If it is normal, we deem it to be good and right.

What matters is the clarity of conceptual mapping for the purpose at hand because you can easily call a thing X and Y, or Y and X. When discussions about morals and ethics become unclear, confusing, and inaccurate, it becomes impossible to effectively address the existential crisis of moral injury. In that “place” where identity and meaning combine to define personal purpose, energy flow becomes sporadic and unpredictable. In our vocabulary, you’ll find that most people use the words, ethics and morality interchangeably, as if they were synonyms. Generally, the terms ethics and morality are used interchangeably, although a few different communities (academic, legal, or religious, for example) will occasionally make a distinction.

To conclude, you can throw ethics at moral sensibility all day long without altering the existential primacy of a person’s internal moral conscience.

Some liminal experiences come without our bidding, and some are joyous occasions while others are not. What's The Difference Between Morals And Ethics, Manslaughter vs. What matters is the clarity of conceptual mapping for the purpose at hand because you can easily call a thing X and Y, or Y and X. An ethical code doesn’t have to be moral. If they do want to differentiate morality from ethics, the onus is on the ethicist to state the definitions of both terms. You would not subscribe to these unless you were an assassin.

Before we can have a clear idea of what the very nebulous term “Moral Injury” can and should mean, we have to understand what we mean when we talk about morality. He has reduced Morality to be comprised of five basic components. Morality functions as the “energy” the moves the mechanisms of decision making forward toward an end state. You can quickly settle on a conceptual mapping as long as the discussion is being had in good faith. In the first instance, ethics is called a normative science; it’s the study of norms or standards by which things are measured or evaluated. Morality, on the other hand, is what we would call a descriptive science. To the extent responses of disgust are innate, which leads to ideas of purity/sanctity; and submission to authority and in-group associates are innate, these later concepts are not required to make ethical decisions, and may times the culturally molded ideas of these latter three items cause people to act in very unethical ways. It’s important to consider how the two terms have been used in discourse in different fields so that we can consider the connotations of both terms. It will suffice to say this for now: you can’t speak to someone’s heart from your head.