Interpreters convert spoken speech or sign language from one language to another. The FluentU community is made of individuals from around the globe with all different language backgrounds and skills. We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. Nowadays brands are international, and those who aren’t yet are headed that way. With this track record you might score a job at Gucci, or you might work on healthcare infrastructure development in rural Brazil or become a social worker assisting marginalized immigrant youths in inner-city neighborhoods. Normally three or four or more different NGOs and aid organizations come together to implement a project like this, and these organizations must be staffed by people who understand the realities of what’s going on on the ground in the communities they’re working in. Thirdly, if you studied abroad or spent substantial time with Italian immigrants or Italian exchange students, you’ll be familiar with Italians’ nuances of communication: is it too direct to tell someone their idea seems impractical in a business meeting? Did you grow up playing Nintendo? Can you think of a better combination? When you hear inspiring stories about an impoverished community developing its own water purification system or community organizations providing small loans to female entrepreneurs, what you don’t hear about is the work that went on behind the scenes. One of the many sectors in which modern language graduates are sought after is finance – banks, insurance companies and accountancy firms function on an international basis and offer opportunities both to work with foreign clients from the UK or to work in an overseas office. Want to work from home? Do Italian consumers react better to advertisements addressing them in the familiar second person, or do they prefer the polite form? Here’s an example job posting. As a foreign civil, or public, servant in civil service, you’ll work overseas for a … Check our “Jobs at FluentU” page to see what positions we’re currently hiring for. If you graduate with at least a 2:2 you can receive a bursary of £25,000 or a scholarship of £27,500 during your PGCE. Career opportunities for modern language graduates are not only within secondary and tertiary education, but also in adult and lifelong learning, cultural and heritage education, private education and special needs education. The Best Way to Learn a Language: Playing Games! © QS Quacquarelli Symonds Limited 1994 - 2020. Your proven ability to work with people across cultures and socioeconomic barriers is what really gets the job done. But not much else, right? Now you can make money playing it. Here’s what you’re gonna do with all that: First of all, you’ll be bilingual (or even multilingual), which may be more than you can say for those telling you you’re wasting time on a language degree. Modern Languages and Cultures Broaden your horizons while developing specific linguistic and cultural skills that will enhance your career, academic, personal and travel opportunities. $97k. This is Nestor from Colombia, South America where spanish is spoken. If you are or ever have been a language major, you’ve heard this line more times than you’ve probably cared to. It would also be beneficial to have specialist knowledge in sought-after fields such as finance, science, engineering or law. You’re an Italian major.This semester you’re taking Advanced Italian Syntax, 20th Century Italian Cinema and Italian Renaissance Literature, and next semester you’ll be studying abroad in Florence, taking more language and history classes alongside your internship at the Museo dell’Opera del Duomo. Careers in Translation. Oliver studied modern languages and culture (French and Spanish) at Durham University ... definitely helped me when it came to applying for jobs. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe, Get regular language learning tips, resources and updates, starting with the "Complete Guide to Foreign Language Immersion" e-book, Sign up for our weekly blog newsletter for a chance to win a free FluentU Plus subscription (value $240). Research has also shown that foreign language skills can lead to enhanced job opportunities and higher wages for today's workers. Education isn’t very educational when the educator doesn’t understand the educated. Translators usually translate texts into their mother tongue, and they might also localize the text to culturally and linguistically adapt it to its audience. Modern language graduates apply their skills in fields including education, health and human services, business, law and criminal justice, communication, hospitality and government agencies. You could teach the language you learned during your degree to students of any age, or teach your native tongue to speakers of another language. Most of what you learned during your degree program was the product of academics working in universities, think tanks, and other scientific institutes, and many or even most of them started out as curious language students like you. The real asset is the ability to understand and empathize the people they encounter, and no one can do this like multilinguals who have spent years studying and interacting with foreign cultures. Please tell us about the city you studied in or a city To gain entry to this role, you’ll need an excellent command of both your native language and the foreign language/s you plan to interpret. You can work in whatever areas you've gained experiences and skills in while in college through part-time jobs, internships and student organizations.