Possible replacements 2: using comparative judgment Thinking about leaving sixth form after as and going to art college How long will you continue to use TSR? Created: Jun 24, 2016 | Updated: May 4, 2017. Life after Levels: One School's Story of Transforming Primary Assessment. Life after levelsHow can we use the latest assessment research to help us design replacements for national curriculum levels?. It exists to help schools take best advantage of the opportunity that’s been presented by the removal of National Attainment Levels. Life After Levels. Preview. Until the end of the 2013/14 academic year there was a range of achievable levels for each assessment and an expected level for each too. Helen Amass 26th November 2014 at 5:00pm. Share this. Author: Created by louiseclitheroe. How to adapt to life after levels. First Edition ed. A bank of levels based on GCSE objectives, ready for use. I hate A-levels Summer after GCSE's Life is **** What is life after year 11 like? Life after levels. Pupils in England undertake tests during each Key Stage to assess their academic progress. Life After Levels is a collaboration founded by the NAHT and Frog Education. In September 2014, the government removed levels from the national curriculum. how far is a belief in life after death is necessary for religious believers. They aid transition to GCSE as they provide the students a way of working at KS3. Possible replacements 1: using questions. Hunter, Sam. (no rating) 0 customer reviews. What was wrong with levels? Hunter, S 2016, Life after levels: one school's story of transforming primary assessment, First Edition edn, Learning Matters, 55 City Road, London, viewed 5 November 2020, doi: 10.4135/9781529714449. Life After Levels is a collaboration founded by the NAHT and Frog Education. 9781473964266 Life After Levels: One School's Story of Transforming Primary Assessment Sam Hunter SAGE 2016 137 pages $39.00 LB3051 Based on one UK schoolAEs experience in assessment without levels, this book offers guidelines for classroom assessment and school assessment policies, focusing on Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 assessment.