Maybe it is a job in a far-away place that will mean separation from extended family. This blog is dedicated to treasuring God's Word by keeping it fresh upon our minds and hearts. for we are under God's higher standards of grace and mercy. He always has our best interest in mind.

What drove Abraham to act was his understanding of the nature of God. When impossible circumstances present themselves, I can move forward as if God has already delivered me.
The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.

No matter how large the barriers in my life, God is up for the job. Romans 12:2 talks about resisting the conforming power found in the things of this world, while at the same time cooperating with God as He transforms the way we think. The heart of God is always leading us to a place of promise, to a place of abundance, and to a place of fulfilment. Jacob took two wives, (sisters Leah and Rachel). It's embarrassing but, in my opinion, his growth towards valuing civic responsibility is admirable. Especially around this time of year, my sweet-tooth goes bonkers.

God is a God of integrity!. does God just choose certain actions as He pleases? Contact me with Bible questions, prayer requests or discipleship support. and a hope. On the contrary, I would say he probably showed great love and care as he placed Isaac on the altar. This will mean that I can be easily put upon, easily over-reached, easily ignored; but if I submit to it for His sake, I prevent Jesus Christ being persecuted.". Jesus had compassion on the woman taken in adultery, and did not condone stoning her.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.". Romans 3:23. That His heart for you is the same in the wilderness as it is in the promise land. of Luke, Jesus rebuked His disciples and said, "Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of". God's integrity to His Word, He means what He says. eight souls so as to preserve all life. When I am asked to do what seems impossible, do I willingly rise to the occasion knowing that God will equip me or do I shrink away from the challenge, troubled by the thought of the test? Abraham's faith in God was strong. No wonder God says in Deuteronomy 6:6-9 that we should keep His commandments upon our hearts by talking about them every chance we get, and to post reminders around us, such as on the doorframes of our homes.

accordingly to their day. His reputation would be ruined, his home would be one filled with betrayal and pain, and there would be much speculation at the city gate as to his sanity, but Hosea trusted God and did as He commanded. Songs About Being 17Grey's Anatomy QuotesVine Quotes4 Leaf CloverSelf Respect, 1. Brittany Morgan, National Writer's Society2.

The place in the wilderness that seems unchanging is the place where God is working all things collectively for your good. thereunto perfect.

yet God protected Cain. We are called to live by faith and not by sight so we are never to trust what we see. God is the same yesterday, today and forever, Hebrews 13:8 It is easy to quote this verse, but do we really believe it? like contradictions in the Word of God, of how God responded differently to His people at different times If someone told me this election could mean the difference between someone keeping or having their basic human rights taken away, I would think they were absolutely delusional.

The father was so proud of his son and loved him as only one who has waited for the special blessing of parenthood can understand. What an incredible belief in the of integrity of God.

He is the Rock, His work is perfect; For all His ways are justice, A God of truth and without injustice; Righteous and upright is He (Deuteronomy 32:4 NKJV). Either they will gain confidence in the God I trust or they will see that my God is really not all that great. The heart of God is always setting you up to win. With everything that happened, it would have been easy for Job to question the integrity of God however, the heart of God never changed. Many people look at these events and wonder if God is really the same yesterday, today and forever or This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. A man was stoned for picking up sticks on the Sabbath. God, Himself has integrity. In times past the operation of the day was different and the results of various actions were dictated of Him not to abide by His own Word, thus all were judged by the law and all came short, (.

And as people created in His image, we ought to be the same. More importantly, though, was the faith he exhibited for his son. During the time of the law, God abided by the law that He gave us, it would have been hypocritical revealed. It is easy to quote this verse, but do we really believe it? What drove Abraham to act was his understanding of the nature of God. did not impute sin to us before the law Romans 5:13, and man was prone to Do we realize what a gift God's Word is to us? In this message, Pastor Rick explains why, if you want to have integrity, you have to confess your sins and then make the choice to sin less. Knowing that God is faithful, he chose to believe that he could trust the Lord to bring about His assurance that Abraham would be the father of many nations and that a great blessing would come through his child, Isaac. Just because we don’t see anything, doesn’t mean that inwardly you aren’t changing. (, Abraham made a choice that day. Originally published on June 30, 2015, four days after the Supreme Court legalized Gay marriage "Hear me, you heavens!

2020 marked my first opportunity to vote in a presidential election. Even when things look dismal and beyond hope, I can live in a way that proclaims my faith in a God of integrity. Kristen Haddox, Penn State University4. stay in his own ignorance. their proper time periods. But how could he not? The land was filled with good things to eat and flowing with milk and honey. For the times the bills are piling high and my pay is dwindling, I can live as if my Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills. Some sweet treats that are perfect for the holidays! Check it out! This post was originally published in October 2015. Whether you're looking for feel-good movies to fill your soul, content to laugh at with your friends over Netflix Party, or just something to watch while decorating your house, you'll find it all here! When I choose to obey God's calling despite the consequences my submission may bring, I am saying with my actions that I serve a God of integrity. As the mother of four daughters, it is hard for me to think about killing one of them in obedience to God's calling. When God made man, He then blessed man. Here is where we fail, it is according to His purposes for us not … The first murder, Cain killed Abel, Though Cain received a curse from the earth, Jesus rebuked John & James for wanting to call down fire from heaven. Even though he lay in such a vulnerable position, laid out as a sacrifice to the Lord, his heart beat steadily. It could be that He has a plan for me that includes living in poverty for a time. dictate the way that God responds to His people, but also affects the way the people respond to God. God may call me to live in circumstances which could bring about great pain to myself and those I love in order to bring Him glory. It felt even better sharing my first-time voter experience with my dad. When my child is behaving as if he doesn't know Jesus, straying far away,  I can treat him as lovingly as my Father cherishes me despite my waywardness. That also means queuing up the cheesiest (but the most heart-warming) holiday-themed movies flooding our streaming services. At the end of the trial period God restored Job with a double portion of what he started with. Jennifer Kustanovich, SUNY Stony Brook5. I hope you can see God's plan from the start was for His peoples good, to give them a future

Satan came around to throw shade or for those of you who aren’t familiar with that term, throw accusations at Job and test the integrity of God in his eyes. God sent His Son to give, to bring life and life more abundantly. Radhi, SUNY Stony Brook3.

The people who lived there were vicious giants who would not easily give up their land to the Israelites. Elijah was a prophet of God, and it was a time of judgment. For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law. It felt amazing to be a first-time voter. Let His love guide you because at the end of the day love is His heart. Such harmony may seem impossible today, but it was the first condition of our world, a flawless peace profaned when human teeth attacked the flesh of fruit.

As one who loved his son as much as I love my daughters, his act of obedience wasn't cruel or unloving. The thought of it sent him into despair. Because everyone deserves to know the best way to wake up. Thanks to my ADHD, I can drink an entire BANG Energy Drink and feel no more alert than when I started (just significantly more full of sugar). Or, God might bless others through my willingness to share about a stronghold of sin that troubled me for a time. The sun gleamed, reflecting off the blade of the knife held high over his head. and basically said “challenge accepted!” You see God believes in us more than we believe in ourselves. Therefore, we need to operate under and abide under that current covenant. That can perfectly keep the law, hence we fall short and we know we have missed the mark. His father's confidence in a God who could raise him from the dead gave him reassurance to move forward with a quiet sense of calm. God Only He can give me the strength and courage to hang on when the storms of life rage around me.

Anytime I think about the integrity of God my mind automatically goes to the story of Job. “When you can’t trace God’s hand, trust His Heart.” I heard this statement and it completely wrecked me. God gave Instructions to utterly destroy men, women, children and even their animals. away or reversed. the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, etc. He has a future and a hope for us. How could he sacrifice his only son?

by this paper that God is always true to His Word, and He will be thus true to His new and better Here is where we fail, it is according to His purposes for us not our own. The heart of God is always setting you up to win. This confidence in God only comes with a relationship with God. However I react, I can be sure that people are watching. Instead of feeling fear and trepidation at what was to come, then, Isaac only felt peace as his father's faith rubbed off on him. Build a relationship with God and you will always be able to redirect your misguided thoughts to trust God. (Genesis 22:5)  Isaac knew he would return home with his father.