"@type": "Question", Because this is the first time in my life that I have been offered the gift of time and space for an entire two weeks to focus on what I love to do most: WRITE! All these numbers are high, and I've either hired out for these or done several of the jobs myself. Now for your NEXT blog post can you do this same kind of eval comparison of what it costs to distribute and market the book through various companies? Anyone who is interested in self-publishing will figure this out soon enough. And now, without further ado: here we have all of Reedsy’s self-publishing data presented in a single infographic. Not a good analogy. Did you know - I'm an editor and I was told to remove mention of sample edits from my Reedsy profile as Reedsy editors "don't offer free sample edits". A book publicist will point you in the right direction and line up opportunities for you, but they will not guarantee financial success. But you may end up asking for a few tweaks or even an entirely different design, which will obviously raise the cost. So, yes, you can find cheaper out there. But most authors end up paying at least $500 for a high-quality book cover design." And while we charge you a 10% fee, we offer a project protection to both the author and the freelancer: https://blog.reedsy.com/reedsy-project-protection. The more you accept this fact and then adapt to it, the better your book—and thus your career—will be. ", While developing novelists and short story writers are, these days, often going digital, emerging …, The Christian publishing scene is vibrant, diverse, and big — there are a lot of publishers out there, all with their own niches, and it can be hard to figure out who does what. Some of the businesses that handle these jobs are online-based and you may never actually speak to a person. That’s $5000 to $10,000 for a modest publicity campaign. 2. The cost estimates here are far higher than I've experienced - a resourceful self-published author can outsource many of the services listed here more cost-effectively. I do some design work as well, in fact my bestselling series has covers I did myself. We are here to help you earn a living and be a better writer. ), 20 Christian Publishers You Can Put Your Faith In, 20 LGBT Publishers Flying the Rainbow Flag with Pride, How to Self-Publish a Children’s Book: 6 Steps to a Magical Launch. The style and complexity of the design. New Agent Alerts: Click here to find agents who are currently seeking writers. Proofreading is the least-expensive final-check stage of the process. And not just the book; they will judge you as a person based on the quality of your book. I don't believe these numbers -- they're way too high, absurdly so -- and I'm an experienced author from both sides, trad and indie. Thanks for giving some confirmation, TMD. = Can the company you want to work with negotiate with you to give you the best array of services at a price that is mutually agreeable? All Your Questions Answered, http://facebook.com/groups/selfpubsupportgroup, http://blog.reedsy.com/how-does-reedsy-select-its-publishing-professionals, https://blog.reedsy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Reedsy-Infographic-RETINA-compressed1.jpg, https://blog.reedsy.com/reedsy-project-protection, https://blog.reedsy.com/ebook-distribution/, https://www.facebook.com/dsweattcomicartist/, What is a Chapbook?