Online quiz to test your understanding of the Future Simple tense in English. He's working in his aunt's shop. In an hour I'll still be finishing my English homework. We aren’t going to leave tomorrow. c.       Untuk mengusulkan aktifitas yang dilakukan oleh pembicara dan pendengar. I leave Frankfurt at 5 o'clock in the morning and arrive in New York; at midnight the next day. Your {{submitTextSingle}} has been submitted. 4. Demikian penjelasan Simple Future Tense. (Incorrect), If it rains, I shall not go to the meeting. Something in the present which tells us about the future: It is going to rain; look at those clouds. First, I will do some research on the topic. a.       Untuk mengungkapkan gagasan umum. We _____ get there until after dark. Pada umumnya, penggunaan Simple Future Tense ini sama saja dengan Simple Present Tense. (Correct), Don't drop by at 7:20 PM. This tense is written using the future perfect tense of the verb with the present participle. Going To:  Used to express an action that is already decided upon and preparations have been made. Classifying tenses based on the Time of Action: a)    He writes letters. Show example. (Correct), Unless you do not labour hard, you will not pass. (Incorrect), You must wait here until I return. b.      Untuk membicarakan kejadian yang akan segera terjadi. Berikut ini adalah rumus Simple Future Tense: o   Subject + be + going to + Verb 1 + Object, o   Subject + be + not + going to + Verb 1 + Object. Kebijakan Privasi 3. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate form of the verb. My parents will visit my grandparents once a month. As a gesture of support, please follow us on Facebook and YouTube. (Correct), Paul isn't free on Thursday. (Correct), I’ll be going to study for my exams tonight. (will continue working), b)    I’ll have been teaching for twenty years next July. Kontributor: Nanda Ayu, S.Hum a)    I will be teaching Class 6B presently. We are going to be in Istanbul tomorrow. With ‘We’ in the interrogative form - to make a suggestion: With the other persons (you, he, she, and they) shall is only used in literary or poetic situations: 1. Interrogative version-use Will/Shall: Will the dance troupe perform in Mumbai next year? Bentuk tense ini merupakan salah satu tense paling dasar dan sering digunakan dalam penulisan mau pun percakapan Bahasa Inggris. Simple Future Tense adalah bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian di masa yang akan datang. I will phone you I am going to write an article. b)    When does the next train leave for Chennai? & Eyring, J. We are about to have lunch. He will work in his aunt's shop. 5. Regular Simple Future Tense Spanish Forms. Express willingness or Spontaneous decision: I'll pay for the tickets by credit card. (Incorrect), Tomorrow, I will be baking a birthday cake. Each of the following sentences will contain a mistake in the usage of Present Tense. (Incorrect), Shall I wear this dress tomorrow night? 5. We will _____ what your father says. Actions that will continue: (to be" [will have been] + the present participle of the main verb): a)    Next year I will have been working here for four years. (Incorrect), Frank said that he might be late. Get 3 months membership for just €10.49 (≈ $12.48). b. 1. b.      Untuk menunjukkan keinginan atau ketidakinginan. a)    Let's wait till he finishes his work. Express an action which is on the point of happening: Let's get into the train. When we use the Present Continuous with this meaning, it is necessary to add a time reference (tomorrow, tomorrow evening, on/next Sunday) so we know it refers to the future and not to the present:. Projection or already planned events: This time next week, I will be skiing at Gulmarg. Kontak Simple Present and Present Continuous: used in reference to future action for some cases. It will crash into the yellow one. If: used in present tense form to talk about the future but not normally used with ‘will’, a)    I won't go out if it rains. Should: used if we think something is likely to happen. To M Anonymous, The verb “to leave” means “to go away, depart.” It is an intransitive verb, which means it does not take a direct object. 4. (Correct), Tomorrow, I am baking a birthday cake. Interrogatives version: When I come at 6:00, will you have been practicing long? (Correct), Look at that speeding car! c.       Untuk membicarakan rencana yang telah dibuat. Grammar Dimensions 4: Form, Meaning, and Use. With ‘I’ in the interrogative form -to make an offer or ask for advice or instructions: b)    What shall I tell the boss about this money? Thewlis, Stephen H. (2000). Required fields are marked *. (Incorrect), I think Sue will arrive in Paris at 6 pm. 6. 3. a)    Let's get into the train. Unfortunately, sea levels will still be rising in 20 years. Bentuk tense ini merupakan salah satu tense paling dasar dan sering digunakan dalam penulisan mau pun percakapan Bahasa Inggris.Penggunan tense ini identik dengan kata will/shall, atau be going to. (Correct), You must wait here until I will return. (will continue teaching). I … Future Tenses - Exercises. ... leave c) leaves. (Correct), I think Sue arrives in Paris at 6 pm. see Untuk membuat kalimat Simple Future Tense, akan lebih komplit jika menambahkan keterangan waktu. I’ll come home when I will finish work. 1. Future continuous tense is used to tell about an on-going action that will occur in the future. I may watch TV. a)    The Prime Minister is to visit America next month. 2. There's no need to hurry. Prediction or Guess: I suppose it will be raining when we start. (Correct), Will I do the dishes for you? Lalu dilanjutkan dengan kalimat yang menggunakan will. (Correct), Tickets could be shown at the gate before entering the theatre. (Correct), I like to meet the President someday. Example: ... Future Tenses in English – contrasted. The train leaves at 6 pm. ⬤ Positive (Affirmative) sentences in “be going to” future tense. Please wait while your {{submitTextSingle}} is being submitted..... Tense is a form of Verb which indicates the time and state of and action or event. Actions completed: (will/shall have + past participle): I shall have written my exercise by then. (This is unequivocally describing a future situation), b)    I am presently teaching Class 6B. It's going to leave. (Correct), Frank said that he may be late. Bentuk tense ini digunakan untuk suatu kejadian yang belum terjadi dan akan terjadi pada masa yang akan datang. Future Tenses – mixed exercise; Need more practice? Example: I shall have been living in Mumbai for five years by May 2019. Tentang StudioBelajar (Present Tense: Now- Present time of an action), b)    He wrote letters. (Incorrect), Shall I do the dishes for you? (Incorrect), In the coming two weeks, temperatures will still be rising. (Incorrect), I will be taking a bath at 7 AM tomorrow. 2. I am going to go to the party whether you are there or not.