"Before any church building, parsonage, or other church unit is formally dedicated, all indebtedness against the same shall be discharged" (The Book of Discipline 2012, ¶ 2545). A SERVICE FOR THE CONSECRATION OR RECONSECRATION OF A CHURCH BUILDING. The church bell, relocated to the new building from the original sanctuary, rang each time Collins spoke a name. In the burning ceremony itself the copy of the mortgage may be presented to the pastor or district superintendent by one of the trustees. We are so very thankful for everyone who came and helped us realize a dream that was over 10 years in the making. Discipleship Ministries Grant this through Christ our Lord. Any sections below that do not apply to the functions of the building being dedicated may be omitted. We are also amazed at God's provision of a ministry centre that is entirely paid for. On Sunday May 27, 2018 people came from our community of Centre Hastings and the entire province of Ontario to help us celebrate the dedication of our new ministry centre to the Lord. Online Services Home Radio Ministry Events About. (877) 899-2780, Discipleship Ministries is an agency of The United Methodist Church© 2020 Discipleship Ministries. Give a brief dedication sermon. "On acquisition or completion of any church-owned building, a service of consecration may be held" (The Book of Discipline 2012, ¶ 2545). Sunday, October 4, 2020; 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 11:00 12:00; Google Calendar ICS; Built In 1904, this beautiful building is a true piece of Riverhead history. let us dedicate this building and rejoice in its holy use. This should be a time of celebration and thankfulness. If the hymn is a processional, it may precede the Greeting. Eternal God, let this building, which we dedicate to your name, be a house of salvation and grace where Christians gathered together. It was packed to capacity, my guess about 600 people, attended the dedication service.” Matthew 16:13 –18 On this rock I will build my Church. CONGREGATION: We devote this building as a place where we, as members of God’s family, may come together and enjoy sweet fellowship. The people may assemble at the construction site, or they may gather in a suitable place and process to the site. All Rights Reserved, Terms of Use Privacy Policy Cookie Policy, Reign of Christ/Thanksgiving Sunday, Year A, DOWNLOAD this resource as a Microsoft Word document. The service might begin in the church building and move outdoors in a procession for the mortgage burning. . Built In 1904, this beautiful building is a true piece of Riverhead history. We hope you will help us celebrate all that God has done and what we are confident He will continue to do here at Community Baptist! We strive to be your faithful people. Community Baptist Church5267 Sound Ave Riverhead, NY 11901Sunday School 10am Sunday Worship 11am Wednesday Midweek Service 7pm. After the announcements, Pastor Shelby will give a brief sermon and prayer. In some communities fire codes may require that the service or part of it be held outdoors. Dear friends, now that we have completed building. First Sunday of Advent, Year B, Home Ephesians 2:13 –22 Christ Jesus is the cornerstone. We thank you that for the past 160 years, Lawrence First Baptist Church has been in partnership with you in mission and ministry. 1908 Grand Avenue, To the glory of God, who has called us by grace; to the honor of Jesus Christ, who loved us and gave himself for us; to the praise of the Holy Spirit, who illumines and sanctifies us; For the worship of God in prayer and praise; for the preaching of the everlasting gospel; for the celebration of the Holy Sacraments; R. in the bond of brotherhood and sisterhood; In gratitude for the labors of all who love and serve this church; in loving remembrance of those who have finished their course; in the hope of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord; R. surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. A SERVICE FOR THE BREAKING OF GROUND FOR A CHURCH BUILDING. To God be the glory, great things He has done! We then shall march out in the following order: Building Dedication Service . Community Baptist Church | Riverhead, NY. We are so very thankful for everyone who came and helped us realize a dream that was over 10 years in the making. If the people process to. The following service, commonly called a mortgage–burning service, may be used for the dedication of a church sanctuary, or an education or activities building, when the building has become free of debt. . A real answer to prayer.” He adds, “On Sunday morning we started off in the old church building to thank God for His faithfulness then walked to the new building to celebrate and dedicate the new building for His service. SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH FAREWELL TO THE OLD AND DEDICATION OF NEW CHURCH BUILDING The order of service should begin as usual. A copy of the mortgage ought to be burned, not the original mortgage itself, which should be preserved. DOWNLOAD this resource as a Microsoft Word document. The burning may be accompanied by an anthem of praise or a brief witness to the congregation by several representatives of the different ministries of the church—such as worship, education, evangelism, mission—concerning the meaning of this event and hopes for the future. Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, Year A - Lectionary Planning Notes, There Is Now Isaiah 55:6 –13 God's Word shall not return empty. This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven. Contact Doctrine Staff Plan Your Visit Back to All Events. dedicate ourselves anew to the worship and service of almighty God; HYMN * See the hymns suggested and Dedication of a Building (UMH). . may learn of you, and may grow together in love. If the people process to the si. 1 Corinthians 3:9 –13, 16–17 Jesus Christ is the foundation. A SERVICE FOR THE LAYING OF A FOUNDATION STONE OF A CHURCH BUILDING. "Before any church building, parsonage, or other church unit is formally dedicated, all indebtedness against the same shall be discharged" (The Book of Discipline 2012, ¶ 2545). and confessing that apart from us their work cannot be made perfect. Such a procession is appropriate in any event, either at the beginning of the service or immediately before the burning ceremony, and may include the bringing forward of the document to be burned, a vessel such as a large bowl in which the burning will take place, and all the persons who will be involved in the service. . Reign of Christ/Thanksgiving Sunday, Year A, Company's Coming We are amazed at the many people, organizations and other churches that have been a part of this project. Copyright: 642–47 A Service for the Dedication of a Church Building Free of Debt and A Service for the Consecration of an Educational Building © 1964, 1965 by Board of Publication of the Methodist Church, Inc.; renewal © 1971, 1972 by Abingdon Press; © 1984 by Abingdon Press; © 1992 UMPH; renewal © 1992 UMPH. A church dedicatory service is also a sacred occasion, and if properly planned and carried out, will inspire greater respect for the house of God. The fol. aware of the sacrifices of our mothers and fathers in the faith. Building Dedication Service. Nashville, TN 37212 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