A comprehensive guide to completing your address registration (Anmeldung) in Berlin in 2020. Book an appointment online Memorize the German articles quickly with the Superhero Technique. The only downside are that you would have to be very flexible and to take that appointment for that same day that you get to know about it and to be willing the drive through the whole city of Berlin. By loading the video, you agree to YouTube's privacy policy.Learn more. Yes. This is particularly difficult, if they have not got a job yet. Getting an appointment at the Bürgeramt can be difficult. As the others have said, going to a more outskirts bürgeramt might be a good idea. To register you simply have to fill out the registration form. Remember that for the Anmeldung you can go to any Bürgeramt in Berlin – just go wherever a free appointment pops up. Now that you’ve successfully booked your appointment, you must remember to bring the necessary documents with you on the day – check out our, Every day there are people cancelling their appointments, and you can take advantage of it, but you need to be refreshing the page at 8am and be fast. If you cannot get the signature, get in touch with your local registration office. Give the official all your registration documents. We are here to help. That means even if they presented an appointment to me that maybe would not have suited me I could have canceled that and would not have been charged. You can only register if you have a proper tenancy agreement. To deregister, you’ll need to send a copy off your passport along with your Abmeldeformular (deregistration form) to your local Bürgeramt. They reportedly have appointment slots that are not available on berlin.de. Instead, you can go to any citizens’ registration office (Bürgeramt) if you have booked an appointment: I'm sorry if this has been done before. Because I got bored of doing that manually, I wrote a Ruby script to do it for me, and /u/daxofdeath shared this improved version. There are screens in the waiting room telling you who’s up. Once arrived the first thing you have to do is find a place. A flat that promises “Anmeldung possible!”! If you’re reading this whilst still in the phase of bouncing from sublet to sublet, don’t panic. You can find more information here. Unfortunately the webpage doesn’t have an official english version, but if using google chrome you can select the option in the top right hand corner to ‘Translate this page’ to make the whole process more clear. For example, you can register your address at any Bürgeramt in Berlin. So I decided to nevertheless wait a few more minutes and to ask at the information desk what they suggest I should do. Is the Anmeldung possible without an appointment? You have just arrived in Berlin? The page Bürgeramt-Termine offered me two options: they would either find me and the following five days anywhere in Berlin at any time for €25 or do so in only 48 hours for €45. If you do not register, you have to pay a fine. Your first step should always be to call 115, the Bürgertelefon. Unfortunately Bürgeramt-Termine.de doesn’t seem to take new orders at the moment. 5 Replies to “Appointment at Bürgeramt Berlin” Dominic Clarkson says: July 29, 2015 at 7:51 am Thanks Michael. I bookmarked the page that shows all available appointments and added it to my toolbar. Click on "Anmelden einer Wohnung" on this page. This form must be signed by your landlord or rental agency. Another emergency would be if you had lost your ID or passport or any other important document. And that’s it! When you move to a new place in Germany, you don’t have to deregister from the place you left. All About Berlin collects statistics about visitors. I got really lucky and got a same-day appointment! Facebook • You do not need to go to your local Bürgeramt. Vice versa you cannot start working if you are not registered. They have recently changed rules, so now everyone has to make an appointment. I wish you success and a wonderful time in Berlin the Mutterstadt. Do you already have your apartment sorted? Your ‘Vorgangsnummer’ will be shown on the screen in the waiting room when it’s your turn so do remember it to avoid missing your appointment! Booking an online appointment is the best way to save time during the registration process. The problem with appointments is that the next available appointment was about two month from now if I did not have an emergency. But even in these emergency cases the local office can decide not to take you on without an appointment. You cannot sign any contracts either. For most residence titles, you can book an appointment at the Berlin Immigration Office: Services for which you can book an appointment. Link for those of you who simply want to register their new flat on time: Take a look at the hashtag #TerminWuesteBerlin on Twitter to read about other people’s experience with the Berlin offices. It is not mandatory to go to the Bürgeramt of your district, you can choose the most convenient for you. I'm happy to help. Thanks Michael. The, If you are in a hurry to have the Anmeldung, in some offices you can go.