Reports of effects occurring at levels of 210 to 500 ppm indicate that the former OSHA PEL of 500 ppm was not adequate to protect exposed workers from adverse sensorimotor neuropathic effects, and exposure at this level thus represents a significant risk to workers. The California EPA and the U.S. EPA have established similar “safe” levels of exposure for hexane inhalation, based on chronic health impacts. The ACGIH has a 50-ppm TWA limit for this substance, and the NIOSH REL is 100 ppm as a 10-hour TWA.

It is highly flammable, and its vapors can be explosive.

Cyclohexane is unsaturated hydrocarbon molecule. If a person inhales high levels of hexane for a short period, it can cause mild central nervous system (CNS) effects such as dizziness, giddiness, slight nausea, and headache. Thirteen-week inhalation toxicity studie osf ra-hexane were conducted with B6C3Fj mice of each sex exposed to 0, 500, 1,000, 4,000 or, 10,000 ppm 6, hour s per day, 5 days per week or to 1,000 ppm, 22 hours per day (referred to as l.OOOc) 5, day s per week Al. Even though, both hexane and cyclohexane are from the alkane family, their physical and chemical properties are not similar. pp. Coming from Engineering cum Human Resource Development background, has over 10 years experience in content developmet and management.

Inhalation of n-hexane at 5000 ppm for 10 minutes produces marked vertigo; 2500-1000 ppm for 12 hours produces drowsiness, fatigue, loss of appetite, and paresthesia in the distal extremities; 2500–5000 ppm produces muscle weakness, cold pulsation in the extremities, blurred vision, headache and anorexia. Hexane: The exposure to hexane causes both acute (short-term) and chronic (long-term) problems depending on the exposure level and the time. CDC twenty four seven.

It possesses a ring structure having all the carbon atoms similar bonds. Does the most current scientific information generally support acceptance of the hypothesis that the C(5-8) alkanes are not equally toxic because a metabolite of n-hexane exhibits unique neurotoxic properties?

This leads to the differences in their molecular structure and other properties. Motor weakness of the toes and fingers is often present; as the neuropathy becomes more severe, weakness of the muscles of the arms and legs may also be observed (Schaumburg, Spencer, and Thomas 1983/Ex. 124) agrees with this finding.

OSHA comments from the January 19, 1989 Final Rule on Air Contaminants Project extracted from 54FR2332 et. Based on a thorough review of the chemical and toxicological literature and the responses of these commenters, OSHA has determined that n-hexane is uniquely toxic to the peripheral nervous system. Exposure to hexane by either ingesting it or in some other way can lead to occurrence of various symptoms.

NIOSH based its 100-ppm REL on the same studies as those cited by the ACGIH (Miyagaki 1967/Ex. In the preamble to the proposed rule, OSHA asked: Several commenters (Exs. The Agency finds that 2,5-hexanedione (2,5-HD), a metabolite of n-hexane, is likely to be responsible for this unique toxicity, and the American Petroleum Insitute (Ex. 1-198; Inoue, Takeuchi, Takeuchi et al. Cyclohexane is a harmful and hazardous compound for both human and animals, and also it is considered as an environmental hazard. It has a straight chain molecular structure as shown earlier. 177), stated that the revised PEL for n-hexane would impact their members, but did not provide further detail.