Amplitude envelope controls your attack or decay speeds. 42 . EHX HOG2 (not an original HOG). It’s such a great-sounding filter that I wish EHX would release it in a stereo MIDI-controlled standalone pedal. I sometimes noticed a slightly “stepped” pitch glide from the original HOG on the Octave Bend setting, but the HOG2 sounds absolutely pristine thanks to its improved pitch algorithms. You can use the Dry Signal to blend in an unaffected guitar signal to retain the most pure, unprocessed tone. Also, while the algorithms sound extremely good, you may still notice some jiggly anomalies when using the higher voices with 2nds, 3rds, and 7ths. The Wah Wah mode gives you a filtering effect that is voiced to capture the vibe of a classic wah pedal sound and does so very well. A Master Volume for added control and convenience. test results: Read review. Administrator; Posts: 7830; Previously known as Hopeless. You can control the HOG2 with any external MIDI controller or even program and automate the pedal from a hardware sequencer or DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) such as Ableton Live. However, I never cared for the acreage of board space that this pedal requires. Electro-Har­monix HOG vs HOG2 com­par­ison. Its array of 10 voices combined with powerful Envelope and Filter sections provide an unprecedented amount of customizable textures for some of the most surreal sounds you’ll ever hear generated from a guitar. The higher range voices are shimmery and ethereal while the -1 Octave and -2 Octaves are smooth and organic sounding. Volume levels are saved as part of a preset. NEO Instruments micro Vent 16 . 10 voices up or down a full octave. I cant believe EHX didnt include a insert in the Hog2, btw. Dedicated resonant filtering with sweepable frequency control, Separate lower and upper harmonic amplitude envelopes, Standard 9VDC 200mA power supply included. Separate lower and upper harmonic amplitude envelopes. 2: Dark Side of the Moon, Effectology Origins: The Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again", Effectology, Vol. Electro-Harmonix Effectology Vol. Electro Harmonix Hog 2 Foot Controller. The HOG2 can also save and store presets. Electro Harmonix BASS9 Bass Machine. The Electro Harmonix HOG2 is “an Octave and Harmonic Generator/Guitar Synthesizer that can simultaneously generate multiple octaves and harmonics from your input signal.” Like an EHX POG2 on steroids, the HOG2 can create octave intervals from -2 to +4(!) The Spectral Gate is also useful when using multiple voices to retain a more focused sound that doesn’t clutter up the mix. Come join the. Electro Harmonix Mod Rex. EHX HOG or HOG 2?? Please note: Bill will be in the EHX Forums to discuss his sounds, settings, and process. The Filter is a key component to dialing in the overall tone of the HOG2. Do you have something that you'd like to share with the Electro-Harmonix community? Now, I'm a big fan of EHX products, so the POG2 seemed like a perfect fit for what I was wanting. The HOG2 really stands alone, not only among other guitar synthesizers or octave pedals, but among any other guitar effect period. The Resonance lets you adjust the Q of the filter which emphasizes the cutoff frequency for a potentially aggressive sound. But if you like octave effects and guitar synthesizer pedals, you may not mind clearing some room to make the HOG2 the new centerpiece of your pedalboard. Did you know that Electro-Harmonix makes many of the world's greatest vacuum tubes? Your email address will not be published. The full MIDI capabilities of the HOG2 make this pedal an essential companion in the studio or as part of a MIDI controlled live rig. Electro Harmonix Microsynth. I also used the swell feature to get a sound reminiscent of the intro to Metallica’s Damage Inc. Top 13 Best Guitar Compressor Pedals of 2020. Thanks for reading. « on: January 11, 2018, 03:29:04 PM » OK so trying to be a bit intelligent about my GAS this year, so excessive researching before … There are separate controls to affect either the Lower or Upper voices. You can also set the range of the Filter sweep with the HOG2’s Frequency slider to perfectly suit what you’re playing. Show all. Dedicated resonant filtering with sweepable frequency control. Visit Electro Harmonix for more info about the HOG2 Harmonic Octave Generator. A Master Volume for added control and convenience. Shane Michael Dignan . Sophisticated new algorithms improve the quality of the ten generated octaves and harmonics as well as the Freeze function. Electro-Harmonix HOG2 Pedal Demo by Daniel Fisher The award winning HOG (Harmonic Octave Generator) earned kudos from players and reviewers alike for its ability to exponentially expand a musician's sound palette. Electro Harmonix HOG2. When recording you have access to complex sound transitions that can give your songs new depth and integrity. GHS Fast Fret. EarthQuaker Devices Palisades Review – Best “Tube Screamer” Overdrive Pedal. Separate lower and upper harmonic amplitude envelopes. EHX HOG2 (not an original HOG). However, I never cared for the acreage of board space that this pedal requires. The Filter sounds so good that you may wish, like me, that it had its own in/out to be routed anywhere in your signal chain, but of course that doesn’t take away from how awesome the Filter sounds within the HOG2. Plugging in the included EHX Next Step Expression Pedal (or any compatible expression pedal) with Exp. 4620 . (Read 617 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. While it draws some obvious comparisons to the POG2 (with a nod EHX’s own Freeze and Superego pedals) thanks to its multiple octave voices and sliders, the HOG2 takes this concept above and beyond with some interesting sonic possibilities that cannot be achieved with any other pedal or guitar processor. 10 Controllable harmonic intervals and 7 Expression modes. Boss RC-300 Loop Station. First time posting on Reddit. The HOG2 has a total of 10 voices which may be used together in any combination. Using the Original voice is primarily for when you plan to pitch shift the voices via an expression pedal (or MIDI control) or affect the voices with the Envelope or Filter section. J.Rockett Audio Designs Archer Review – Best “Klon Centaur/KTR” Pedal? That concludes our Electro Harmonix HOG2 review. Integrating Electro-Harmonix pedals, Bill proves that EH designs deliver an amazing power whose outer limits are yet to be invaded. £264. I’ve been spending a lot of time with the EHX HOG2 as it’s a seriously inspiring pedal and one I’ve had very high expectations for since its announcement. Your entire show can be set up at the touch of a button. 8765 . The Filter mode gives you manual foot control of the Filter’s Frequency parameter. Step Bend lets you bend one whole step while the Octave Bend sends your pitch soaring up one full octave. The next time you need to re-tube your guitar, bass, or hi-fi amp, be sure to insist on getting authentic Electro-Harmonix tubes. Full MIDI control over all parameters and presets. We hope you join us there. Reviewed by: Gabriel TanakaRating:5On October 4, 2014Last modified:October 7, 2016. £235. Please send your The Filter sounds so good that you may wish, like me, that it had its own in/out to be routed anywhere in your signal chain, but of course that doesn’t take away from how awesome the Filter sounds within the HOG2. But don’t be fooled. I have been recently been wanting to get my hands on some new pedals. Hey there! Mode as this allows you to freeze a note or chord and then play another note or chord and morph seamlessly between the two by rocking the expressional pedal. It adds an emphasis to the most prominent harmonic of your input signal to generate an even cleaner effect with a bit less high end making it useful as an extra tone-shaping control as well. The award winning HOG (Harmonic Octave Generator) earned kudos from players and reviewers alike because of its ability to generate ten, totally polyphonic and glitch free voices ranging from two octaves below to four above the instrument’s pitch-all without the need for a special pickup or instrument mods of any kind. El Músico Loco Wee Beaver Fuzz Review – Best Mini Fuzz Pedal? Now EHX takes things to the next level with the HOG2 and HOG2 Foot Controller. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Even when playing fast runs it’s amazing how smooth the HOG2 sounds, and the tracking is impressively stable. It’s emblazoned with the iconic Electro-Harmonix Flashback logo in white on the left chest and back. and the -2 Octaves voice down to -3 Octaves. I played a gig using the HOG2 with complete MIDI automation of the pedal and achieved some incredibly complex and precise pitch modulation what would have been impossible to pull off in a live situation otherwise. Full MIDI control over all parameters and presets. But don’t be fooled. When sequencing MIDI to control the HOG2 I just made a single default preset to recall and programmed MIDI for particular songs to automate the HOG2’s parameters as needed. Freeze + Vol lets you take the HOG2 from silence to a sustaining pad-like symphony generated by the notes or chord you’re holding.