Olympic swimming pool! The bigger challenges are sparking and fueling the flame. If a dragon blew some fiery gas into the wind, the flames might wash back on the creature and singe its face. element     A building block of some larger structure. You've probably been told dragons are mythical beasts. These single-celled fungi transform sugars into alcohol. The Fire Dragon is a symbol of transmutation, energy and mastery, if this is your power animal you will be lent enthusiasm, courage and vitality. But those bacterial coworkers might not even be needed. “Maybe what you have is sort of scales that are flint-like and click together,” van Breukelen says. Slightly yellowish, the principle use for this element is as a hardener for platinum. aerosol     A group of tiny particles suspended in air or gas. You will be given the qualities of leadership and mastery. But if dragons were real, how might they get that fiery breath? Most of us think of snakes as ground-dwelling creatures, but there are snakes that "fly" in the sense they can glide through the air for long distances. McCaffrey describes her dragons chewing on rocks containing phosphine — a chemical made of one phosphorus atom and three hydrogen atoms. Scientists have found the optimal angle for a serpentine glide is 25 degrees, with the snake's head angled upward and tail downward. Journal: M. Heuton et al. Birds sometimes eat rocks that will end up getting stored in this organ. Speed is key. “You’d have to really compress it,” he says, to make it a liquid that a dragon could store and use. fiber     Something whose shape resembles a thread or filament. However, van Breukelen says, it’s not quite so simple. Bethany Brookshire is the staff writer at Science News for Students. yeast     One-celled fungi that can ferment carbohydrates (like sugars), producing carbon dioxide and alcohol. Korrektes Verhalten den Mods und den anderen Usern gegenüber (Admins/Mods entscheiden eigenständig über Verwarnung und Bann). One of them burns a warm orange or red. Model of black and yellow Bombardier Beetle with yellow legs, cross section showing venom glands and reservoir, explosion chamber filled with red liquid with one-way valve. The Fire Dragon has the ability to be a very good leader when given the chance and will accomplish many things when in charge. Iron can react with another chemical, hydrogen sulfide. To keep it contained, a dragon would have to keep that gas under pressure. So, breathing fire is certainly possible. Nature, it seems, has all the parts a dragon needs to set the world on fire. He’s a chemist at American University in Washington, D.C. To date, no fire-breathing animals have been found. Methane is a flammable by-product of digestion. There are other pyrophoric chemicals that a dragon might find a little closer to home, notes Matthew Hartings. Estimates of its size vary, but even the most conservative estimates place its wingspan at 11 meters (36 feet), with a weight of around 200 to 250 kilograms (440 to 550 pounds). While wingless dragons wouldn't fly in the strict sense of the term, they could glide long distances without violating any laws of physics. This metal also is found in cosmic dust and in many meteorites. Your inner fire will be fuelled. anaerobic     Occurring in the absence of oxygen. However, it's just as likely an organism that shoots fire might do so from its anus or a specialized structure in its mouth.