The Power of Ideas (and a Model to Unleash it), 5 Reasons Why We Need Explainable Artificial Intelligence. We welcome finance professionals, technologists, entrepreneurs, consultants, lawyers and all the people who are ready to take a deep dive into the future of finance. Key catalysts of the financial revolution, Business models and implementation of new entrants, Business models and transformation of incumbents, Regulations, standards and operational risk. The course is available for 6 months from the start date.

Senior bankers have an in depth understanding of the industry and our training programmes are set to help them understand the new paradigm and develop the skills to adapt to a tech-driven world. There is a lot of talk about AI these days, but it was similar at various times over the last 50 years, when we thought robots would take over the world, but they did not so far… , is this time different? In the context of financial services-critically analyse the development of AI, learn to recognise its potentials and limitations. (...) They (CFTE courses) have a big impact on your learning in a short period of time.

The UAE Government’s ‘Strategy for Artificial Intelligence (AI)’ focuses on future services, sectors and infrastructure projects.

The AI in Finance programme will be an important catalyst to help institutions and professionals be part of this transformation.”. This is actually a question we asked our Contributing Experts, and they all replied that it’s a huge opportunity for finance professionals to adapt their skills and that AI combined with their business skills was a very powerful combination.

We have top people from Silicon Valley and from IT department of big banks teaching on the course! Although there are some very good courses on AI you can find online, The AI in Finance Specialisation, developed by CFTE and Ngee Ann Polytechnic, is the very first online course that walk you through you foundations of Artificial Intelligence, its applications in the finance industry, as well as the opportunities and risks of AI in the sector. This was very well designed and structured to help anyone in this industry better appreciate the role of AI in the future of our processes and services.”, “It’s a great course with lots of examples of practical applications ”, “This course is really covering all the aspects that should be taken into consideration by any financial institution that wants to use AI or create and AI team or just introduce AI based tools in their ecosystem.”, “Great Insights from Industry leaders covering from Strategy, Infrastructure, Technology around AI, ML, DL, as well Implementing and Operations. But what exactly is AI? There are no pre-requisites for taking the course. This was very well designed and structured to help anyone in this industry better appreciate the role of AI in the future of our processes and services.”, “It’s a great course with lots of examples of practical applications ”, “This course is really covering all the aspects that should be taken into consideration by any financial institution that wants to use AI or create and AI team or just introduce AI based tools in their ecosystem.”, “Great Insights from Industry leaders covering from Strategy, Infrastructure, Technology around AI, ML, DL, as well Implementing and Operations.

Joan Lew Learning Fintech, adapting to the new world of Finance is a journey.

AI in Finance, as well as Around Fintech in 8 hours are foundational programmes to bring awareness and knowledge at scale. Would it make sense for the whole of my team to go through the course or should I limit the training to team leaders and desk heads? The quality of some interview videos is also patchy, can't hear the interviewer well. If you want to learn more about the course you can download the prospectus here and if you have your own enquiry about the programme you can reach out to our admissions advisors by email here or on our chatbox on the right side of your screen. Would highly recommend to anyone who wants to understand more about AI and where they could implement it in their business.”, “This course has just enough depth without too much technicalities, for participants to immerse themselves in applications of AI in Finance.”, “The topics are comprehensively covered.

“ AI in finance” is an online course jointly developed by the Centre for Finance, Technology and Entrepreneurship and Ngee Ann Polytechnic. For industry professionals by industry professionals.

Finance professionals, but also technologists, entrepreneurs, consultants or academics will benefit from the knowledge imparted by the course. This course is largely non-technical to learn the business aspects of AI. Yes. Please note that instructors are subject to change and not all instructors teach in Excellent delivery of current AI Applications across verticals of FSI (Finance / Insurance & others) provided clear insights on How best to leverage the AI technology into Finance.”, “Terrific overview of AI's adoption in Finance, although some videos are somewhat lengthy.

The future of finance will depend on the current guard playing an active role.

", Magdelene Loh

The online course is just the beginning however, and deeper trainings can be decided at more targeted levels.

This group, curated by the team behind the CFTE AI in Finance Course, aims to bring together the latest discussions and ideas on the topic for the benefit of members. CFTE’s signature AI in Finance programme is the first industry-led course curated to equip finance professionals and technologists with the necessary knowledge to tackle modern challenges. This course is suited for a wide range of professionals who are keen to master the key elements of AI and want to understand its applications in finance. In short, there will be a absolute bounty of information and it will be interesting to different people for different reasons. Before moving into FinTech, Tamas has spent over 20 years in various bulge bracket banks as a Structured Derivatives Originator.

Have a good understanding of the main concepts behind Artificial Intelligence, including machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, machine vision, etc. 5 star rating “This course was great for getting a good introduction to AI and its history and current applications.