Any ideas? But, as far as I know, almost everybody does it. haha. You can easily spot where you are doing `overtime`, so to speak, for being a better version of you than you actually are. And what I've realised just a few weeks ago is that at my new job (where there are a lot of guys in my age) I'm not that special. This can't be healthy right? I guess I've always felt like I'm a special snowflake in a narcisistic way (I can judge people by appearance because "I'm so much more handsome"). appropriate medical assistance immediately. I am wondering if any of you make up scenarios in your head to almost "test" your reaction in order to prove to yourself that you would never act on your thoughts. and Privacy Policy and steps will be taken to remove posts identified I am always finding myself making up negative scenarios in my mind.. Not even knowing I'm doing it. Probably because I have this image of a perfect me (the one I've created a long time ago, the witty handsome charming guy), sounds like bad self image? Your post is a little vague, and maybe points to something else. You probably have experienced that numerous times already by imagining worst case scenarios in your head and getting the emotional feedback of fear. And it's way more than daydreaming, i know for sure, because it's not like i'm dreaming i'm better than reality, but i'm thinking of how i'm someone else, and come up with scenarios. Do you feel insecure in some situations? ), @whuddafuksMaaaan, I have exactly the same problem! I don't know why I change the outcome into negative. Patient does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Why don't you do it? It`s not harmful, you are anyway aware of it now. ... HIV anxiety is very, very common. Because I don't have bad self esteem, but my self image is probably another story. This excercise utilizes these fear-inducing subconscious visualizations, remodels and then connects them to a different emotional feedback. In my opinion, being aware of it and meditation should really help with it. I do the same. I think the fact that you notice it is a part of success. What intrigues me is that I tend to imagine a perfect scenario and then FOR SOME REASON I rewind it a bit and change how it ends into a negative outcome. And it's pretty much the only thing I'm thinking of. It's easy! Does it mean I subconsciously want the negative outcome? etc.) © Patient Platform Limited. Try to be OK with the normal real you, it not as special or cool or witty but it's actually real. Why? You've made the first step, maybe the greatest. I do it when I think about interactions with someone I fancy. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Forum. I was exactly like this like 4-5 month ago ..i actually still have a thread on actualized with basicly the same question  ... the change will come quick! You can opt out at any time or find out more by reading our cookie policy. 3. Your sholder muscle becomes stiff and rises. Having to call his girl fend. Patient is a UK registered trade mark. Also, like @MartineF mentioned, it's good to ask yourself these questions (why do you want to impress someone? But my anxiety became very noticeable about my junior year in high school so about 5 or so years ago. 7. Sign up for a new account in our community. Constantly find myself making up negative scenarios in my head Follow ... And I know I have anxiety I grew up in an abusive home father was physically and mother verbally. What do you see? How do you feel right now? For instant trance.. 10. Pretending things/creating situations in your head The Social Anxiety Room SAUK Discussion Board > Social Anxiety ... At times, (mostly at night while i'm trying to get to sleep) I daydream, making up situations in my head, and pretend that they are real.