The first plane to be fitted with this engine is JAL Flight 123 from Tokyo to Honolulu International airport. { bidder: 'sovrn', params: { tagid: '387232' }}, World War II, the bloodiest conflict in history, came to an end in a 27-minute ceremony on board the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay, six years and one day after the war erupted in Europe. When they board the ship, they discover the crew are all dead having committed suicide rather than be taken alive. The crippled remains of the Soviet fleet escaped to Vladivostok. Three Coast Guard Cutters converge on the Yamato and open fire with small arms. Their inland march is halted by the US National Guard and units of the US Army. 1945, May 18th: Prime Minister Prince Konoe speaks to Governor-general Miyazaki regarding the number of African-American's crossing into the Pacific States and the stories they bring regarding the worsening civil rights situation in the United States. 1945, 22nd January: Tensions between the United States and Pacific States increases when the Pacific States issues a map of California all in Japanese. 1948, August 3rd: In his weekly meeting with Emperor Hirohito, Prime Minister Prince Konoe along with Admiral Nagano presents plans for a new class of battleship called the Yamato II. Harold Bishop claims he is being threatened by the Australian authorities to change his story of his rescue, shifting all of the blame onto the Yamato. { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195466', size: [728, 90] }}, In a secret meeting with his cabinet, Prime Minister Prince Konoe reveals that the man was a Russian spy who was attempting to steal technological secrets pertaining to the Japanese space program. 1943, December 25th: The United States makes an official diplomatic request to both California and the Empire of Japan to return Dr Meinheimer. 15 August 1945 is remembered in history as Victory in Japan or V-J Day, when Allied forces mark their victory over Imperial Japan during World War II. 1941, December 29th: There is an assassination attempt on the life of Prime Minister General Hideki Tojo by a Korean terrorist who planned to detonate a suicide bomb strapped to his chest in the hopes of killing the Prime Minister. Many Democrats and Republicans supported the bill, as it felt it would help improve the faltering U.S economy. The US fleet attacking Okinawa on what would become known as "The Day of Infamy", A US fighter during the "Day of Infamy". The race, which is won by the Fuso, is seen as a sign that relations between the Empire of Japan and the United Kingdom is improving. 1941, December 6th: In a meeting with his cabinet and advisors, Prime Minister General Tojo lays out his plans for the attack on the United States. He is arrested by the FBI and held under house arrest. }, And like last time when the French protested, it is ignored by Tokyo and Washington. Governor Winters holds a top-secret call with the Governor of Oregon Arthur Coleman in an attempt to co-ordinate their efforts to combat the Communist protestors. comprehensive analysis every weekday . Japanese Airlines will have exclusive control of these airports for the time being. Marshall Kisselev denounces this, saying that Japan is “hampering the efforts of the USSR to create a stable and lasting world peace”. 1942, January 24th: German bombers, perhaps off course, bomb the Irish Free State for the second night in a row. As the Russian forces are either obliterated or flee, the rest of Krasnoyarsk is annexed with Tomsk and Omsk following a few days later; Novosibirsk falls within a few hours as does Yamalia and Khantia-mansia. He institutes a series of purges, ridding himself of those he blames for the losses in the Far East and the failures in Germany. 1945, 20th June: The exodus of Mexicans from the Baja-California Peninsula begins. Both prototype aircraft perform beyond expectations and are immediately rushed into full production. {code: 'ad_topslot_b', pubstack: { adUnitName: 'cdo_topslot', adUnitPath: '/2863368/topslot' }, mediaTypes: { banner: { sizes: [[728, 90]] } }, The Greek bombardment of the Turkish positions allows Greek paratroopers to take two chunks of territory behind the Turkish front lines. dfpSlots['leftslot'] = googletag.defineSlot('/2863368/leftslot', [[120, 600], [160, 600]], 'ad_leftslot').defineSizeMapping(mapping_leftslot).setTargeting('sri', '0').setTargeting('vp', 'top').setTargeting('hp', 'left').addService(googletag.pubads()); Prime Minister General Tojo does not trust Roosevelt not to attack Japan as he says Roosevelt is "The biggest Anti-Japanese person in the West". But behind the scenes, Kisselev knows there is little he can do about it. 1942, July 2nd: The world is in shock at the Japanese invasion and annexation of New Zealand, this causes the allies to reinforce their own colonies and possessions within striking distance of Japan. 1945, 19th June: With the treaty signing, The final Mexican territorial losses after the war. This demoralises the Soviet military, with many senior officers believing that they will be 'purged' next if they do not achive the "Total and unequivical" victory that Kisselev is demanding from them. The alternative for Japan is prompt and utter destruction”. The Japanese battleship Hiroshima and its escorting destroyers are attacked by Soviet Bombers while on patrol in the North Pacific Ocean. They are allowed to do so on the condition they pose no threat to the NAP forces. Prime Minister Rebecci demands that Harold be turned over to them, saying he has “Information vital to our investigation into the HMAS Canberra's accident”. This presents Tokyo with a unique opportunity to expand the Empire with minimal loss of life. The sinking of the Tsushima Maru is a mystery as the ship sank so quickly, it did not have time to send out a distress call. 'cap': true 1948, August 17th: What comes to be known as the “Family Tang” incident takes place on the California/US border. Roosevelt also has plans for the Japanese and the Japanese Americans living on the West Coast. Communism is the tool of the devil and the States of Washington and Oregon will NEVER succumb to the Red Menace”. 1942, December 16-20th: Fighting breaks out in Manchuria and Hong Kong. Knowing that Russia can't blockade Berlin without. The few opponents to the new Soviet-backed regime flee to the United States and Pacific States. Francesca continues to plead her innocence despite being caught with sensitive information. {code: 'ad_topslot_a', pubstack: { adUnitName: 'cdo_topslot', adUnitPath: '/2863368/topslot' }, mediaTypes: { banner: { sizes: [[300, 50], [320, 50], [320, 100]] } }, This paves the way for a massive Pacific States ground invasion of the USA. 1942, June 23-26th: A convoy of American transports loaded with troops and supplies for New Zealand is ambushed by three of the new Sen-Toku I-400 class Japanese submarines. er a long series of delays and near cancellations, work on the Malaysian Canal is now at the half-way point. Prime Minister Prince Konoe and Prime Minister Hugh Bonneville release separate statements backing West Germany and the Confederation of Germany. . The British also launch a series of airstrikes at the Japanese positions farther inland. 1942, September 15th: The first regular ferry service is set up between Kitakyushu (in the Japanese home islands) and Fusan (in Korea). The Greek air-strikes allow the Imperial Greek military to consolidate their current holdings and to advance in places. Upon hearing this, Marshall Malenkov announces that a state of war now exists between the Soviet Union and Empire of Japan. The helicopter is a great success and the Japanese army captures Jinan and Zibo, none of the PLAR forces defending the two cities survive. The attack is partially successful with one Japanese escort carrier being sunk along with two destroyers and a tanker. 1948, August 7th: With no fanfare and little press coverage, the Falkland Islands are transfered to Japan, who officially renames them Tojo Prefecture. They now have a foothold on the South Island, and with air support, they are able to fortify their positions against any counterattack. The UCS military then  crosses into California before being stopped by the Japanese military. With this ‘information’, the President and his cabinet believe that the target of the Japanese sneak attack is going to be the US Pacific fleet stationed at Pearl Harbor. 1945, September 21st: Prime Minister Prince Konoe is informed that Soviet ships have been sighted near the Northern Territories and Soviet troops have been seen dangerously close to the Japanese/Russian Border. { bidder: 'criteo', params: { networkId: 7100, publisherSubId: 'cdo_topslot' }}, When Sir Kenneth says that will never happen, Tojo says that the execution will procede as planned. China and Russia denounce this as “Political racism”. Japanese troops entering Nanking shortly before the surrender of the Chinese troops within the city. The German Federation sweeps through the part of East Germany that is cut off from Berlin and it is easily annexed into the German Federation. ''1948, June 3rd: 'Senator Richard Lewis of Oregon and Senator Mike Craig of Washington meet with Governor-General Miyazaki in a top secret meeting in Sacramento. 1944, January 11th-15th: In response to the refusal to locate the new international organisation within the USSR, Marshall Malenkov orders a meeting in between the different Communist leaders of the world with the intention of forming a world Communist alliance against the capitalist nations led by the Empire of Japan, UK and the United States. This is the first joint project Japan and America have embarked upon and is taken by many as a sign that relations between the former war-time enemies are on the up and up. He says that if he does this, then it will help repair relations between Japan and Australia. As the repairs are underway, Major Arnold Spielberg spots a UFO which is actually a shooting star. { bidder: 'triplelift', params: { inventoryCode: 'Cambridge_Billboard' }}, This marks the end of the CPUSA. The carrier Sōryū is the first to arrive, and though it is not able to dock in San Diego, it is able to send out bombers to aid the troops. To counter this, the Japanese set up a puppet government in the North Island with the intent of showing that the claims made by the government in the South Island are "Baseless lies designed to besmirch the honour of the Japanese military". bids: [{ bidder: 'rubicon', params: { accountId: '17282', siteId: '162036', zoneId: '776156', position: 'atf' }},