It often spreads by layering, a process by which a branch forms new roots and separates from the mother plant. While the creeping juniper can withstand below freezing temperatures, the young plants are still more vulnerable to cold than a full grown plant would be. This 2 to 3 inch thick mulch will keep the soil moist and discourage weeds. I bought some Ortho Weed-B-Gon but it says do not use on groundcovers. They can be planted to create a low hedge or used in the border as specimens or en masse to create a … - The juniper we have is growing very well in the back of our house. Phlox will go 3-4' wide in a few years, but for quick coverage you'd want to plant closer- 2'or less. I have found that it is easily controlled. When shearing junipers, care should be taken to leave some new growth on the plant to avoid pruning back into the dead zone. If you do not have enough time, you can trim the juniper twice a year. Propagating the plant by seed is unpredictable and can take up to five years, so most people use cuttings. Creeping Phlox. If your juniper is in a little pot then this will be the easiest to transfer. Creeping juniper is a mat-forming, trailing shrub native to the northern regions of North America. Thank you. This bluish-green evergreen features textured, plume like foliage. If possible, choose shrubs that have been raised in containers rather than ones whose roots are wrapped in a ball with soil in burlap. Before I decide where and how to plant these I am hoping someone can confirm what they are. Juniper has long been a popular ornamental garden plant for its four-season interest, ability to grow in most regions, and virtually carefree nature. we had lots of creeping juniper beds as well. Creeping Junipers - What is the pH on the creeping junipers? Most shrub and groundcover junipers grow 4 to 8 inches per year. The cones or branches can also be used as a steam bath. At this time, the plant is weakened, and pruning can damage it. They generally mature in two years and persist through winter. They range from ground covers and shrubs to 65-foot-tall cone-bearing trees.. Creeping juniper (Juniperus horizontalis) is an evergreen ground cover that ranges in height from 4 inches to 2 feet at its center, depending on cultivar, with a general spread of up to 8 feet. Fleshy dark blue cones with a conspicuous white bloom are produced by female plants. Description of the plant: My wife isn't crazy about the green shrubs. Spacing depends on which plant and how much money you have. Juniperus horizontalis, creeping juniper, is a shrub that occurs in the northern United States and Canada. Either one will take 2-4 years to cover, longer for the juniper. What I personally like about this Blue Rug Juniper is the look it gives when spilling over a stone wall or along a rock garden. Do not shear in a formal manner. Creeping junipers are difficult to transplant because they have a deep taproot as well as "creeping" roots that spread like underground stems. Can Cuttings From Creeping Juniper Be Transplanted? Use small changes to anchor changing vignettes A planting with year-round appeal is a great way to enhance the entrance to your home. Once filled in they make a perfect evergreen carpet that does a great job of keeping a bed weed tree. It’s a bit taller than some other ground covers, reaching an average of 6-inches in height. You might know this plant as moss pink or creeping phlox. This way as the Creeping Jenny gets close to the grass line you can spray it a little with Glyphosate (Round-up or Killz All) along the edge to keep it out of the grass. I´m guessing some type of creeping juniper but there are so many varieties. Inspect your plant for the tell-tale signs of mites such as a dusty or gray appearance caused by their webbing. In winter, the foliage takes on a purple tinge. The species is dioecious (individual flowers are either male or female, but only one sex is to be found on any one plant so both male and female plants must be grown if seed is required). 0. Thanks! The creeping junipers die. Knowledge of how to prepare the cuttings for planting will help you get a thick, silvery blue ground cover from small pieces of an existing plant. Creeping Juniper is intolerant of both shade and fire, inhabiting open, dry, sandy sites like rock outcrops, sand dunes and sand barrens. Pruning a specific plant to look a specific way, involves art in creating a unique definition for a specific plant, and it involves science in understanding the physical growing habits of the plant to be pruned. It is drought and deer tolerant and moderately salt tolerant. It is low growing and evergreen and is often used for groundcover. Creeping juniper is a versatile ground cover plant that’s fast growing in locations exposed to direct sunlight. Other articles where Creeping juniper is discussed: juniper: Major species: chinensis) of eastern Asia, and creeping juniper (J. horizontalis) of eastern North America are other popular ornamental species with many horticultural varieties. To kill the juniper you can use a glyphosate product, such as Killzall or Glyphosel. It is found growing in rocky or sandy soils from rocky outcrops to streams. The second time in the fall to correct the shape. Ah, creeping phlox!….its a sure sign of spring. I do not recommend trimming juniper in winter. Creeping Juniper One of the best evergreens for hot, poor, dry soils in city conditions, Junipers are found in almost any height, width, shape, and foliage color. I had to do this last year with some creeping raspberry that was planted in the wrong place by the previous homeowner. Several varieties of creeping juniper are available. In my experience, creeping phlox has fewer weeds come up in it than juniper. These ... Q. You can … Prune spreading and creeping junipers by selectively cutting back to vigorous, lateral side branches. She prefers flowering shrubs. It’s a North American plant that grows well in eastern and central U.S. Gardeners can use this decorative ground cover in USDA hardiness zones 3-9. Evergreen, (sometimes purplish in fall) with a fine, soft texture that provides a contrast for various light-colored shrubs. The first time in the spring, you should form the structure of the plant. Creeping Juniper is a native low-growing shrub that grows up to 1.5 feet high and branches can spread to form a dense mat up to 10 feet wide. This can be a bear of a job. A creeping blue juniper cascades on a rocky slope and serves as a centerpiece among seasonally changing plantings. Spring is the best time to plant. However, do not use a lot of water, avoid waterlogging. Q. Juniper Groundcovers - How can I rejuvenate 12 yr old juniper groundcovers that are very matted and seem to be dying back? Juniper and related trees in the cedar family are notorious for producing pollen allergies, especially in regions where junipers are widely distributed as part of the native plant community. Full sun, although it can handle some shade. Dear John, juniperus horizontalis is a very vigorous and resistant ground cover plant; however, with the passing of the years, as well as widening a lot, it also tends to get slightly wider, forming bushes that can become up to 50-80 cm high.