... “One forestry official pointed out that mountain forests were essential to prevent soil washing down the steep slopes in ... Related Words and Phrases. Shelterwood method 312 terms related to Forest - Page 3. downs. A site preparation practice used to prepare the soil for reseeding or encourage regrowth of native plants (annuals, legumes, forbs, and perennials). Suspended sediments Silvopasture is a form of agroforestry that combines trees with forage and livestock production. Seedbed Aesthetics As a neutral forum, clear, agreed and multilingual terms are required for efficient communication and to avoid erroneous conclusions. self-sufficiency. Pesticides Scalping Removal of trees along the edges of a road to reduce the shade and allow faster drying of the road surface. When the volume per unit area of standing timber in a forest stand is below the optimum level to meet the desired objective (timber, wildlife, etc.). forestry terms that will help you understand some forest management concepts and share your ideas with forestry experts. A Glossary of Coronavirus-Related Terms The coronavirus outbreak is having a major impact on multiple aspects of daily life – including our vocabulary. The greater the slope the wider the SMZ must be. a river) or man-made barrier (ie. Diversity is categorized by the number of species, the variety in the area's plant and animal communities, the genetic variability of the animals or a combination of these elements. Uncontrolled fires occurring on forestland, rangeland, or brushland. Improving the quality of a timber stand by removing undesirable trees and competing vegetation to achieve a desired composition (ie. The area within a landscape which all runoff collects into a single stream or drainage system. Habitat– Local environment of a plant of animal. A temporary or permanent access route. Forestry and related terms 3. Forests provide steady, reliable careers for thousands of American workers. seed. Water that flows overland and does not infiltrate the soil. Carbon Sequestration A group of trees of similar characteristics (age, species, product class, location, etc.). self-sufficient. However, the major difference is under a shelterwood management regime, between 20 and 60 of the best trees are left standing per acre and provide the seed for natural regeneration. Synonyms for forest include woodland, woods, wood, plantation, trees, grove, bushland, coppice, copse and forestland. Den tree The replacement of one plant community by another over time. advance reproduction: the young trees in the understory of a forest stand that will grow when the overstory trees are cut and removed. Forestry. Concentric bands that show tree growth for a one-year period, as viewed on the cross-section of a trunk, stem, branch or root that can be counted to determine age. forest. Overtopping n. # area , land. aquifer: an underground geological formation or group of formations that contain water, a source of ground water for wells and springs. Clear cut Buffer strips 4. A group of managed trees located within a specific area that will be harvested. Process by which soil particles are detached and transported by wind, water, and gravity to a downslope or downstream location. 5. Reducing the volume and velocity of water reduces erosion. Any chemical or mixture of chemicals intended to prevent the growth of, or kill, undesirable vegetation (terrestrial and aquatic; woody and non-woody). A watershed includes all the land from which a particular stream or river is supplied. A site preparation method using special equipment to form soil and forest litter into a ridge six to 10 inches high and 3 to 4 feet wide, on which tree seedlings are planted.