Carefully selected, those sounds give you all the freedom and possibilities you need to design your own sounds within the given topic from scratch. A CONSTRUCTION KIT generally contains thousands of sounds as raw as possible and only as processed as needed for a specific topic, perfectly organized to make it easy for you to use them. For some topics it is difficult to provide recordings only, so you will find some pre-processed or synthesizer based sounds in those collections as well, but still only basic material, since we don’t want to offer it compressed to the maximum or similarly mutated. Their products range from $15 to $199 and they have something for everyone. Their “Zapzorn Solo” libraries range from around $19 to $29 and focus on single percussion instruments – from bowls, jugs and pipes to forks, knives and spoons! Riverwood Air have only 3 products currently – “RAW Power – Metallic Percussion”, “TM Drum” and “Air Raid Siren”. A broad array of sounds to fit any creature feature and all with the punchy low end we know and love from Boom. Clients are simply blown away…BOOM! This is the best sounding ready to use UI Library I’ve ever heard. LOVE the sounds in this library. The samples sound amazing. ... Companies and products listed in this LibGuide are named for informational purposes only. Find an Independent Information Professional whose skills and expertise match your needs. Piano in 162 is one of the best free Kontakt libraries on the internet. You can tell each library has had a lot of time and love put into it, and they are all genuinely fun to play and use in tracks, adding depth and realism to any track. Both sound professionals and beginners appreciate the BOOM products. BOOM has been the library I reach for first anytime a developer needs some help in the sound design department. ... agency that chooses and distributes books and other library resources to all libraries--and that includes the American Library Association. To be honest, some of the weapons in this pack are the best recordings I have yet to hear of them! BOOM Library collections have quickly become an integral part of my sound effects library, and I have used them in a wide variety of projects. They are absolutely irreplaceable. Most products are around $29, and give you plenty of patches to choose from. Bad Cat Samples offer a great range of incredibly well recorded libraries at miniature price tags. “echo | collective is the label under which the guys at Dallas Audio Post release sample libraries and Kontakt instruments for use in film, music and games.”  They make some weird and wonderful libraries that make noises, bend sounds and recontextualize things into shapes and forms they were never really meant to take. I would suggest also a check at Neither can the ALA refer anyone to a specific company, as this would necessarily preclude naming other companies whose products are as good (or better) than the one named. One thing I like to do is look for non animal or human sounds that can be shaped into a monster vocal. This page is sponsored by our friends at Realitone. These guys have a beautiful collection of Kontakt instruments at really affordable prices (around $16 per library). There are some absolute gems of libraries out there that many people just don’t know about. Library Products, Services, and Consultants, American Libraries Buyers Guide - Consultants. 1. For AWAY: The Survival Series (VR game) and Custom Trailer Music Productions I used the Cinematic Darkness, Cinematic Hits and Cinematic Trailers libraries. The sound design received a Gold Telly Award and I used the Mechanicals library on. For professional use, you should obviously go for the highest quality VST from companies like Synthogy and Garritan. The source in this library is amazing. Most people know the bigger developers, but we thought it might be useful to put together a list of the lesser known Kontakt library developers and companies out there. The setup consists of three big screens that surround the visitors. No matter the style of music you write, if you compose digital music, you’ve heard of Kontakt. Prices range from around £3 to £34.95 with bundle offers available too. How to Move a KONTAKT Library Note: If you are on Mac OS X 10.10 (and higher) or Windows 7 (and higher), you can also use the Relocate function in Native Access as explained in this article . I have loved BOOM Library sounds for long now, but with the incredible recordings of Gordon Hempton’s TROPICAL FORESTS (5.0) I found exactly what I needed for the surround installation of the Gabon Pavilion at the Milan Expo 2015. The "Creatures" library has lots of good wet close proximity sounds that are often difficult to get from real animal recordings. Resources listed to help you locate companies best suited to your needs and geographic limitations. At only $14.95 its a total steal for a very flexible and great sounding sample library. For me as a producer of audio books, composer for film music and sound designer, I couldn’t imagine working without the BOOM Library anymore. The quality BOOM delivers is second-to-none, to me, they are the leaders in a new wave of sound effects libraries. Crisp, wide frequency ranged, more than enough variations for each file (essential for game audio), clean, and sonically interesting. More info: Resources listed to help you locate companies best suited to your needs and geographic limitations. In these magnificent recordings, clear and mysterious as haiku, Gordon Hempton distills the spirit of the natural world. The fee is to be paid as a yearly upfront payment. By clicking the blue button, your email address will be added to our newsletter list and you will receive emails with free sounds as well as emails with the latest news and product releases. Especially for us at Riot Games, we need more, and more. The 5.0 extractions of these TROPICAL FORESTS recordings are simply fantastic! Generally speaking, whenever we are missing certain sound effects we know that they will be available in one of the many Construction Kits. Once downloaded, the varied set of sounds on offer has provided me with invaluable source material to help me achieve the level of sonic detail that my clients expect. I’m particularly impressed with the number of samples and their wide range of possible application. “time and love” pretty much says it all: us instrument makers pour our hearts into this work. The bundle is the best option as it contains both, the DESIGNED and the CONSTRUCTION KIT at a reduced price. The original binaural audio is so pure and immersive that it makes you feel like you're right in the middle of these hostile pristine forests. From big developers, to small developers, there is an incredible range of instruments and sound to choose from. offers a wide range of interviews, reviews, guides and tutorials for composers and musicians who are interested in writing music for film, TV and video games. They definitely succeed in this aim and have won multiple awards for their weird and wonderful creations. You can never have too many metal impact SFX at your disposal, and this library has them in spades. Compared to some of the other developers listed here, Rhythmic Robot have a pretty big range of instruments on offer. Zvenigorod. Everyday Cars has become my go to library when working on automotive commercials. I knew before I even started I would have to pick up the CREATURES Construction Kit. The designed sounds are fantastic and the construction kits are inspirational. A must for any genre of European audio post production. In search of a sample package of Transformer-like sounds I came across the BOOM Library “Sci-Fi” package and I’m really extremely excited about the high quality of the sounds. For the Total War: WARHAMMER release trailer we loved using the CREATURES Construction Kit to spice up our own vocal recordings. Native Instruments‘ sampler is one of the most popular pieces of music software out there among film, tv and game composers with a huge range of developers creating sample libraries for it. You may hear for the first time what has been missing in most other recordings - real rolling and shaking, a genuine edge-of-night boom-and-gloom gluttony of power and subtlety unmatched in the world of audio. That’s why we have our compact Micro-BOOM packs which contain sounds that received the same careful recording, cleaning and editing as our Original BOOM Library sound effects for a very low price. We have some FANTASTIC Kontakt libraries.Ideal for genres such as Trap, Hip Hop, RnB, EDM and more! By using our services, you agree that we may set cookies. As a sound designer I understand how important the connection between sound, picture and the audience is. We differentiate between sound FX and sound file. There is something about them that makes you want to redefine the words, "truth and beauty." Like Bad Cat Samples though, their libraries have a lot of character and are beautifully created with some really nice interfaces. An online resource designed to help in locating companies and vendors that provide a wide array of library products and services, Resources provided by partners of the Association for Intelligent Information Management, An online directory of library vendor listings, Vendors collected by the Special Libraries Association.