With so many key cards and words, each game will be completely different. The core idea is the same, but most of the details are different. Starting with the first team’s Spymaster, each team will take turns in their effort to make contact with their teammates by selecting the words corresponding to their agents. Assuming you don't run into an assassin, there are two ways a turn can end: A wrong guess ends the turn. Either player may give the first clue. Each turn consists of exactly one clue and one or more guesses.

If everything goes well, your partner will guess as many words as you indicated by your clue and then stop. You have just completed the Prague 9-9 mission! It earned this version a parental advisory sticker. If you already know Codenames, you still need to learn these rules. © 2020 Ultra BoardGames.

Take a token from the time bank and place it on the word card, bystander side up, with the arrow pointing from you to your partner. The sudden death turn just allows you to use all the information you already have in one last attempt to win the game. (There are multiple copies, so you can play missions with various teams). If six DNA cards are traded in, the civilizations create a superhuman with powers of both the red and blue societies. It is legal to give a clue for only one word, but you will have to give some clues for two if you want to win the game. Follow us on: The incorrect guess ends the turn. Turning into a female should never be looked at as a negative thing, and whoever came up with the concept for this game should really be ashamed with themselves. This can be helpful if you want to say knight while avoiding things related to night. This is also important to keep in mind when you are thinking up clues. You played with some extra timer tokens, but you contacted all your agents while avoiding the assassins. The arrow points from you to your partner. It is now your partner's turn to give a clue. If your partner touches a word you see as tan, mark it with a timer token.

Apart from the game’s solitary main mechanic, there’s no need for any other mechanics. Gameplay is the same as for a two-player game. You cover ANT with a green agent card. Your partner will also be looking for a clue for words that are marked green on the other side of the card. (If you have not done that yet, keep trying. You did great, and you are ready for anything! The rest are flipped to the checkmark side. In this case, you mark a bystander by removing two checkmark-side-up tokens and flipping them over to mark the bystander. Here's what the numbers next to each mission mean: Each mission has two parameters. She touches CAESAR, and you cover it with a green agent card.

You can't say any form of a visible word on the table. You can understand more about how to play the game by visiting the Czech Games website. The clue-giving side may discuss the clue ideas, but they should not let the other side overhear. Codenames can be played by 2-8 players; if you want it to be competitive, at least 4 players divided in 2 teams must play. Once a superhuman has been created at the end of any turn, the civilizations may try their hand at brainwashing. This happens if you exceed the acceptable number of incorrect guesses. Codenames Gadget is an app that lets players enjoy an enhanced experience of the original board game. Each turn has exactly one clue and at least one guess. You and your partner will take turns giving clues. When it is your turn to guess, keep previous clues in mind. Every other player is an agent for their team. Your team is ready for more challenging missions.

Let's suppose you find a good one while your partner is still looking, so you offer to give the first clue. It is your turn again.
You say salad: 3. Each hypnotic word also has an exact opposite word, hidden somewhere else.

If that guess is correct, your partner can guess again. Some games are a struggle where you run into lots of bystanders and have to use your sudden death turn to pull out a victory. No one gives any more clues. The key card is double-sided so you and your partner can take turns giving each other clues. That word happened to be green on your side, too, but you don't tell her that. And don't look up the French word for FLAT. You might not find all the words related to your partner's first clue. In particular, if you guess a word that looks green from both sides of the card, your partner will cover it, and neither of you will give clues for it anymore. Your number of guesses is unlimited as long as you keep guessing correctly. A key card gives you 9 words to give clues for and 3 words your partner must avoid. The government for every set of two DNA cards that they trade in they serve one brainwash card to the government.

The spymasters will select one of the key cards and put it into the card stand facing them.

If you have used up your last timer token and there are still words to be guessed, it is time for the sudden death turn. Communicating in coded messages, they sneak past enemy assassins in an attempt to complete their mission before time runs out. 3. That same year came Codenames: Marvel Edition, which featured Marvel Universe characters including Dr.

Your partner takes time to look at all the words on the table. The guessing side may discuss their guess, but they should not say anything that would reveal information about their side of the key card. You have no reason to take a wild guess, so you take a timer token from the time bank and place it in front of you with the checkmark side up. The card should be wider than it is tall, as shown above. A word marked by a timer token might need to be guessed by the other player. The second guess is made the same way as the first, and you mark the word according to the same rules. It already has a timer token, so she puts this on top of the agent card. If your partner guesses one of these words, you both immediately lose the game. This indicates that when you gave a clue, your partner guessed this word and ran into an innocent bystander. (Hundred: 2 might be better). Maybe you need to practice on an easier mission before tackling the tougher challenges.

The other words are innocent bystanders - people who get in the way. We hope you enjoyed the game. Even when your clue is for zero, your partner still must guess at least one word. A word marked as an incorrect guess from only one side is still considered visible. However, if a turn causes you to use up more tokens than you have, you lose immediately. Despite having the same rules as the original, this version had a grid of 20 cards instead of 25. You should act like you meant that word. Mission complete! The first number is the total number of turns. Of course, if someone guesses an assassin, the timer tokens are irrelevant - you lose. You have no more time. This would mark an end of the current team’s turn. Since Codenames is very easy to understand and play, people who haven’t played a board game ever can easily pick it up. Your partner also sees 9 green words and 3 black words, but they are mostly different words. An invalid clue given by the Spymaster would end that team’s turn immediately. Our mission is to produce engaging articles like reviews, tips and tricks, game rules, strategies, etc. There are 15 agent cards and 15 words to guess. (The stack of two tokens is treated the same as a single token). Tip: If you hold the deck vertically and draw from the middle, then you will see only your own side of the card. You say a word and a number … and nothing else. For example, if you want your partner to guess ELEPHANT, ANT, and MOSQUITO while avoiding the assassin SLOTH, you can give a clue like lazy: 0. If you comment on your guess, don't give away any information about your side of the key card.

Note: You are each giving clues for 9 green words, and 9 + 9 is more than 15, but some words appear green from both sides. Codenames: Duet featured 400 all new word cards. Others reward bold clues and aggressive guessing.

Shuffle the “key” cards and place one of the cards into the square “key” in secret from all of the agents in the game. Touching a black word ends the game. And a word that looks like a green agent on your side of the key card might be something completely different on turns when you are the guesser. Your partner might see it as an innocent bystander, in which case your partner marks it with a second timer token, with the arrow pointing toward you. But then the other player should give a clue. If an innocent bystander card is chosen, the Spymaster would put one of the innocent bystander cards on the word. If a turn uses up your last token or your last two tokens, you play a sudden-death turn, as usual. An invalid clue given by the Spymaster would end that team’s turn immediately. This forms the time bank. You should focus on the words and ignore the key card. You are not required to guess words related to the current clue. Rain: 2 would also be invalid because rain is part of RAINBOW. In this post, we cover Codenames, detailing how to play it, the official rules, and strategies to help you win.

(Your choices are Berlin, Cairo, or Moscow). Proper names are okay, as long as they are one word. On your side of the card, 9 words are marked in green. Shuffle the deck of key cards and draw one at random. The token is kept check mark side up in front of your partner. Do not let your partner know. Awesome! Then he flips over the timer as soon as the timer is flipped. The ugly men turn into ugly women and then that players out of the game, if both civilizations, have turned into all women, the game is immediately over and the government wins.
The objective of codenames is to correctly guess all of your teams’ code words on the board before the other team does and without guessing the assassin. However, if even one hypnotic word remains, the game is over and the civilizations have won. You might also want to allow homonyms and other word play. IF YOU KNOW CODENAMES You both win if you can find all 15 words in nine turns or less. Your partner touches RANCH, because ranch dressing can go on a salad. (There are 9 on each side, but 3 overlap). The team that picks the card which is the identity of the assassin would automatically lose the game. Your partner went down a dark alley looking for a contact and got caught by the assassins. Each turn costs you one timer token from the time bank. You can play it this way again, or you can try it with 9 tokens. A word marked by a timer token for one player may still be guessed by the other player. You lost. If someone accidentally gives an invalid clue, you should take a one-turn penalty by discarding one of the timer tokens from the time bank. Do not give up - flip the word cards over (or deal a new set), draw a new key card, and try again. If you have not won the game after using your last timer token, you play a sudden death turn.