Any director contemplating making a sports biopic, should cast me,” Tangiri signed off. Tangiri claimed that his father and Yuvraj’s father Yograj played cricket for the same university in Punjab. In fact, when it comes to kids, I give them a Yuvraj Singh autograph as I don’t want to disappoint them.” Herry has not yet met Yuvraj Singh, but he says that he will meet him one day for sure. After Shah Rukh, now Karan Johar to venture into digital space with Netflix? Verification code sent on your registered email id. Actor Herry Tangiri had to lose 15 kgs to play the role of former India batsman Yuvraj Singh in, Sushant Singh Rajput Returns As M S Dhoni In Biopic Sequel. S. Dhoni - The Untold Story'. He added that Pandey flew in a coach (Mohit Chaturvedi), who worked endlessly trying to get him play left-handed. Details Here, The Sachin Tendulkar And Dhoni Films Tell Us Nothing We Don't Already Know, MS Dhoni Actor Sushant Singh Rajput Buys A Brand New Maserati Quattroporte, Sushant Singh Rajput Writes An Emotional Letter For His Mother. © Copyright 2007-2020 All rights reserved. Read Here, Sachin Tendulkar Thought Sushant Singh Rajput Was a Cricketer, Quitting TV was Like a 'Sixer': Sushant Singh Rajput, MS Dhoni's Unique Problem During The Making of Biopic, THIS WEBSITE FOLLOWS THE DNPA CODE OF ETHICS. Herry told that while in Rajasthan, a group of kids mistaken him for Yuvraj Singh and approached him for an autograph. Unfortunately, the family was then battling with Yuvraj’s cancer, so, Yograj ji looked disturbed during the shoot.". Herry Tangri Yuvraj Singh: Know about Herry Tangri Yuvraj Singh in Hindi on, Explore Herry Tangri Yuvraj Singh with Articles, Photos, Video, न्यूज़, ताज़ा ख़बर in Hindi with Patrika Being a doppelgänger is one thing, but to act like one is a different challenge altogether. There was a time that I’d given up, but both the coach and Pandey sir were persistent," said Tangiri, with a sense of relief in his voice. What made it even more difficult was that I had no dialogues in the film. "I don’t know why other films haven’t worked. “It is here that I first give credit to Yuvraj and then director Neeraj Pandey.   I would arrive at a place, and then people would tell me, 'oh sir, you’re back again'. Actor Herry Tangiri had to lose 15 kgs to play the role of former India batsman Yuvraj Singh in "M.S. I’m really overwhelmed by the messages, appreciation that has been coming my way. Multi-talented Farhan Akhtar gets HT Reader’s Choice Style Icon Awards! Herry Tangiri shed 15 kg to play Yuvraj Singh onscreen. “I’m a huge Yuvraj Singh fan. +91-9820140345 The one big problem that I faced was that I’m a right-hander, but Yuvraj is a left-hander," said Tangiri. The actor broke into a laughter, saying, “It’s natural for such a question to be asked. Tangiri claimed that his father and Yuvraj s father Yograj played cricket for the same university in Punjab Dhoni: The Untold Story. Yuvraj is no actor. Yograj Singh went on to play for the country, but unfortunately my father couldn’t go beyond the district level. Mumbai - 08 Oct 2016 7:00 IST "I’ve been dying to meet Yuvraj. Besides, this fear would have been slightly justified if this was my first film. Herry said in a statement: “To get into the character of Yuvraj Singh, I had to train for two months.