Call 1.202.351.6826  | Toll Free 1.866.781.9468 | Contact Us. Therese Leine Søgård, Project Manager and Communications Advisor CARE Belgium considère que les changements climatiques et les désastres naturels, qui y sont associés, font partie des causes principales de la pauvreté et du sous-développement. Senior Producer: Whitney Green Executive Producer: Joe Montalbano Others have security manuals accompanied by training courses.

Even more, it’s an obligation to the vulnerable people aid groups assist.

Non pas seulement celles que subissent des personnes considérées isolément, mais des communautés entières.

Thank you to Artistgruppen, c/o Jones och Fröken casting for helping out with the casting. Associate Producer: Moira Mahoney More organizations offer psychosocial support and some have even succeeded in getting this support included in contracts. But taking significant steps to do so is an important demonstration of duty of care. Mission: To be a Knowledge/ Execution Partner of Schools, NGOs, Corporates, and Government agencies for development programmes across India. Nina motzfeldt, Project Manager Johanna Louise Hügle, Mobil camera/actriss Salle de presse Notre objectif est de lutter contre l'extrême pauvreté de tous en se concentrant sur les femmes et les filles avec des programmes qui apportent des changement durables à des communautés entières.

Help end the violence in South Sudan.

Nous mettons en œuvre des solutions de concert avec des femmes, des jeunes filles et leurs communautés pour qu’elles soient mieux outillées à se mesurer aux grands enjeux qui les attendent, tels que les changements climatiques, l’autonomisation économique, la sécurité alimentaire et les secours d’urgence en situation de crise et de catastrophe.

Creative Director: Magnus Hierta Andreas Aanerud, Media Manager Now more than ever, there is a need for creative and comprehensive staff care among relief and development organizations. Donner à CARE Belgium est la garantie certaine de contribuer à.

Ensemble, mettons fin aux inégalités DANS LES PAYS EN DÉVELOPPEMENT, CARE AIDE LES FEMMES, LES JEUNES FILLES ET LEURS FAMILLES À SORTIR DE LA PAUVRETÉ ET DE SITUATIONS DE CRISE. Access to confidential counseling/consultations can help mitigate the ongoing stress of jobs in high risk contexts. Of all forms of violence that aid workers are subjected to, kidnapping has seen the steepest rise. What does that support look like in practice?

CARE Belgium accompagne les populations face aux crises et catastrophes, qu’elles soient d’origine naturelle ou humaine. de tous en se concentrant sur les femmes et les filles avec des programmes qui apportent des changement durables à des communautés entières. Mari Kristina Skaar Gjelstad, Project Manager Semming Haraldsen, Sound design Nous rassemblons des gens pour mettre fin aux inégalités. It could very well be the next step in the legal duty of care. Across all areas of the development spectrum, their work is invaluable to advancing the Agency's objectives. Music & Sound Design: Antfood Staff care is a legal obligation. Sarah McDonald, Norwegian voice/ English voice Jens Gundersen, Art Direction Many aid workers, especially those working in high-risk locations, face risk of psychological harm. Conseil d'administration Creative Agency: Hue&Cry Non pas seulement dans l'immédiat, mais pour plusieurs générations.

This means training staff and entire organizations to prepare for and manage during and, critically, after an incident.

Alexan Magnusson, First assistant camera The violence and hunger have spilled over into parts of neighboring Niger, Chad and Cameroon, making this a regional crisis affecting 17 million people across the Lake Chad Basin.

Pål Østen Rygh, Developer Learn more about our emergency relief work by visiting Psychological care, education and support for directly and indirectly affected staff and family members is as important as medical care and financial support. Hilde Vanvik, Marketing and Communications Manager Jens Irvung, Graphic Design Recently we came up with an idea of registering NGO with a name Aghaz Integrated Development programme.The NGO aimed at eradicating poverty by building the the capacity of the target communities so that they may able to stand on their own feet.

To date, CARE has reached over 120,000 people in South Sudan, ensuring access to health and nutrition services, water and sanitation, and working to prevent incidences of sexual and gender-based violence. Andres Rignell, Cinematographer
Over the past few years, there has been a sharp increase in the number of aid workers being targeted for kidnap and ransom. Sarah Grey, Producer

Tangrystan Film Poduction Over the past few years, there has been a sharp increase in the number of aid workers being targeted for kidnap and ransom. But what exactly is it the sector has to wake up to? Of course, this is not unique to aid groups. IDF in Nutshell. Critical Incident Response.

Nina Hobert, Composer and Swedish voice 3 une offre qui couvre l’ensemble de vos collaborateurs NGO Care permet de couvrir l’ensemble de vos collaborateurs, à partir de 5 salariés, qu’ils soient expatriés, adhérents CFE, impatriés, locaux ou ressortissants d’un pays tiers et quels que soient leurs nationalités. A number of aid organizations have formalized mechanisms for social support by creating and training peer support teams and related groups. Sabina Törnberg, Colorist (Stopp) Social support has been found to be protective in times of high stress. CARE Norway Credits: Simple: All aid organizations have a moral and legal duty of care to ensure that risks to staff are identified and managed, and that staff receives the support, resources, information and training they need to reduce the risks to which they are exposed. After World War II, the original CARE Package harnessed the power of generosity in a box.

Donner à CARE Belgium est la garantie certaine de contribuer à votre échelle à un monde plus juste et solidaire. Christoffer Glans, Camera/First assistant camera Au fil des ans, CARE est devenu un acteur incontournable en matière de lutte contre l'extrême pauvreté. Informed consent is an important aspect of duty of care and such a consultation is one way to fulfill the organizational responsibility. Tormod Berge, Finishing Hannah Hunter, Post Producer

But much more needs to be done to adequately care for staff working in some of the most risky and stressful places in the world. Sofia Sprechmann, program director for CARE International, visits Northeast Nigeria, where conflict, displacement and near-famine conditions have created the largest humanitarian crisis in Africa, with 13.8 million people in need of immediate assistance. Mattias Eklund, Sound (Chimney) Associate Creative Directors: Evan Parsons and Jeff Boddy September 9, 2016 | In Uncategorized | By Lynne Cripe. Without it, the risks become overwhelming, with the risk that aid groups avoid certain places and people. Providing consultations as individuals transition out of a high risk role or location can aid in transition, potentially highlight psychological vulnerabilities and ensure that employees know how to access resources and support.

what i need now is to how communicate with the potential donors.
This is terrible for aid workers, most of whom are national rather than international staff. Lynne Cripe is the Director of Resilience Services at The KonTerra Group. Risk, Duty of Care and the NGO Mission. Production Coordinator: Megan Monticone, CARE's CEO and President Helene Gayle recently visited South Sudan to see the growing humanitarian challenge and CARE's response. We work with organizations to strengthen individual and organizational resilience, support leaders and teams, and integrate learning. NGO Care assure également les ayants droit de vos collaborateurs. Of all forms of violence that aid workers are subjected to, kidnapping has seen the steepest rise. est devenu un acteur incontournable en matière de lutte contre l'extrême pauvreté. Here’s the extraordinary story of an ordinary box narrated by award-winning actor Matt Dillon. Marianne Blindheim Eriksen, Content Manager Jakob Strom, Producer and Director Resilience goes beyond security and traditional psychosocial support. Vårin Andersen, Cut

Yet others have dedicated safety personnel with fairly elaborate protocols and training. CARE (Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere, formerly Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe) is a major international humanitarian agency delivering emergency relief and long-term international development projects. It is not solely up to individual employees to address these risks. NGO care.