This information is for informational purposes only and is not meant as a substitute for the professional advice of, or diagnosis or treatment by, your veterinarian. A female cat can be referred to as a molly or a queen, and a male cat is often labeled as a tom.

This is crucial, especially in case of tom cats, as they can be unpredictable at times in exhibiting affection and aggression.
I’m inclined to say there’s no real personality difference between male cats and female cats. May 22, 2012.

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If you have a black cat, offer them as much care and attention as any other.

Cat Facts: Why Orange Cats Are Usually Male.

A female cat can be referred to as a molly or a queen, and a male cat is often labeled as a tom. However, the ways in which cats sweat are very different than the way sweat manifests in humans. Following is a list of unique traits which are particularly found in male cats.

The male cats can pass either X or Y chromosomes to their offspring while the female can only pass X chromosome. During their tour outside, it is likely that may be attacked by other cats or animals. Why wasn't this page useful? Cat penile spines disappear back into the foreskin once cat mating is over. “Choosing a Companion for Your Cat.” The Conscious Cat. “There is no ultimate answer to the question of whether male cats are better pets than female ones and vice versa,” says Emily Parker, writing for Catalogical.5. “What Are the Differences Between Male and Female Cats?” Catological. The richest cat in the world, for example, was a tuxedo cat. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Classic Male …
It’s not uncommon, though, for cats to have extra toes. Sign up to receive the latest and greatest articles from our site automatically each week (give or take)...right to your inbox. Neutering tomcats decreases their need to roam around, which reduces their chances of becoming victims of various accidents. 9. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. That is just how genetics work. But Christy lost a front paw after being hit by a car, and spaying her seemed like the right thing to do, especially since she’d already gone through one miserable heat. For practical purposes, cats are able to reproduce throughout the year. Like humans, cats experience Rapid Eye Movement sleep, a stage where most dreaming occurs.

In fact, a male’s heat is initiated by a female cat’s pheromones. Whether your cat is affectionate, loyal, aggressive, territorial, playful or cooped up, it’s a matter of personality and not gender,” she says. Hence, a vet’s assistance might be required to understand the food requirements of the cat. Eliot's cat and the inspiration for, Maru (A Japanese cat who loves boxes and his, Prince Chunk (One of the world's heaviest cats on record), Smudge (A cat popularized in the "women yelling at cat", Snowball (Ernest Hemingway's favorite cat), Sockington (Also known as Sockamillion, a, Stubbs (A cat who was the "mayor" of Talkeetna, Alaska), Towser the Mouser (A cat who holds the Guiness World Record for catching the most mice), Wilberforce (The "Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office" who has served under four Prime Ministers in the United Kingdom), Polar Bear (A white cat featured in several books, including, Puss in Boots (From the children's story and, Abelardo (aa-bey-laa-rduw) - Spanish, "noble and strong", Abir (ah-deer) - Hebrew, "strong" or "mighty", Anders (ahn-dehrs) - Scandinavian origin, "strong and manly", Arnold - English, "strong as an eagle" or "ruler", Aziz - African origin, "strong and esteemed", Batu (bah-tu) - Mongolian, "strong" or "firm", Beren (behr-ehn) - Turkish, "strong and smart", Berk (behrk) - Turkish, "strong and solid", Conall (cahn-al) - Irish, "strong wolf" and the name of a legendary Irish hero, Egon (ay-gon) - German, "strong with a sword", Etan or Ethan - Hebrew, "strong and firm", Evander (eh-van-der) - Scottish, "strong man with a bow", Gang (kahng) - Chinese, "strong and hard", Hamza (ham-zah) - Arabic, "strong and steadfast", Ikaika (ih-hey-ih-kah) - Hawaiian, "strength", Jarek (ya-rehk) - Polish, "strong and fierce", Ken (kehn) - Japanese, "healthy and strong", Ken'ichi (kewn-ee-chee) - Japanese, "healthy and strong one", Kenta (kehn-tah) - "healthy, strong and big", Kuwat (koo-waht) - Indonesian origin, "strong", Magni (mahg-ne) - Scandinavian origin, "mighty", Maynard (may-nerd) - German, "brave and strong", Nero (neer-o) - Roman, "strong and vigorous", Qiang (chyahng) - Chinese, "strong, powerful and energetic", Quillon (kill-on) - Latin, "strong" or "crossed swords", Swithun (swih-a-hahn) - English, "quick and strong", Takeo (taa-keh-ow) - Japanese, "strong as bamboo", Valentine - English, "strong and healthy", Valerian (vah-lihr-iy-ahn) - Latin, "strength and health", Valerius (vah-lair-ee-us) - Roman, "to be strong", Warrick - English, "strong leader who defends", Achilles (Greek hero from the story of the Trojan War), Ajax (Famous warrior during the Greek Trojan War), Beowulf (Legendary hero in Scandinavian folklore and literature), Bucky (Barnes, The Winter Soldier, Marvel comics/movies), Clint Barton (Hawkeye, Marvel comics/movies), Hector (Famous warrior during the Greek Trojan War), Hercules (One of the greatest heroes in Greek mythology), Steve (Rogers/Captain America, Marvel comics/movies), Thor (Norse God of Thunder, Marvel comics/movies), Tony (Stark/Iron Man, Marvel comics/movies). Male cats are seen as being more friendlier than the rather aloof and independent female cats. If your cat is carrying extra weight, obesity can become a real problem as he gets older, but dietary changes can help.

20. It’s no wonder that Bastet, the cat-headed goddess of ancient Egypt, was associated with maternity. Kittens are believed to be victims of a tomcat’s aggression. Unlike people and dogs, who are omnivores, cats are carnivores.

Hence, it is better to keep a female cat who has mothered kittens away from the male cat. Others said female cats were more “possessive” or “changeable” in their moods, even “neurotic.”.

If obesity plays a role in your pet’s disease, implementing a weight-loss plan consisting of a high-fiber, complex-carbohydrate, and high-protein diet is critical. A male cat's penis has certain peculiarities which may, at first, appear somewhat shocking to some cat owners. Is every orange tabby cat a tom? However, since paws have small surface area, a cat develops other strategies to cope with the heat such as panting or excessive cleaning. King, Ingrid.

Neutered cats have a tendency to clean and groom themselves often.