This means to get everything out of your kitchen cupboards that have sugar in it—and watch out for the hidden stuff! It’s the dopamine that causes the withdrawal symptoms we experience when it comes to cutting down on sugar. If you are eating a lot of sugary foods and drinking a lot of sodas then chances are you are eating more than the daily recommended amount and as a result it may be affecting your overall health and wellbeing. Just how can you overcome all them? The insulin is quickly released to handle all the blood sugar, and you suddenly feel a crash. Think of it in a toddler’s point of view. Although a change in diet like removing sugar might initially affect your sleep patterns, you should soon settle back into your normal routine, and if anything, you should end up having much better sleep without fluctuating levels of sugar in your blood stream. So, if you’ve decided to stop sugar consumption, then you’re doing the right thing. Look at some nutmeg, cinnamon and even coriander to your meals. How to reduce the effects of sugar withdrawal? Do watch out for drinking too much water, and don’t replace all your meals with it. Well worry no more, because I’m going to fill you in on exactly what a sugar withdrawal is, and what physical withdrawal symptoms of sugar you might experience if you do decide to quit sugar. Just like when an alcoholic stands up in front of the other attendees at a meeting and says “I’m an alcoholic”, you need to be totally honest and ask yourself if you have a problem. By following the tips above, you’ll not have to worry about the dangers of eating too many sugars. Train your body into sleeping through. Indulge in hobbies and other activities that can help you forget about your cravings. There’s also more acid in the mouth. Fill up on meals hight in protein and good fats and don't forget to ask friends for support! By cutting it out of your diet, you might miss some of the lifts it used to give you and you may feel an overall fatigue, but this should soon pass as your blood sugar levels out and you start to avoid those energy peaks and troughs. With more sleep comes a healthier brain. You might become short tempered as you deal with cravings and you don't get the usual dopamine hit, which may make you irritable or anxious. Just think of the damage you’re doing to your body overall! The more you ignore them, the less they’ll affect you. It’s addictive. You’re forcing it to work, and work, and work! Although the thought of sugar withdrawal can sound scary, it really doesn’t need to be, and always remember that these symptoms are just temporary, whereas the negative effects of a high sugar diet can end up being permanent. Do you often crave sweets and candy? This is the exact opposite of fructose, which can trigger sensations of hunger the more you eat! By allowing yourself to get hungry, you allow yourself to make poor food choices and decisions. Or what about flu like symptoms, a sugar withdrawal headache or even sugar withdrawal fatigue? There is literally no other dietary change that you can make that can have such an impact on so many aspects of your overall health and looks. Bacteria can be multiple despite taking the pills that were supposed to kill them. You won’t need to eat nearly as much sweet stuff because of your newly realigned taste buds and anything sweet that you do eat will be from a rational choice, rather than an uncontrollable reaction to an addiction. Your brain will be asking for it’s usual dopamine hit provided by the fructose and your lowered blood sugar levels will be causing your body to demand more glucose. This means that things will taste sweeter and you regain control of your eating, preventing an addiction making poor food choices for you. You’ll fight against depression and anxiety naturally, and curb those other unwanted symptoms from giving up the sugar. Children get it all the time, and it’s a running joke of grandparents sending their grandkids home to the parents after eating lots of cookies and chocolate. They may last for a few hours or even a few days max, but once you break through to the other side, you’ll have detoxed your body, forcing it to rely on more natural sources of glucose for it’s energy, including stored fat. Combined with bad eating habits, expensive marketing campaigns and a fast paced lifestyle, it easy to become hooked on sugar. Women should eat no more that 25g (7tsp) and men should eat no more than 35g (9tsp) of sugar per day. You won’t normally have experienced these because you will have been feeding your addiction - but maybe now it’s time to tackle the beast head on? There are also carbs that you’ll need to consider that tend to break down quickly and sugar in the blood. You’ve decided to change your diet. Don’t forget to let your friends, family and work colleagues know about your sugar free journey. Another issue that can cause for weight gain is su​ffering from sleep apnea. Studies have indicated that different people perceive sweetness differently, and so it means that some people can eat more sweet stuff than others.