Everybody knows that Seattle is a great city and they want to play there. The Hornets fight hard but cannot deal with the Sonics’ ability to spread the floor and cause havoc on the defensive end. Was Denver simply keeping him around to maximise gate revenue? Blake Griffin has an exceptional season playing at home, Griffin averages twenty two points, eleven rebounds and flashes a burgeoning passing game. Mike Conley was the first building block, the trade of Gasol returned Tyson Chandler and in 2009, Memphis took Harden in the Draft. Both teams want another star player to bolster their ranks against the San Antonio machine. James sat there wearing a red-checked shirt acutely aware that his choice would change the landscape of the league for the next four years, it was not a decision he took lightly. Oklahoma City were willing to take that risk, they signed Delonte West on a one year deal minimum contract. LeBron did not love the idea of handing over some of his responsibilities to Anthony but he accepted the suggestion for the good of the team. The 2009 Western Conference Finals series between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Seattle Supersonics is another great series. O’Neal is shocked by Riley’s decision and the revelation that he can no longer live in his beloved South Florida. A chant of ‘Fuck Bennett, Fuck Stern’ reverberates around the arena as the game tips off. Those words changed basketball, the Cavaliers had re-stocked their talent and would be the team to beat in the Eastern Conference for the next four years. He could not allow his story to be define by play-off failure. I was really happy to go to Milwaukee because of George Karl. James came onto the floor in Game 3 looking glassy-eyed and detached, no pundits could quite make out James’ feelings until the game started. Croatia, the Czech Republic, Serbia and Slovenia were a pipeline of future talent. The only thorny issue for the Sonics is a contract extension for Robert Swift. The youngsters who played in this part of the world were technically sound and had potential to be NBA players. His play-making was not brilliant but it would be functional enough for Bledsoe to survive in the league. The Brooklyn Nets made an interesting offer but the outright refusal to include Brook Lopez in trade talks meant that New Orleans were unconvinced by the offer. The bench unit needed play-making and floor-spacing, there were a few players left on the market who could fill the role as required by the Thunder. In the 2009 NBA Draft, there were a few interesting point guards who could step in and perform a role for the Sonics. Lowry’s energy and hustle brings a spark to the Sonics which they did not have previously. A big who could rebound, score efficiently and play good interior defence, that was the ball game for the Cavaliers. A vast swathe of Green and Gold had assembled inside the KeyArena to watch history. After Christmas, it is a different story for the Sonics as the team goes an extended losing streak while Ray Allen is out with an ankle injury.

Neil Olshey were aware that the San Antonio Spurs were interested in acquiring Leonard, the Thunder front office had fielded trade calls from the Spurs in regard to the 12th pick. Scott Brooks is hired as the Sonics start a new era in earnest. The team needed a new starting point guard who could grow alongside the current core of players, Olshey reasoned the Draft would be the ideal opportunity to find players who fit the timeline and were on cost-controlled contracts. It's going to come back. The Sonics chose to keep a closer eye on European basketball and the scouts identified a talented Serbian at EuroBasket in 2009. OKC’s play-off tracks were stopped abruptly by the San Antonio Spurs in the next round, the Spurs’ ball movement cut the Thunder apart. The Clippers chose to send video co-ordinators, college scouts and front office executives to watch players. Chris Paul was sent to Oklahoma City in a trade, Paul came back to the City where he became a superstar. The future of the Sonics was secure for another four years. The last quarter devolves into a desperate battle, the Seattle are determined to give up no ground while the Magic are scrabbling to keep the dream alive. The Clippers had relocated to Oklahoma City and became the Thunder, the promise to bring professional basketball to the State of Oklahoma finally came true. Moreover, A’Mare was willing to leave the Suns. In the race for Paul, only two serious suitors had come about, the Nets and the Thunder. The Suns win a hard-fought Game 6 behind a clutch scoring night from Pierce, Pierce only scores seventeen points but he drains two contested threes late in the game that scrapes out a victory for the Suns. Odom was not interested in returning to the T-Wolves, he wanted to play on a winner. The game clock hit zero and the fans lost their mind, delirious in celebration as the Curse was finally broken. The Cleveland Cavaliers had spent a few years building towards winning the team’s first NBA title. Kobe Bryant wins his fourth championship in a series against the Cleveland Cavaliers. I think Adam Silver knows that and he wants a team back in the Northwest, and I think Seattle deserves it. It is one of the few players that Riley and Coach Spo are in full agreement about, they believe that Westbrook would fit Miami’s culture hand in glove.

Teams from across the league call Glen Taylor in the hope of acquiring the former MVP, the two foremost teams are the Lakers and Suns. Dwyane Wade played at an MVP level, he always raised his game in the post-season but it was the Heat’s point guard who was surprising in this series. Shaq is traded to Cleveland for Drew Gooden, Big Z and a 2009 Cleveland Cavaliers first round pick. Seattle had to rely on their veterans heavily during the play-offs, players like Mario Chalmers were unable to get on the court as they could not be trusted. The Thunder stumbled to a 36-46 record and missed the play-offs.

The coaching decisions made by Vinny Del Negro did not always make sense, Del Negro insisted a conservative defensive scheme which did not take advantage of the front-court’s mobility. The last five minutes of Game 4 belong to Durant, the offence runs through him as he gets to the rim at will. James offered an ultimatum to the Cavs’ front office, get me Carmelo Anthony. Ray Allen negotiates a contract extension worth 3/41. Ray Allen and Rashard Lewis would have weighed heavily on the bespectacled General Manager, neither player was young but they could be very good around a prodigious talent like Kevin Durant. The Heat won the previous season on the back of their strong play, an exceptional series for Westbrook was the deciding factor. The 2009 NBA Draft is an exciting class of players, one of the better classes in recent years. “This Fall, I’mma keep my talents in Cleveland”. Griffin was the obvious stand-out but Eric Gordon also had a hugely productive year. Nemanja would spend another two years in Europe before eventually coming over but Presti reasoned that the player would be worth the wait, another two years would mean even more refinement of his abilities. Pop genuinely believed that Duncan, Ginobili and Parker was enough to win an NBA Championship with the right combination of players around them. Against the Dallas Mavericks, Westbrook was more inconsistent and took fans through every stage of an emotional rollercoaster. I'm trying to be a part of that. The two parties eventually agree a suitable deal, Swift is re-signed on a three year deal. TPG: What did you think about Ray coming back the other way? We're always in the top murder rate or whatever, we're No. In front of his Metropolis, ’Superman’ puts on his cape and fights back. Stoudemire had played excellently over his nine year career as an efficient finisher for the Suns. Philly did not seem able to beat the Heat, Magic or Cavaliers, those games were schedule losses. The Celtics make the decision to fully commit to their rebuild and trade Shawn Marion to the New York Knicks for a 2008 first-round pick, Boston enter a rebuilding phase with Rajon Rondo as their focal point. The Thunder were left scrambling on Day 2, the focus changed to signing rotational pieces who could complement their core of players.

Ray Allen takes Durant under his wing and KD starts putting it obsessive hours in the gym, refining his game and building his body for the NBA level. Wade pulled his team-mate off to the side and shared in his grief, it was the least he could do for the young guard.