These substances can help to maintain or decrease consciousness. You start allowing yourself to cry and experience painful states. Reith FCM, Lingsma HF, Gabbe BJ, Lecky FE, Roberts I, Maas AIR. I’m 15 and I experienced up to level 7 and I feel I’m transitioning into level 8. Consciousness energy level. Posted Mar 04, 2011 The levels of consciousness are: Level 0: Early Man. anyone can be happy and nice, in a friendly and loving situation. At the 10th and final level of consciousness, your sense of self has almost entirely disappeared. I was very involved in astrology at the time, namely horoscopes, which told me who I was, how I could act, and what would happen to me. The patient’s LOC is reported as A, V, P, or U. How Can Ambien Treat Brain Damage in Coma, Dystonia, Stroke, and More? Tufts Medical Center. The 7th level – your inner life. Altered or abnormal levels of consciousness describe states in which a person either has decreased cognitive function or cannot be easily aroused. Most medical conditions affect the brain and impair consciousness when they become serious or life-threatening, and an altered state of consciousness usually signals a serious medical problem. (1) A: Alert and oriented. Causes can include stroke, drug overdose, lack of oxygen, brain edema, and myocardial infarction (heart attack). Idk what i would call the level i have reached……but i feel connected to the trees, the birds the dirt and i look at others with love. stage 9 i see miracles hapen and whit my energy my atensions i see other people act like im there family people wanne hug me stay near me my naborhood tinks i lost my mind wile i took the other stages and became aware of the present moment some days when im far gone in meditation and psygedelics i feal like i can controlling my boddy whit my soul i know how it sounds but feal stuf more intence its like you eat a ice cream and didnt had suger al weak and the furst bite crumbles in your mouth you feal the structure the smel tast evryting get more intence on moments like that i start exploring and doing stuff, aswel came from truth seaker a gamer to non gamer ditching my tv and be more in nature my boddy startet to get lighter and i got extreemly creative i went vegen got of the suger compleetly dont consume coffie annymore no darry eathere got aware of the world where we heading whats going on. Consciousness is not a lights-on/lights-off proposition, which the term unconscious implies. The deeper you go, the darker the surroundings. You feel a deep emotional connection with all living creatures. 10th Level here, sure it’s nice and all…but it comes with heavy responsibilities and a sense of duty towards yourself and the world based on the “Task” assigned by the “Higher Self”. James Lacy, MLS, is a fact checker and researcher. Instead, you begin to offer service to others based on your own desire to give. Just like a martial artist who gets a black belt as soon as the basic level is completed and then goes out on a long-term path of learning, ‘dissolution of self and ascendance’ 10th level is just the beginning of your journey. The below system proposes 10 distinct levels of consciousness: On the first level, you identify with the physical and material realm completely. You begin to ask philosophical questions and develop artistic sensibilities. When you pass onto the 9th level of consciousness, you wield such power over your thoughts and feelings that their strength and purity begin to transform the people you meet. 8, i think ☺️. We may think of it as the repository of all remembered experiences, impressions left on the mind by those … Several systems have been developed in order to standardize these classifications, which improves communication among healthcare providers and also aids in research. I looked to the moon and it had become the eye of an Eagles head. At level ten people do not feel love for you. Terms include: Between these two extremes, there are several altered levels of consciousness, ranging from confusion to coma, each with its own definition. I saw burning bushes on mountain tops and followed the sign to the look out point and heard what sounded like tubas hitting high notes while seeing huge bunnies with angel wings in the sky. A step above shame, but you still may be having thoughts of suicide. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Also, you devote time to meditation, creating, and celebrating existence. The cost of ICU delirium and coma in the intensive care unit patient. The part above water is known as the conscious level; the top level of waves just below the surface and above the white line is the preconscious level; and the bottom level is the unconscious. Unlike the first level of consciousness, this level addresses emotional fulfilment. I understand it is the utmost powerful energy. The humble beginnings of human consciousness when we were hunter-gatherers. Assessing a person’s level of consciousness in an emergency situations can help responders and potentially save them precious minutes when treating a person when they arrive. Your connection to the rest of creation becomes coordinated. An altered level of consciousness is any measure of arousal other than normal. Perhaps our own feeling of self represents a higher level of awareness, too. I believe that the people thinking they have reached these levels believe so through temporary experiences. Stupid question from me, a hypocrit – but if you write that you are level 7 or higher – are you really that…??? © Learning Mind 2012-2020 | All Rights Reserved |. 10 Levels of Consciousness – Which One Are You At? All content published on this website is intended for informational purposes only. 2018;56(10):890-897. I do have to notice, however, that the infinite and egoless self is also striving to be and become we individual consciousness. This can refer to spiritual recognition, psychological understanding, medically altered states, or more modern-day concepts of life purpose, satisfaction, and self-actualization.. Levels of Consciousness can be presented in a map. Nursing. It's like being underwater. By continuing to use this website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Guilt. There’s no longer merely a recognition of your sameness with all those around you, you begin to feel the symbiotic connection that you have with all of creation. 2017;48(9):1932-1943. doi:10.1016/j.injury.2017.05.038. Each level of consciousness represents a differing degree of intensity of awareness The first level of consciousness, the subconscious, is relatively dim in awareness: it is the stuff of which dreams are made.