Then remember to say thank you. Leaving your office behind has another advantage. How do you make your marriage better? Not good. The only two other factors that ranked as more important than sharing chores were faithfulness and having a happy sexual relationship. I want to share with you these tips to make your marriage stronger. Showing consistency in your actions is one of the ways to make your marriage better and stronger. The obvious reason is because it feels good to feel appreciated and acknowledged by someone you love. It gives your spouse a sense of security which comes from him or her knowing that you can be depended upon, and when your spouse feels they can depend on you, they are also willing to give their maximum best to the marriage to make it work and become stronger. The takeaway: Make sure your double date involves a lot of warm and personal conversation. There are certain steps you can take to make your marriage better and stronger, even if it is going well now. (She gives the disclaimer that if your partner is abusive or constantly letting you down, you shouldn't feel compelled to give them the benefit of the doubt. Learn to express yourself. Try these ways to build a stronger bond with your family. Or just find a way to make some physical contact with your partner while you're sleeping. Which is to say: It certainly can't hurt to warmly touch each other a bit more, at night and otherwise. Always share your opinions and feelings with your family members. When you are angry and you want to communicate with your spouse: If your spouse wants to put across a concern, or to pass on some vital information to you, stop everything you are doing so that you can listen. Pucker up! As a couple you may have the same psychological needs, and many of your social needs may also be the same. Give your partner the benefit of the doubt. And it'll even help you appreciate your partner and relationship more, Gordon says: "We tend to get used to good things, so removing those things from our lives for a brief period (such as getting away from your partner on a solo trip or just for a night out) may help us remember why they are good!" But this doesn’t mean their relationship will not work. Some couples make the mistake of thinking that because they talk to their spouse, they are communicating Talking to people is not communicating. Data from over 800,000 OkCupid users showed that people who professed that they "tweet frequently" had shorter relationships on average than those who weren't so active on the network.