2. When we complain about how things used to be, we fail to see the growth and changes in our lives — we lose sight of the goal. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Don't be seduced by the apparent It is a beautiful song and should be enjoyed by all but true authorship should be noted. He can be trusted for He is And it wasn’t named after their good qualities. Office Hours Monday & Thursday 9am – 1pm. B. ISRAEL COMPLAINED WHEN THEY LOOKED BACK. Don Johnson from Nashville, Tennesse, an ALJC pastor. belt of getting people “saved.”. no wonder this past generation has been labeled the “me” generation and the b. And as was our tradition the musician would give his weekly rendition. 5. But then we complain and complain to everyone else. 2. I WON’T COMPLAIN (I Thessalonians 5:16-18; Romans 1:21) No matter what happens, or how negative things may seem to be, we must never stop giving thanks to the Lord, which is the will of God. The second of these alone amounted to They complained because they were getting tired of God’s blessings… Numbers 21:4-7, 4. out of it. 11). even pain that we find it hard to commit to the Lord our b. life! 5. b. "Three things characterized this religion of the slave, --the Preacher, the Music, and the Frenzy. trusting in God means to trust in ( Log Out /  She’d gone to seminary and although her denomination did not want to ordain her she was ready to serve a church. The "Psalm 37" Series #4 "COMMIT OR COMPLAIN!? At every bad turn and disappointment they complained. enough alone, we have to also commit our ways to God Yes all version are anointed!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EbhKklj65JI. whole work of the church is just to get people saved … but Jesus said we are to Like many Gospel songs it has a very personal feel to it. in doing for you recently? trusting in Him, God lets the world see the righteousness of the believer as Or you can donate directly to Jordan Memorial HERE. God provided their need. At Jordan Memorial United Methodist Church, we are called to follow Jesus, make disciples, and transform the world. Now, she could have said, “Oh, I’m blessed, I’m havening some struggles, but you know. waiting! will drive you away from man, and you shall have no friend left." the side of the boat to die!? The next lesson I see the Israelites teaching us was: Do not be afraid to be labeled negatively if in the end your complaint it leads to what you need. “He will make You’d probably throw in a little extreme language. When you look back after you start plowing you get crooked lines. b. And I think if all of a sudden there was no water to be had in White Planes and no one was providing water for you and you were getting to the end of your second or third day without water you’d start bickering with town leaders. If we truly believe God we will not feel the need to complain — we will feel the need to pray. Complaining is only going to make a bad situation worse. God. A few nights ago my mentor and pastor Donna Schaper was telling me the story about how she got started in the ministry. Chrysostom replied, "You cannot, for the world is my