It can happen on a smaller level too. Maybe they’re happy. A friendship is a bond of gratitude with another person, and you can’t be grateful when the love they pour into you is taken for granted. If you just want to be happy, then be alone. 12. But time doesn’t build anything. It’s the result of friendship. Simply put, it is not necessary for humans to have friends. I too am like this as well as I have never considered myself a social or people person either and I don't think I ever plan on starting now. How to talk my friend out of being an ardent trump defender? I'm in high school and I'm extremely introverted. TWEET. It is only fair. If you are concerned, I would suggest talking to a psychologist or other mental healthcare professional. I use to have a lot of friends, but the older I got....the more I seen how screwed up, petty, immature and dysfunctional most people are. Other times, we would just sit and watch TV. No One Is Rejected Overseas – Foreign Love Web, 5 Essentials Qualities of a True Friend - The Dream Catcher, 6 Tips On Breaking Up With Someone Without Being A Jerk, 9 Things You’re Entitled To Be Really Mad About When Dating, 8 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me When I Was Diagnosed With Herpes, Please Put Down Your Cell Phone While We’re Having A Conversation, 6 Types Of Friends You’ll Definitely Have Before You Reach The Age Of 25, The Top Five People You Should Unfriend From Facebook, 13 Types Of People You’ll Find In Every Group Of Friends. After all it is better to be yourself and have no friends than to be like your friends and have no self. A person should be a good friend all the time. It is one thing if something comes up. They needed help, and that’s what I was there for. I expected it, and therefore could never feel real gratitude. Am I wrong? That is rather childish. Submit your writing to be published on Thought Catalog. A good friend will look for ways to pour love into someone without them seeing it in advance. You might try speaking to a school counselor, but depending on their credentials, they may or may not have the experience to accurately diagnose and assist you in this situation. I'm not saying that you should feel bad or abnormal for not wanting friends, I'm just trying to draw your attention to the real reason that made you feel this way, and I know it's sounds too cliché but, sometimes we discover that one of the best things in life is a good healthy relationship with someone, who would understand us and respect our uniqueness (as a friend or as lover), and maybe you just haven't experienced that happiness yet, so you don't think it's something worthy. Everything was always an open invitation. My advise is that you should plan and manipulate the social situations you find yourself into (Susan gives the same advice). how to not feel sad that a person with a baby has an advantage over u? Hi there as an extreme introvert myself, I recommend the book 'Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking' (by Susan Cain, I think). I don't have time or energy for that lowly crap. The idea can apply to both men and women (since they both sleep around). Later, I started hanging out with one of the friends I made through that event. Sex reveals the art of manipulation. That’s inevitable. The person never really shares anything personal. That’s disgusting since that reveals the person is a coward. I literally can live completely (!) I'm sorry to say, you'll have to know at least some people. It’s just what good people do. And I don’t mean acquaintances, I mean close friends. There’s a reason why a person comes off as a phony. The person is a “good friend” only when it is convenient. The person’s text messages are superficial. They won't, trust me. You are more likely to find a stronger connection with people who are 2 to 3 years older than you. Why are white boys at my high school so scared of black boys? Are you just trying to blow me off? It just happens. People cancel. 10. I am terrified of rejection, so I rarely reach out to friends to see if they’re busy. A real friend would have a legitimate reason for not wanting to be bothered. So Therefore I wish you good luck. Thinking that all of your friends will know each other would be unrealistic. Real connections are important in life.