September 2017 :  Moving the various segments around, layering patterns, working in a round. Cymbals are usually notated with 'x' note heads, drums with normal elliptical note heads and auxiliary percussion with alternative note heads. The notation of non-pitched percussion instruments is less standardized and … Put them in groups of three, and give them parameters. Don't worry....I'll give you examples in a little bit. The meanings of the different types of accents are not entirely standard. I sincerely hope that this has been helpful to those who need it. (Ghost note is a less formal alternative term which may refer either to anti-accentuation in general or to a particular degree of anti-accentuation. Will percussionist be able to figure out what you mean anyway, regardless of whether or not you notate it correctly? Perform body percussions as a Symphony (a whole group working together) a Concerto ( a soloist with the group doing backup) a Concerto Grosso ( a small group doing the solo with the large group backing up)  The possibilities are endless. In olden days, a trill was used to indicate a roll. Sometimes unconventional staves are used to clarify notation, for example a 2-, 3-, or 4- line stave may be used where each line refers to a differently pitched instrument, such as temple blocks or tom-toms, or a single line stave may be used for a single non-pitched instrument such as a tambourine. As with other forms of musical notation, sounds are represented by symbols which are usually written onto a musical staff (or stave). .In the case of a ruff, the slur between the grace notes tells the performer whether to play them with alternate hands (open strokes) or with a rebounding double stroke (closed stroke). You do not slur the grace notes into the main note. Rim Shot: diagonal slash through note head. *Horn Voicing In percussion notation, accents are almost always to be interpreted as dynamic accents. My students love classic rock tunes. comes from the French, "laisser vibrer", or even from the Italian, "lasciare vibrare". Start with rhythms that are done sitting down, maybe even while behind their desk or table. The kids should only echo your rhythm pattern if there is a clap in the pattern. A 5-lined staff can be used for anything, but sometimes a 1- or 3-lined staff just works better. January 2018 Another student suggest a 2nd way to do it, then the whole class performs it the first way and then immediately, in time, using  the second sound. and that each instrument is clearly marked. Rolls: Diagonal lines across stem (or above whole note). Start with rhythms that are very fast and look "cool.". Activity Sounds in a circle – pass two claps Children sit in a circle. It's not "Potato vs. Potatoe," it's not retro, it's not distinctive, it's just an outdated convention...much like calling women "dames.". Vimeo? (If you are REALLY interested in the percussion clef phenomenon, check out p.364 of Gardner Read's "Music Notation." Have kids make up ways to perform the rhythms taken from the melodies of songs,  for instance, use the melody of the first two bars of Frosty the Snowman, and create a way to do it with bod-cussion. Students can write their own music. Marcato markings typically indicate a more dramatic dynamic change. EDIT: There is much debate about that last topic...whether or not flams take a slur. This way, no one is ever 'out' and everyone keeps playing... Set up a simple ostinato, the first student performs it with a body percussion sound. Are there other ways of notating percussion? When I do this, I like to use a single line staff with the instruments notated as such... Another common issue has to do with the notation of rolls on both timpani and non-pitched percussion instruments. symbol, used to indicate that the performer is the let the instrument ring. These are the most common issues I've encountered in my own experience editing and engraving scores for composers, but they are all very easy fixes. Divide your class into two teams, and when a student on either team goofs up, the other team gets a point. Maraca: high-B with "+" replacing notehead. And to be honest, I think it looks weird without a slur. Now...what if you have multiple notes in a measure that each need to ring? (With stem this looks rather like a long "T" or a long inverted "T", depending which way the stem is going.). In this situation, I would use a 1-line staff and place the notes on the line with the stems up. If you put the notes on any other line or space, it will cause initial confusion. November 2017 Exploring Sound – Body percussion PPDS 8 Third and Fourth Classes Activity Sounds in a circle games –using Body percussion Try the sounds in a circle activities above. Use TV jingles the kids will recognize and make a rhythm pattern for them. Want to stay updated on new blog posts and other publications and materials? January 2017 Body percussion is the cultural practice and artistic discipline where music is performed throughout the body. Just a single email probably once a month or so. If you do this, make sure that your note placement (which line or space the notes are on) remains consistent for each instrument. *Opaque Expressions The application allows you to create new grooves and fills and share them in order to encourage the studying and learning drum. huge array of percussion instruments and techniques. He has an impressive list of different percussion clefs, most of which are now obsolete, but still very interesting). Flams are notated as grace notes. I also use these when I'm in a large group and I need everyone to come together to focus on something. These activities are best done in small amounts of time, 7-8 minutes. A Place for Everything, and Everything In Its Place, Combined Staff in Score --> Separate Parts. Body Percussion Classroom: Home Body percussion rhythms Cup Rhythms Links to more Lesson plans Vocabulary of sounds Simple three part rhythm Hambone Juba Rock Rhythm Fanga (African) Jazzy Rock Rhythm. If the stem is up, then the tie and the l.v. Notation: Students can notate their compositions, or read the compositions of others using traditional or non-traditional notation. As with other forms of musical notation, sounds are represented by symbols which are usually written onto a musical staff. Percussion notation is a type of musical notation indicating notes to be played by percussion instruments. Thanks for the percussion notation notes! Show videos (Youtube? You can always have simple ostinato patterns going at the same time to help keep the beat. Typically this involves emphasizing the accented note simply by raising the dynamic level. Most of our media centers have plenty of cameras and ipads for videotaping. The first person makes a body percussion sound such as a clap and Play some great music on the stereo for the kids to add the percussion too. Ghost notes are often considered to be especially faint. Okay...maybe that last part isn't exactly true, but why would you use a specifically pitched clef for non-pitched instruments? It is important to note that these markings have different meanings in traditional musical notation for other instruments. *Changing Instruments Tell them they can only use rhythms taken from a well know song. The image above shows the accent notations most commonly used by composers of percussion music. Another three part rhythm Gumboot dancing Cindy Easy ostinatos Son clave and Cascara 3 5 … Like....Waltzing Matilda, Jingle Bells, Happy Birthday(3/4)  etc. All note letter-names in this section refer to the bass clef. Don't worry....I'll give you examples in a little bit. It is also common (and perfectly acceptable) to create separate staves for each different instrument. ), Learn how and when to remove this template message,, Articles needing additional references from December 2009, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, slightly softer than surrounding notes: ˘ (breve above or below—inverted—notehead), significantly softer than surrounding notes: ( ) (note head in parentheses), much softer than surrounding notes: [ ] (note head in brackets), This page was last edited on 9 August 2020, at 19:39. Another common issue surrounds the mysterious l.v. Ollie Tunmer of Beat Goes On has some fun ideas using body percussion (no sharing!) *Slow And Steady Wins The Race It is most commonly seen in Cymbal parts (Suspended or Crash), Mark Tree, Bell Tree, Chimes (Tubular Bells), Gong, Triangle, etc. A single flam would use an 8th note grace note, and a ruff would use two 16th note grace notes. Teach some basic easy ostinato patterns  that fit into most of your other beats. For simple parts (for example, a kick and snare pattern) a 1 or 2 line-line staff may be used. Ollie does not stick to the usual, pat, clap stamp and snap, he draws on his experience performing with STOMP to explore body percussion in … Another student can take the rhythm from another song, say, Jingle Bells, and perform that one layered on top of the first, Then a third student or group might add on the rhythm from YMCA. *Periodontic Music Engraving