The larvae that hatch have a white, translucent to pinkish body and a reddish brown head. Columbus, Ohio 43210 Purchase stock for resale when adults aren't active. Larvae can also feed above ground within the stems of the plants. The mature larvae enter a quiescent prepupal stage in an earthen cell and pupate the following spring. Container plants can be drenched, preferably in August or September. The legless larvae prefer to feed on young tender roots of Taxus, rhododendrons and hemlock from mid-summer through fall and in early spring. Adult weevils cause insignificant, aesthetic injury to plants by feeding on the margins of leaves, creating crescent-shaped notches. Check the root system of plants that suddenly deteriorate under drought or heat stress or that become flaccid. Want to know more about our company and products? The clay-colored root weevil occurs in the western United States and primarily feeds on raspberries. Leaf feeding by the adults seems to have little effect on plant health. Plants It is a very widespread and common insect. Most are about a third of an inch to a half-inch long, but the strawberry root weevil is about half this size. The weevils hide during the daytime at the base of plants or in mulch and leaf litter near food plants. Cyclamen corms may have hollows chewed into them by larvae. Copyright © 2020ISU Extension and Outreach There are over 41,000 species of weevil world wide, 5000 in Europe, and 623 in the British Isles. The entomopathogenic nematodes, Steinernema and Heterorhabditis spp., have been effective for controlling black vine weevil larvae, especially in potted plants. Female BVW emerge from soil pupation chambers in late May to early July. These insects are nocturnal and undergo only a single generation in Ohio. Inspect plants regularly during the spring and summer for telltale notching of the leaves. Vine Weevil Life Cycle The lifecycle is one generation per growing season. They are most active at night. Trapboards These weevils must feed on plant material for 21 to 45 days before they are ready to lay eggs. Injury to Taxus has appeared throughout Ohio, particularly in northeastern counties where nurseries are located on sandy loam soils. Pupae are white to cream coloured and 7 - 10 mm long. Repot plants into fresh bark mix after the larvae have hatched. Curculionidae Family, weevils . In temperate climates in the Northern hemisphere, the first adult weevils appear around May. | Columbus, Ohio 43210. The preferred hosts seem to be Taxus (yews), hemlock, various rhododendrons and other broad-leaved evergreens. Other susceptible plants include begonia, cyclamen, fuchsia, impatiens, primrose and sedum. The BVW is the most destructive of the vine weevil complex, both in landscapes and plant nurseries. By clicking “I Accept”, you agree to be bound by our Privacy Statement and to the use of cookies. The wing covers are grooved and fused with the body. It commonly infests containerized perennials in greenhouse and polyhouse production settings. Black vine weevils found indoors need only be swept or picked up and discarded. Eggs are white, round and 0.7mm in diameter. The strawberry root and rough strawberry root weevils are often found in seedling nurseries, nursery polyhouses and occasionally in small fruit farms. Once the eggs hatch, weevil larvae feed voraciously on whatever plant-based food source is nearby. You can find more information about the use of cookies in our Privacy Statement and Cookie Statement. These weevils cannot fly but they are very active walkers. In the warmth of house plant pots or nursery polyhouses, the larvae may pupate in January or February and the adults emerge in March or April. Nuts – walnut This fact sheet is a revision of OSU Extension fact sheet HYG-2016, Black Vine Weevil. Description | Damage | Lifecycle | Spread | Monitoring | Control | Hint. get specialist knowledge of our natural, safe solutions. College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Egg and larval survival is helped when soil moisture is moderate to high in July and August. Visit the website of your country Adult black vine weevils will feed on over 100 different kinds of plants but prefer yews (Taxus) and rhododendrons. Perennial producers occasionally open their polyhouses in the spring, only to find that many of the plants are dead because all their root systems have been eaten away. This damage is usually not a problem in vegetables and fruit crops but reduces the value of ornamental plants. The black vine weevil is an uncommon insect pest in Iowa. The life cycle of the black vine weevil consists of an egg, 6 or 7 larval instars, a pupal instar and the adult beetle. e.g. After the roots have been destroyed the larvae move into corms, rhizomes and stem bases of plants. Adult black vine weevils will feed on over 100 different species of cultivated and wild plants including trees, shrubs, vines and flowers. Susceptible plants in the landscape should be watched for signs of weevil feeding in early summer. Life Cycle. This site designed and maintained by CFAES Marketing and Communications. The black vine weevil, Otiorhynchus sulcatus (Fabricius), earned its name "vine" weevil as it was first documented as a pest on grapes in Germany. Multiple generations may occur for populations infesting plant material in greenhouses. Different species of weevils have specialised diets and attack particular plants or food products. Careful searches should be made to locate the insect pest as multiple other weevils, and some caterpillars can produce this same type of notching. Application of nematodes in landscapes has produced variable results. apple, blackberry, blackcurrant, gooseberry, grape, strawberry Occasionally, hundreds of field-grown plants are killed with dramatic suddenness.