Until yesterday. Hang tough. Been hanging out with my friend over a beer an hour ago (now it's 7:10 PM), she was smoking and I did not feel any impulse to want a cigarette myself. I think that if you relapse during a patch-quitting attempt, it weakens the patch's future efficacy, in my opinion, since your brain associating the patch with smoking cessation is compromised. Hopefully, I'll manage just as you did this time! For how long did you take it? My longest quit was cold turkey and it's what I recommend and am currently trying again. That sounds like you really want to quit! I'm wondering if i can take off the patch and just smoke one stick and then put the patch back on when i am done. Instead, I cut the 7mg 3-step patch in two pieces, and use one 3.5mg patch a day, then cut into 4 pieces for a 1.8mg dose per day, then into 6 pieces, approx 1 mg/day.... eased down slowly- it's such a powerful drug that going from 7mg to 0 is a big jump IMO. Then I woke up for real scared as fuck and feeling bad for the next couple hours. Even if I try go to bed at 21:00 I won't fall asleep until 12-1 AM. In my experience intense dreams these days ALWAYS equals nightmares. A week later and I relapsed completely. The patches really take the edge off they really helped me. I am an insomniac just like yourself. While wearing the patch, I definitely had a great reduction in cravings. Once i got rid of that, the patches helped me wean myself off of nicotine. Sourcing drugs is NOT allowed here! In the case I did happen to fall asleep with it on, I'd have some of the most vivid, realistic dreams of my life. The 14mg patches were too much for me and made me sick. There are a few catchy stories about what people dreamed while wearing the patch. Acetylcholine is likely influencing dreams due to memory consolidation or another process (choline is connected to memory). Bupropion could definitely help with quitting and weight gain, but could of course have unwanted side effects. Don't be afraid to cut them into smaller strips to adjust dosage or ween yourself off the patches. Good luck on your quit. When my grandma was in the hospital a while ago for a fall they gave her nicotine patches and whenever she slept with them she would get the worst nightmares that she thought were real. Therefore you remember and are active in your dreams. Take off the patch before an MRI. It worked and I'm at almost two months. With no luck best I have gone was a week, cold turkey. Sounds like somebody gotta go get a pack of nicotine patches and have a good night sleep. The only way that you might struggle is if you were … Also, realize that the anger, depression, anxiety and other nasty feelings will GRADUALLY get better. Now you need a new way to meet those needs. Was wondering why this happens? That was, for me, the best part of patches. I'm sure this will vary person to person, so only use Nicotine (especially in the form of an e-cig) if you are comfortable with the idea and know how your body and mind will respond. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Other than the mild half hour itchiness after applying it, nothing unusual yet. You will be glad to know that most of the nicotine is now out of your body. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If you are like me that part is much harder. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Education and attitude will help you the most. Best of luck to you on your journey as well! It was more useful that I expected. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the stopsmoking community. I took them for six weeks or so, starting with 21 mg. Great job! I was about to kill myself. A few months ago I tried again, after precisely 23 hours I HAD to have a cigarette or else I would be convinced I'm gonna lose my mind. Usually the first day is the worst after quitting. I love researching dreams as well as drugs lol.