It’s the moments when the enemy is throwing all of its firepower at you when Just Cause 4 feels the most sensational, with chain-reaction explosions and spectacular crashes right and left as you sail through the flames unscathed. (voice), People of Solis So while blowing up yet another dictator’s army is the same kind of mindless explosive fun and physics-based comedy the series is built on, it doesn’t do much to incorporate the new weather systems or grapple mods into combat. Set during the Stone Age, Far Cry Primal follows Takkar, who rises from an unarmed hunter to the leader of his tribe. We never, ever accept money to review a product. The fictional island of Solis is a beautiful tropical playground, where natural disasters and explosive mayhem are commonplace, with citizens fearlessly living out their lives like it’s no big deal. While we were given free reign with completely upgraded tools, the real experience will be somewhat more mediated. Age Rating for Just Cause 4. Avalanche Studios has done a phenomenal job of making them feel like a legitimate force of nature. Avalanche Studios is perfectly aware of the ridiculous world it’s created and the absurd chaos caused within. Rico can absorb so much damage – and heal back to full health so quickly – that a typical enemy soldier shooting him in the face is no more cause for concern than a sunburn. There’s also less busywork involved in getting up to speed than ever before. Unlike other sites, we thoroughly test every product we review. Liberating the map piece by piece has a new spin that resolves one of my chief complaints about Just Cause 3.

If you’ve played Just Cause 3 then you’ll feel immediately at home with how the fourth entry feels to play. I can’t stress enough how big a part of the satisfaction of Just Cause 4 comes down to watching a thunderous chain reaction of detonations.

So the goal, effectively, is to look good wiping the floor with them – which, don’t get me wrong, can be quite satisfying. Thus far I’ve only been able to try out the PC version, which runs nicely and never crashed on my GTX 1080.

Destruction in previous outings was a flash in the pan, providing quick and easy satisfaction with thunderous explosions. But, at the same time, that’s all carried over from the previous game, and I’d have loved to have seen Just Cause 4 double down even more on destructibility. This, I thought, explains that deja vu sensation. It seems to determine things by weight, which teases some interesting elements to the physics system I’m yet to see unfold.

I did delight in exploiting certain weaknesses: that guy with the deployable shield might think he’s safe from my grapple, but if I can spot a foot sticking out underneath, he’s about to be strung up from the nearest building by that foot. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Add a couple of powerful boosters and you’ve your own flying death machine. Soaring into an enemy fortress in such a manner was excellent, encompassing everything I’ve come to love about Just Cause 4. 1 year, 5 months. We’ll always tell you what we find. Just Cause 4 Review. In fact, most of these battles aren’t a question of whether you can defeat the army of mercenaries lined up against you, because of course you can. This time it has tornadoes! Was this review helpful to you?

He’s a gruff, masculine and wise-cracking fella with an endless array of silly weapons at his disposal. Time will tell, and if Avalanche Studios decided to lean into its wackier elements with the narrative campaign, we could be in for a treat. Jade is the Gaming Editor at Trusted Reviews. A hired operative named Rico Rodriquez lands on a tropical island called San Esperito in an attempt to overthrow a dictatorship rumoured to having weapons of mass destruction. Just Cause 4 has everything you expect from a Just Cause game, almost to a fault. Rico Rodriguez, a CIA agent, travels to the infamous and beautiful island of Panau and joins various tribes bent on destroying each other.

Physics bugs aren’t rare, but usually funny – one time, for instance, I was manning a turret in a boat and was suddenly launched about a mile through the air.

As someone with a pretty firm grasp of the basics, I was very pleased to not have to earn all of that back again before the party got started.

After completing missions, destroying enemies and their equipment in the open world, you’ll be provided opportunities to expand your territory. In the absence of a new Red Faction game, Just Cause 4 is at the top of its field when it comes to blowing stuff up. Just Cause 4 is a slightly better version of Just Cause 3's destruction-fueled action, but lacks a big new idea to give it an identity of its own. Avalanche Studios has clearly come to the realisation that true enjoyment of Just Cause 4 comes from allowing the player to experiment with its systems with their own devices, free to see how this vast, complicated world ticks in response to every minute of action. We use industry standard tests in order to compare features properly. You aren’t the only thing influenced by these, either.