But new evidence shows that not even her own Ministry really believes that. I was commanding two fighter squadrons. Any bets barbie / Babs has no idea there is something called a search engine? Trudeau might not get the votes he so desperately needs. According to a recent study from the Fraser Institute, greater regulatory burdens on carbon production on top of an existing carbon pricing system could actually be counterproductive when it comes to reaching carbon targets. — Blacklock's Reporter (@mindingottawa) December 18, 2019. This could be yet another indication that Trudeau is pandering to his Communist Chinese donors and not giving a damn about our two Canadians being illegally held. The only thing that is on the rise McKenna is your blatant stupidity,besides climate change pales in comparison to your lying,criminal boss “Skippy”. The ministry claims the readings were excluded because the number of weather stations nationwide wasn’t “dense” enough. The study, titled Carbon Pricing in High-Income OECD Countries, argues that placing a great regulatory burden on companies which already face a carbon tax sends unclear pricing signals on the cost of carbon. Disloyal. Trudeau has never represented the citizens of Canada. The potential for a greater tax on carbon contradicts previous claims from the government. Enter your email address to subscribe to spencerfernando.com and receive notifications of new articles by email. corridors of power. Communism has always been built on lies, and the man made global warming scam is nothing but new lies for old. “I would just say the only way you can actually do this and can meet these kinds of targets is if you actually take a … “The historical data is not observed historical data,” said Samantha Bayard, spokesperson for the department. The destruction of a historic Canadian industry has put thousands out of work, weakened our energy security, and caused significant damage in communities that were based on the coal industry. Sept. 19, 2019. Picture, address, phone, contacts, friends, any and all personal details. catherine-mckenna-climate-change-weather-data-blacklocks-reporter-fearmongering-agenda-liberal-party-canada-report-shows-warming-double-average-data-website-policy-reliable-trends-adaption-planning-halifax-hurricane-dorian-alberta-historic-weather-highest-lowest-temperature-historical-trends-climate-barbie-sheila-gunn-reid-science-is-settled-thermometers-models-policy. Introducing The Fernando Report, Your News Hub and News Aggregator for Patriotic Canadians. Here’s a quote from the first one which alleges that the mangroves are moving northwards along the Florida coast: I am boss of my own will. It’s my opinion, he’s in the pockets of the China gov’t, he does their bidding. Investigators said the costly fly-in Nutrition North Program had little impact: "The subsidy focuses on the price of food and not the economic realities." Here’s part of what they said in their report: “A federal agency has spent more than $100 million in the Chinese coal industry even as cabinet’s climate change plan proposes to eliminate Canadian coal-fired power plants. Catherine McKenna’s Climate Change Ministry is ignoring a century’s worth of weather data that doesn’t fit with the Liberals’ pro-carbon tax, fear-mongering agenda, according to a new exclusive report by Blacklock’s Reporter. Liberals are corrupt!! As reported by Blacklocks Reporter, McKenna claimed that a recent ‘increase’ in heatwave deaths in Quebec were a justification for the carbon tax. Newsletters may offer personalized content or advertisements. That’s where the L came for Liberals . Except, there was no increase: “Environment Minister Catherine McKenna’s claims of climate change fatalities are contradicted by new data. Fed agency has no comment on $141M spent on Chinese polluters. READ MORE, More than a third of election officers in the last federal campaign encountered voters whose names were missing from the National Register Of Electors. Copyright © TheRebel.media. Cong Peiwu in an interview with an Ottawa periodical said he could not abide public criticism of his country: "Canadians do not respect the Chinese system." As a testament to the absolute nonsense of the Apocalyptic Climate Change narrative we have two articles in the July 2014 issue of National Geographic. Yasmin Ratansi Needs To Pay Back All The Money & Resign, BREAKING: Legally-Ordered WE Documents Destroyed, Trudeau Has Enabled A Culture Of Disrespect For Our Taxpayer Dollars, Liberal MP Hired Her Sister, Paid Her From Public Funds, Had Sister Use Fake Name, WATCH: Finance Minister Has Trouble Saying How Big The Debt Is, Calgary City Council Ignores Opinion Of Citizens, Tries Copying US Politics With Foolish Defund The Police Move, WATCH: Erin O'Toole Rips Justin Trudeau's Attack On Free Speech, Poilievre Rips NDP Bowing Down "Before Your Corrupt Liberal Masters", WATCH: Spencer Fernando On Why We Must Focus On Canada, Canada Must Confront Gang Crime & Stop Scapegoating Law-Abiding Gun Owners. If so please copy the link and full fill your dream………www.99kitty.com. And on Twitter, Blacklock’s noted that the CPP board is not responding to questions: “The @cppib did not respond to questions from Blacklock’s Reporter. Others have pointed out that California has the second highest gas prices in the United States after the isolated state of Hawaii, while British Columbia has the highest gas prices in Canada. Comparing Trudeau and Scheer coverage from the state broadcaster, Sheila Gunn Reid: Anti-pipeline activist protesters will only stop if foreign funding is addressed, McKenna's SUV and hybrid mileages prove only YOUR car is bad for the earth, 100 years of climate data DELETED from Canadian policy report, including historic high and low, Marc Morano: Trump, conservatives need to “push back” against Greta Thunberg, The “Dr. But new evidence shows that not even her own Ministry really believes that. https://t.co/Vmqsyvxxxr #cdnpoli #ClimateEmergency @cppib @environmentca pic.twitter.com/xOD0ClQ4p6, — Blacklock's Reporter (@mindingottawa) December 18, 2019. Evidence is so passe. Rather, according to analysts, the tax would have to increase nearly 500% to $289 per tonne, or $0.69 per litre. This raises costs for both producers and consumers while ultimately failing to reduce carbon emissions to desired levels. Nevertheless, the government is expected to announce updates to the Clean Fuel Standard (CFS) within the next few months, which the government has been pushing since 2016. rising tide of man-made flooding disasters. King” of climate change: Greta Thunberg goes to Washington, BREAKING: Justin Trudeau wore “brownface” at party in 2001, while teaching at a private school, (WATCH) Candace Owens: Father absence is the biggest issue facing black America, (WATCH) John Stossel: Life is getting better, Best of 2015: Climate change hysteria and failed predictions, Best of 2015: Obama's foreign policy legacy and the war on terror. Come to join under link to earn $75 per hour by watching tv with family in spare time. You want evidence? I think both of you morons drew from the same gene pool!! Get the top stories emailed every day. Using Christia Freeland as a buffer from his responsibilities indicates to me he’s bored with the job and prefers simply to be a ‘ceremonial’ figurehead. Under the CFS, companies will be forced to reduce their total carbon emissions to a specific target, and those which fail to do so must purchase credits to make up for the shortfall. The ultimate goal is to force companies to invest more in greener and cleaner fuel by making it prohibitively expensive for them to emit too much carbon. Gov’t Pays For Climate News The Department of Canadian Heritage is paying newsrooms to write climate change stories. This promise was also reflected in the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act. The HUAWEI chick should be detained in the same conditions – isolation in a cell with 24 hr lights. READ MORE, An ex-Liberal MP who left caucus over nepotism had been an outspoken critic of ethical lapses on Parliament Hill. However, I think the truth is something much different. Get our weekly newsletters, sign petitions, and participate in the latest discussions. We are doing exactly what we said we’d do," then-Environment Minister Catherine McKenna claimed in 2019. You consent to our cookies if you continue to use our website. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site. “CPP Board likes coal investments — in China. Copyright ©2020 The Post Millennial All Rights Reserved. Environment Minister Jonathan Wilkinson told the Commons Environment Committee on Wednesday that the government is planning on introducing new legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions which "may" include a new "tax mechanism," Blacklocks Reporter reports. Thanks to the work of Blacklocks Reporter, we know that internal documents produced by the Environment Ministry directly contradict McKenna's warnings about the rising tide of man-made flooding disasters. Canadians Bamboozled by ‘Meaningless’ Climate Models (CALGARY) Blacklock’s Reporter tweeted a report on Sept. 16, 2019 that Environment Canada ‘omits 100 years of records and uses simulated, … Continue reading Earn as much as you spent time. Make The Fernando Report your homepage! A senior meteorologist with Environment Canada has rebuffed Infrastructure Minister Catherine McKenna’s claims that the Ottawa area is a new tornado hotbed as a result of climate change. Contingency plans had to be made. READ Ezra Levant's bestseller: “Groundswell: The Case for Fracking”, https://www.libertynation.com/sea-level-hysteria-falls-short-on-science/, Sue-Ann Levy: “Andrew Scheer is almost too nice, and that's the problem”, Justin Trudeau's free poutine treat for CBC's David Cochrane part of history of psychological manipulation, Andrew Lawton: Media reduced to reporting on Liberal Party tweets, CBC or Liberal war room? #cdnpoli”, The @cppib did not respond to questions from Blacklock’s Reporter. earlier told legislators. Google or Facebook will not allow me to share news items anymore. When you support The Post Those people were totally irrelevant as far as I was concerned – and continue to be. We can pretty well guarantee she has, Obviously “climate change” is just a tax to support mass migration. Some rights reserved. You can read the full report here (paywalled), This is disgusting if I was to say what I really feel there would probably be someone knocking at my door, Trudeau and Butts are working on this. READ MORE, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s agent destroyed years’ worth of records sought by MPs, the Commons ethics committee learned yesterday. Blacklock's reports that Vancouver was hotter in 1910 than it was in 2017. Thanks to the work of Blacklocks Reporter , we know that internal documents produced by the Environment Ministry directly contradict McKenna's warnings about the rising tide of man-made … PO Box 61056, Eglinton/Dufferin RO, Toronto, ON M6E 5B2, Canada. I can’t imagine any intelligent Canadian voting for this hateful idiot. The hottest temperate ever recorded in Canada happened before 1950 - September 15, 1937, saw a high of 45 degrees Celsius in Yellow Grass, Saskatchewan - which meant it was also excluded from the new climate change website.