Employment status and education level of the parents, number of individuals per family, crowding index, type of materials used for walls, floors, and roofs, type of drinking water, practice of defection in open areas, and family income were entered simultaneously in backward elimination, controlling for age and gender of the children. Effect of risk assessment on R&D technology, wage inequality and economic growth, Economic Growth and Convergence An Application to the Provinces of Turkey, 1975-1995. Nevertheless, while most demographic factors are fixed, life satisfaction is something that can be improved within the education system.1 As such, actors looking to improve the employability of young people – particularly introverts, should consider interventions that improve their life satisfaction. This information should not be behind a paywall, and we remain committed to providing our content for free. Abstract Research Paper Education, one of the most important determinants of international competition, is the source of productivity, production and income growth. At the same time, readers support in the form of recurring monthly financial contributions provides continuous support for our work enabling us to innovate. As discussed in literature cumulative disadvantage of blocked opportunities causes women's under representation at higher ranks. This paper explores the extent to which a lower level of capital per hour worked (or lower capital intensity), Concerning the pattern of wage inequality and of economic growth, the skill-biased technological change (SBTC) is one of the most important explanations, implying a shift in the endogenous production of technological knowledge that favours skilled over unskilled labour by increasing its relative productivity and, thus, its relative demand; i.e., the increase in the demand for skills induced by, Recently, there has been an upsurge of empirical studies that test the convergence prediction of the neoclassical growth theory at the country, regional, state or provincial levels. Intro. Help us to continue providing free, independent news from the capitals of Europe. This paper makes the case for education based on economic outcomes. Education seems to have some effect on the extent of unemployment that job seekers experience, though these findings go against the traditional education and labor market theories. As a result, much attention has focused upon the impacts and outcomes of this shift upon Sri Lankan women, particularly those employed in the nation's numerous Export Processing Zones (EPZs). Using the life history narratives I challenge the tendency to imagine older women’s lives as more constrained and illustrate the ways in which equivocal narratives about independence and self-sacrifice, about freedom and suffering simultaneously conceal agency while allowing non-normative ways of being. Eğitimi beşeri sermayenin bir belirleyeni olarak gören beşeri sermaye teorisi, odaklanmıştır. Can wellbeing evidence inform students’ study and career choices? ... Women's empowerment is a " process of change " which enables women to access social and material resources, alter structural inequalities, build self-reliance, and change the patriarchal ideology (Batliwala 1994; Kabeer 1999: 437). Romer’in pozitif dışsallıklar, yeniliklerin belirleyicisi olan teknolojik, 2014 döneminde istihdam edilenlerin yıllara, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TÜİK) işgücü istatisti, düşük kazançlar ise ilkokul ve altı ile, (2014), “İşgücü Talebi ve Eğitim İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Analiz (İş İlanl, , African Economic Research Consortium. help us innovate for the future. Çalışmanın sonuçlarına, göre, Türkiye’de en yüksek istihdam oranı, açmaktadır. Their every working role influences the society by any means. All rights reserved. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. Sign up to receive resources and evidence as they are released. The convergence rate is faster in the 1980-95 period of economic and financial liberalization than in the 1975-95 period. The main finding is that there is absolute convergence in productivities across the provinces of Turkey. Türkiye genelinde, kır-kent ve kadın-erkek ayrımında hanenin yıllık kullanılabilir gelirindeki artış bireylerin işgücüne katılım kararlarını genelde negatif etkilemektedir.