In SQL Server mode: Session is stored in a SQL Server database. It does not use server memory. There are four session storage mechanisms provided by ASP.NET: In Process mode: In proc mode is the default mode provided by ASP.NET. It is also called application level state management. Persistence cookies are permanently stored till the time you set. Variables stored in application state are global only to the particular process the application is running in, and each application process can have different values. View state is another client side state management mechanism provided by ASP.NET to store user's data, i.e., sometimes the user needs to preserve data temporarily after a post back, then the view state is the preferred way for doing it.

For information on defining URL patterns with the @page directive, see ASP.NET Core Blazor routing.

How to use control state property: Control state implementation is simple. If the cookie exists it sends a request with the same cookie, else that request is treated as a new request. For expected results for the control we have to use Control State property. The user might close and re-open their browser or reload the page, which removes any state held in the browser's memory.

If the component attempts to interact with storage, an error is generated explaining that JavaScript interop calls cannot be issued because the component is being prerendered. Hidden field control is not rendered to the client (browser) and it is invisible on the browser. Unlike session state, Profile data doesn't get lost when the session expires. Most enterprise-level relational databases, such as Microsoft SQL Server, contain an expansive toolset for most data mining projects. The server can't retain a disconnected circuit forever.

First, let’s get a fundamental understanding of some of the issues with current methods of state management. The profile properties feature uses an ASP.NET profile, which is stored in a persistent format and associated with an individual user. No server resources are required   By default, control state is stored in hidden fields on the page. However, the lack of intuitive and effective solutions when it comes to React state management has been a recurring problem and this led to the rise of Facebook’s new state management library, Recoil. The following are the client-side state management options that ASP.NET supports: Web Forms pages provide the ViewState property as a built-in structure for automatically retaining values between multiple requests for the same page. Nowadays all web apps demand a high level of state management from control to application level.

Let's see the Global.asax file. For permanent data persistence that spans multiple users and devices, the app can use server-side storage. User-configured refusal   Some users disable their browser or client device's ability to receive cookies, thereby limiting this functionality. Either disable prerendering or add additional code to work with prerendering. Potential security risks   Cookies are subject to tampering. Most of the time, the app maintains a connection to the server. The browser doesn't yet have a page in which it can run JavaScript code. In larger, more realistic apps, storage of individual fields is an unlikely scenario. The following table lists the server-side state management options that are available with ASP.NET, and provides recommendations about when you should use each option.

If you use hidden fields, you must submit your pages to the server using the HTTP POST method rather than requesting the page via the page URL (the HTTP GET method). Therefore, you cannot rely on application state to store unique values or update global counters in Web-garden and Web-farm server configurations. Cookie is a small text file which is created by the client's browser and also stored on the client hard disk by the browser. Configurable expiration rules   The cookie can expire when the browser session ends, or it can exist indefinitely on the client computer, subject to the expiration rules on the client. Avoid allowing users to inspect or tamper with sensitive data. Session-specific events   Session management events can be raised and used by your application. Use when you need to store small amounts of information for a page that will post back to itself. Use when you are transferring small amounts of information from one page to another and security is not an issue. However, there is a performance trade-off. However, because you must send information to the client for it to be stored, there is a practical limit on how much information you can store this way. You can manually serialize and de-serialize rich data types to and from hidden fields, respectively.

Here I have set the expiry to 10 minutes. In general, the state provider parent component pattern is recommended: To persist many different state objects and consume different subsets of objects in different places, it's better to avoid persisting state globally.

Additionally, session-state data can be persisted across multiple processes, such as in a Web farm or a Web garden. This attribute is required when session mode is SqlServer. Generally a cookie is used to identify users. Generally session is used to store user's information and/or uniquely identify a user (or say browser). ASP.NET provides multiple ways to maintain state between server round trips. Typically, sites have information in the database that describes the preferences of a user (identified by a unique ID). For more information, see ASP.NET Profile Properties Overview. For more information, see ASP.NET Application State Overview.

Data stored in the application should be of small size. The ideal data to store in session-state variables is short-lived, sensitive data that is specific to an individual session. The ASP.NET page framework provides the ControlState property as way to store custom control data between server trips.

If security is a concern, consider using a server-based state mechanism so that no sensitive information is sent to the client. Most browsers allow 20 cookies per server in a client's hard disk folder and the size of a cookie is not more than 4096 bytes or 4 KB of data that also includes name and value data. Control state is separate from view state.

For example, your business development department might want to use the data collected from your site to determine next year's product line or distribution policy. The source of the hidden field control is. Thus, you can typically secure a cookie that is used for identification by storing the user name, account name, or a unique user ID (such as a GUID) in the cookie and then using the cookie to access the user personalization infrastructure of a site.

Simple storage architecture   The hidden field does not support rich data types. The following is an example for storing a counter value: If many components rely on browser-based storage, re-implementing state provider code many times creates code duplication. This allows you to store user specific data in a persistent format.

OnInitializedAsync is only called once when the component is first instantiated. A pair of components uses a state container to track a property. Furthermore, pages are destroyed and re-created with each round trip to the server; therefore, page information will not exist beyond the life cycle of a single page. For transient data that the user is actively creating, a commonly used storage location is the browser's localStorage and sessionStorage collections: localStorage and sessionStorage can be used in Blazor WebAssembly apps but only by writing custom code or using a third-party package. In addition, the profile makes the user information available using a strongly typed API that you can access from anywhere in your application. No server resources are required   The cookie is stored on the client and read by the server after a post. The components of the example are nested, but nesting isn't required for this approach to work. Potential security risks The view state is stored in one or more hidden fields on the page. It creates a tangible data structure to represent the state of your app that you can read from and write to. The next time the user makes a request for the same site, either the same or another page, the browser checks the existence of the cookie for that site in the folder. Single or multiple page level: State management at single as well as multiple page level i.e., managing state between page requests. The original server processing requests for a user may become unavailable when the user attempts to reconnect. This attribute is required when session mode is. Since the session values are stored in server, whenever server is restarted the session values will be lost. Use when you need to store small amounts of information for a page that will post back to itself or to another page, and when security is not an issue. To recover the currentCount data if the user returns to the Counter component later, including if they're on an entirely new circuit, use ProtectedSessionStore.GetAsync: If the component's parameters include navigation state, call ProtectedSessionStore.GetAsync and assign the result in OnParametersSetAsync, not OnInitializedAsync. ASP.NET provides several options to implement server-side state management. It's worth considering choosing a package that transparently uses ASP.NET Core Data Protection. Shopping carts: Any commercially important component of an app that represents potential revenue can be maintained. Indeed, it has a bit of boilerplate in comparison with other competitors like NGXS, Akita, or plain RxJS. In the example we try to save the number of postbacks on button click. Hidden fields may be dangerous: Even though they are not rendered as GUI elements, a user can change the value by editing the HTML. This is A Non Persistance Cookie; But usually if this mode is used there will be a separate server for storing sessions, i.e., stateServer. If the web server becomes unavailable, and the user is forced to reload the page in order to connect to a different server. It stores data in the generated HTML using hidden field not on the server.

Session_Start: The Session_start event is raised every time a new user makes a request without a session ID, i.e., new browser accesses the application, then a session_start event raised. ASP.NET provides a feature called profile properties, which allows you to store user-specific data. Versatility   Custom adapters can be written to control how and where control-state data is stored. For more information, see ASP.NET Web Application Security and Basic Security Practices for Web Applications.

The Blazor WebAssembly app maintains an ephemeral connection to the server-side app, while the server-side app has a persistent connection to storage. Device limitations   Mobile devices might not have the memory capacity to store a large amount of view-state data. This article does an overview of state management techniques in ASP.NET. Simple implementation   ASP.NET provides full support for the query-string method, including methods of reading query strings using the Params property of the HttpRequest object. With prerendering enabled, an error is generated explaining that JavaScript interop calls cannot be issued because the component is being prerendered.

This is usually the best choice if the app makes heavy use of browser-based storage. Hidden fields offer a single string value field in which to place information. Generally, maintain state across circuits where users are actively creating data, not simply reading data that already exists. Microsoft.AspNetCore.ProtectedBrowserStorage is an unsupported, experimental package unsuitable for production use. Session management is a very strong technique to maintain state. For more information, see the following resources: For more information on Azure data storage options, see the following: For transient data representing navigation state, model the data as a part of the URL. What are the capabilities of the browsers and devices that you are targeting? In multi-server, load-balanced deployment environments, individual servers may fail or be automatically removed when no longer required to handle the overall volume of requests.