Bessel, having been consulted by the celebrated statesman, Sir Robert Peel, on behalf of the Radcliffe trustees, as to what instrument, added to the Radcliffe Observatory, would probably most promote the advancement of astronomy, strongly advised the selection of a heliometer. "You don.t want to be there to see how bad things get," Katie advised. The please be advised list of example sentences with please be advised. Chlorine Dioxide In 1990 the COM advised that both chlorine dioxide and its breakdown products should be regarded as potential mutagens. This is an extremely difficult situation where you'll be well advised to seek professional help immediately. The doctoes advised me to reduce weight by running, jogging and doing exercises. Performance & security by Cloudflare. 30. I had already excised them, because I had been advised to do so by my editor at Granta! In the north, spring planting of strawberries is generally advised for market conditions; although planting in early fall or late summer is successful when the ground is well prepared and when it does not suffer from drought. Aeschines narrates his quarrel with his sweetheart, and is advised to go to Egypt and enlist in the army of Ptolemy Philadelphus; in xv. "I love Sofia, but I hope you take a switch to her ass," Jule advised as he tossed himself into one of the chairs. You can try the do-it-yourself methods, but be advised that they may not work for everyone and you should only try them when you can no longer tolerate the scratches and you're prepared to purchase a new set of lenses if necessary. They advised putting her on a medication for obsessive compulsive disorder. Before the advent of perinatology training, women with medical problems such as chronic hypertension, diabetes, and epilepsy were advised to not get pregnant because they could die. He was advised to attack the enemy at midnight. If the Russian army at Krasnaya Pakhra had given battle as Bennigsen and Barclay advised? He is assisted and advised by the superior council of public instruction, over which he presides. Mrs. Smith advised the student to study her notes for several hours if she wanted to pass the English test. Example sentences with the word advised.advised example sentences. In April, upon the king's declaration that he was resolved to send for James from Scotland, Shaftesbury advised the popular leaders at once to leave the council, and they followed his advice. advised to refer to their Browser instructions or help screen to learn more about these functions. After she had passed her examinations and received her certificate of admission, she was advised by the Dean of Radcliffe and others not to go on. advised Catherine to come to terms with the confederates. At a meeting of county members earlier in the day Peel had advised them not to be led into discussion by a violent speech from the member for Durham, but to let the committee be granted without debate. My vet advised separate litter trays, letting them outside, and finally the "Feliway" which I have used for about a month. : 14. advised in a sentence - Use "advised" in a sentence 1. Unrepresented litigants are advised that help with their application may be available from the Citizens ' Advice Bureau at the Royal Courts of Justice. We were even advised of a short cut back to M23 to avoid tailbacks during rush hour traffic! However, the Claimant was advised that he would probably need to have his left testicle removed. He advised me to stop all dealings with him. He was a Liberal Democrat, and advised the calling of a constitutional convention as preferable to nullification or secession. Just spent quite a while trying to clean up the citations as per advised, removing incorrect citations and getting rid of the bare URLs. The US authorities on Friday advised their nationals to stay away from anti-war protests in Italy, saying there could be violence. He was first advised by Pere Lecointe to devote himself to ecclesiastical history, and laboriously studied Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen and Theodoret, but. advised. Churches have also been advised that in hosting pre-election hustings they should invite all political parties to participate. With respect to the calculating rods, he mentions in the dedication that they had already found so much favour as to be almost in common use, and even to have been carried to foreign countries; and that he has been advised to publish his little work relating to their mechanism and use, lest they should be put forth in some one else's name. It's also highly advised that you seek personal training from a professional well versed in electronic collar training, as learning through trial and error on your pet is not an acceptable option. An appeal to the pope they would have laughed to scorn; but the ccsnfidence felt in the probity of the French king was so great that Montfort advised his friends to accede to the proposal. Yet Duncan Forbes of Culloden, president of the Court of Session, after the outbreak of the war with Spain, reported amazing scarcity of money in the country, and strenuously advised legislative checks on the taste for tea, which naturally diminished the profits of the excise on more generous beverages. Biot - who loved and admired him as a son - publicly announced that his enterprise was chimerical and the problem insoluble; Dumas evidently thought so too, for he advised Pasteur not to spend more of his time on such a subject. Parents are advised not to give children aspirin for fever because of a side effect called Reye syndrome, which may cause liver failure. as per advised in a sentence - Use "as per advised" in a sentence 1. Wikipedia can inform about any exploit contain in Article before deletion which can be improve as per advised. I think you would be ill-advised to go sky diving without a parachute, but if you don’t believe me I won’t have a chance to say I told you so. I answered that both groups were suffering from serious defects and advised him to take measures to liquidate factionalism. Though Jason had fled, it was necessary to storm the city; the drastic measures which Menelaus advised seem to indicate that the poorer classes had been roused to defend the Temple from further sacrilege. Those with HIV are advised to be particularly vigilant. Greenberg was advised that the Reports from our Embassy in Athens for that period had been rendered indecipherable ` due to rain damage ' . The Chairman advised that the Parish Council was accountable for any monies expended on any project. Nevertheless, any persons using a pacemaker, or having any history of epilepsy, would be advised to avoid this circuit. As the chief councillor of Prince Zsigmond Bathory, he advised his sovereign to contract an alliance with the emperor instead of holding to the Turk, and rendered important diplomatic services on frequent missions to Prague and Vienna. A 523 error means that Cloudflare could not reach your host web server. You are advised to contact event organizers to confirm details. There is also the question of who should be advised to take a statin. People who have hemophilia A or B and other bleeding disorders are advised to avoid activities and contact sports that can cause severe injury. Adolescents should be advised to avoid tobacco, caffeine, and alcoholic beverages, as these substances can increase daytime sleepiness in patients with narcolepsy. food poisoning symptoms are advised to contact their GP for medical advice. The teacher advised the boys to work steadily. Previously consumptive individuals were carefully excluded from contact with fresh air, and were advised to live in rooms almost hermetically sealed and kept at a high temperature. The societies advised that trilithon 6, 7, with lintel - which had slewed round - and trilithon 56, which was leaning at a dangerous angle, should be examined with a view to replacement with as little excavation as possible; that the monolith and lintel 22 be replaced, and its companion sarsen (21) secured; and that trilithon 57, 58, should be re-erected in its place, which was exactly known. Otherwise, as a community trust we were advised it will be expensive to get non stock requisition orders. Who advised the NAEA that this kind of patronizing nonsense would make us like them more? The doctor advised him to go to some rural retreat for his nerve cure. On his deathbed it is said that Alexander advised his wife to reverse this policy and rely upon the Pharisees. Take my advice and quit your day job to focus on your startup business. It is advised to give them plenty of time to get them done. Mrs. Smith advised the student to study her notes for several hours if she wanted to pass the English test. The audiencia councils also advised the viceroy in matters of administration; and, as with other officials, his career was subject at its close to a formal examination by a commission - a process known as " taking his residencia.".