He knows nothing about the muslim ideology -islam. Jamie Glazov Enter your email address to subscribe. Our mailing address is: David Horowitz Freedom Center, P.O. “Arabic, but also many other languages ​​are the very richness of our children, of their families”, he underlined. “What we must attack is Islamist separatism,” Mr. Macron said in front of six of his ministers in Les Mureaux, a town northwest of Paris. Emmanuel Macron finally spoke on Friday October 2 from Les Mureaux (Yvelines) to discuss the future bill on “Islamist separatism”, which will be presented on December 9 in the Council of Ministers. This is the heart of the matter ”…. In my opinion, Muslims are brainwashed too, and Allah is Satan the devil. They have included the two brothers who in 2015 attacked the office of Charlie Hebdo, the newspaper that published satirical cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, and whose alleged accomplices are now on trial. Nuclear and biological weapons, among other things. Macron is a leftist useful idiot. You are correct, no adjective is needed to describe a mosque – although some are worse than others. While these measures would apply to any group, they are intended to counter extremists in the Muslim community. Here, if teaching islam included any ability to think and criticize, people would see the total evil that is included in every facet of its teaching and practice. ALL MOSQUES are concentration nodes in the islamic web that envelops its unsuspecting non-muslim host nation. President Emmanuel Macron’s speech addressed a deep-rooted problem in French society: its enduring difficulty to integrate significant parts of its large, nonwhite, Muslim population of immigrants and their descendants. But those ideals have come under increasing strain in a rapidly changing society, and were manifest in recent debates and protests over issues like police violence, race, colonialism and feminism, as nonwhite or younger French looked for ideas outside France, often to the United States. To me, it is delusional to believe after 1400 years islam will implode because people see the truth. And support for the party has steadily risen in the last 6 years. “The problem is an ideology which claims its own laws should be superior to those of the Republic.”. Kevin, Sophie Scholl never injured anyone. If you are forwarding to a friend, please remove the unsubscribe buttons first, as they my accidentally click it. Except to convert, of course. If you are forwarding to a friend, please remove the unsubscribe buttons first, as they my accidentally click it. I’m glad that under Trump Muslim immigration her is down 90%. Criticism of Islam doesn’t hurt the feelings of Muslims despite their claims. His speech was expected. If there is not a total change of direction in policy, Fance is lost and will be like northern Africa. teach more Arabic in French public schools. It can only be fought, destroyed and crushed. The issue of the effects of Islamism has been a persistent one in France, amid fears of the kinds of terrorist attacks the country has faced in recent years, putting pressure on Mr. Macron as he faces re-election. Wait and watch. France's Macron vows to fight 'Islamist separatism' Published. Accused by both the far right and traditional conservatives of being lax against radical Islam, Mr. Macron has recently used words and adopted positions on social issues that have signaled a clear departure from his more liberal stances at the start of his presidency. Mr. Macron also outlined a series of measures aimed at making the financing and management of mosques more transparent. Prefects - local representatives of the central government - would be given powers to annul decisions by mayors to restrict school cafeterias or swimming pools to women or men only. He described Islam as “a religion in crisis all over the world today that is corrupted by radical forms”. The tough talk on crime helped set the stage for Mr. Macron’s speech, which is likely to set off fierce debate over the coming months as lawmakers consider the bill. You are just empowering islam and wasting another 11 million dollars. “Separatism: relive Emmanuel Macron’s speech,” translated from “Séparatisme: revivez le discours d’Emmanuel Macron,” by Pierre Lepelletier and Pierre Sautreuil, Le Figaro, October 2, 2020 (thanks to Michaela): Home schooling will be “strictly limited” at the start of the 2021 school year.