a transfer interstate or overseas. Before calling us, visit COVID-19, Tax time essentials, or find answers to our Top call centre questions. Once in Australia I can submit a certificate of residence to ATO for onward submission to HMRC that allows for my UK state pension and my monthly private/occupational final salary pension to be paid gross into my UK bank account without deduction of tax. Go to question D12 Personal superannuation contributions 2020, or return to main menu Individual tax return instructions 2020. Use arrow keys to navigate between menuitems, spacebar to expand submenus, escape key to close submenus, enter to activate menuitems. However, in your case, they probably suit your needs to cover both your incoming cash and your current portfolio. Write the deductible amount of your UPP at Y item D11 on your tax return. If you received an Italian government pension, the Italian government authorities will send you an Article 10 letter each year giving you an estimate of the amount of pension income you will receive, and the amount that you contributed towards your pension. If you cannot determine the deductible amount, you can claim an annual deductible amount equal to 25% of your gross pension payment. I have recently been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, so don’t want to have to manage a complex portfolio myself. Hello I am a dual UK/Australian citizen, resident for 8 years in Australia. A lump sum received in Australia from a deferred UK state pension is ordinary income, with no tax-free portion.Credit:Simon Dawson/Bloomberg. Financial Adviser (FPA Member AFP ®) Specialising in UK Expat Advice and Pension Transfers / AR-322874 /AFSL-234951, SMSF Accredited Adviser / UK SIPP Authorised Adviser, Director  - Vista Financial Services – www.vistafs.com.au 08 8381 7177. Part of the money I am to get, some $400,000, will be mine and the remaining $300,000 is to be divided up between the grandchildren, but which I am to hold in trust until my death, receiving the income. My question re FAD is whether or not the DTA considers these withdrawals to be a "pension" or is it considered investment income? We are in a similar UK/Australia situation to that letter writer. I have spoken to two investment advisors who recommended more wrap investments. I will actually be age 66+ before moving to Australia. For a category A pension or a category B widows pension you can calculate your deduction by multiplying your UK State Pension (in Australian dollars) by 8%. Hi Andy,Could you help me? As a rule of thumb, anything less than three months would be suspicious and the reason you move out would need to be genuine e.g. But this option leaves me at the mercy of years of non-indexation, as well as the effect on the pound of the economic genius of the Brexiteers! High call volumes may result in long wait times. If you received a pension from the United Kingdom State Pension (previously known as the British National Insurance Scheme), you may be entitled to a UPP deduction. For a category A pension or a category B widow's pension, you can calculate your deduction by multiplying your UK State Pension (in Australian dollars) by 8%. Income payments are assessed for tax under foreign income rules (typically at a person's MTR). I thought with a newly purchased property that you have to live in it for the first six months or more before renting it out, for it to be considered your primary place of residence. If your super benefits won’t fully support you when you retire, you may qualify for age and service pensions or benefits or claim certain tax offsets. A person’s after-tax contributions to a UK pension fund during their working life become the “Undeducted Purchase Price,” or UPP, when those savings are used to buy a pension. 2 Allowances, earnings, tips, directors fees etc 2020, 4 Employment termination payments (ETP) 2020, 5 Australian Government allowances and payments 2020, 6 Australian Government pensions and allowances 2020, 7 Australian annuities and superannuation income streams 2020, 8 Australian superannuation lump sum payments 2020, 9 Attributed personal services income 2020, Income that you show on the supplementary section of the tax return 2020, D3 Work-related clothing, laundry and dry-cleaning expenses 2020, D4 Work-related self-education expenses 2020, Deductions that you show on the supplementary section of the tax return 2020, L1 Tax losses of earlier income years 2020, Adjustments that you show on the supplementary section of your tax return 2020, T1 Seniors and pensioners (includes self-funded retirees) 2020, T2 Australian superannuation income stream 2020, Tax offsets that you show on the supplementary section of the tax return 2020, M1 Medicare levy reduction or exemption 2020, Private health insurance policy details 2020, IT1 Total reportable fringe benefits amounts 2020, IT2 Reportable employer superannuation contributions 2020, IT3 Tax-free government pensions or benefits 2020, Spouse details - married or de facto 2020, Adjusted taxable income (ATI) for you and your dependants 2020, 16 Deferred non-commercial business losses 2020, 17 Net farm management deposits or repayments 2020, 20 Foreign source income and foreign assets or property 2020, 22 Bonuses from life insurance companies and friendly societies 2020, 23 Forestry managed investment scheme income 2020, D11 Deductible amount of undeducted purchase price of a foreign pension or annuity 2020, D12 Personal superannuation contributions 2020, D14 Forestry managed investment scheme deduction 2020, D15 Other deductions - not claimable at items D1 to D14 or elsewhere on your tax return 2020, T3 Superannuation contributions on behalf of your spouse 2020, T7 Early stage venture capital limited partnership 2020, A5 Amount on which family trust distribution tax has been paid 2020, C1 Credit for interest on early payments 2020, Prior years individuals tax return forms & schedules, Tax return for individuals (supplementary section) 2020, Individual PAYG payment summary schedule 2020, Income averaging for special professionals 2020, Guide to foreign income tax offset rules 2020, Refund of franking credits for individuals - application form 2020, Government super contributions workbook 2020, Refund of franking credit instructions and application for individuals 2020, Personal investors guide to capital gains tax 2020, Attribution managed investment trust (AMIT) tax return instructions 2020, Request for a determination of the deductible amount of UPP of a foreign pension or annuity, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, provide the additional documentation required. How would you advise me to invest the money? Claiming the tax free threshold. I’m not keen on wrap accounts or the more modern managed accounts, although they are greatly favoured by financial advisers, as one of the few remaining means of maintaining a flow of ongoing fees. This is clearly marked. If you received a pension from another country, other than an Austrian, British, Dutch, German or Italian pension, and you think you are entitled to claim a deductible amount, complete a Request for a determination of the deductible amount of UPP of a foreign pension or annuity. You will be able to claim a Deductible amount of un-deducted purchase price of a foreign pension  (UK = 8%). Make sure you have the information for the right year before making decisions based on that information. I have a part time job where tax is deducted from my salary every fortnight. Am I missing something or is this normal? Can you clearly identify the “default 8 per cent deductible amount” which you mentioned in your column recently? Unfortunately, transferring your UK pension into an Australian superannuation fund has been made more difficult in recent years due to changes in the rules. S.M. If you need information or assistance with this question, phone 13 10 20. The ATO allows UK state pensioners an 8 per cent “deductible amount” (google ATO Tax Ruling 93/13). I am about to receive $700,000 from the sale of my late mother’s property. Recipients of foreign pensions can ask the ATO to calculate their UPP. When you retire in Australia, and also receive a UK pension, this pension will be included in your taxable income, and taxed at normal rates, based on the tax band you are in.. If you have a question for George Cochrane, send it to Personal Investment, PO Box 3001, Tamarama, NSW, 2026. I have a UK State pension plus a very small private pension which amounts to $25200 per annum. If you follow our information and it turns out to be incorrect, or it is misleading and you make a mistake as a result, we will take that into account when determining what action, if any, we should take. Don’t spend too much time Googling. Another question I have about Flexible Access Drawdown relates to the UK/OZ double-taxation agreement and perhaps if any UK Expats are out there who are in a similar situation to myself they could help clarify. If a person has transferred a UK Pension to an Australian Super Fund and is permanent resident (Citizen) and has met a full Condition of Release they are able to withdraw funds as and when they wish and if over age 60 tax-free (from an Australian perspective). Just to add, I am not saying you are wrong more if you have read this somewhere it would be good to know where from? I estimate my UK deferred state pension accrual would pay me about $A55,000 in the first year, if I took it as a lump sum. Should I pay off the Melbourne mortgage from my independent share? If you do not know your deductible amount: We will address your request in the form of a private binding ruling (PBR) which is legally binding on the Commissioner.