They’re paperless, students can complete them from any computer or mobile device, and the teacher can delete previous attempts so that a student can practice over and over again. My exit ticket can be as short as two questions if one is a free response, which I’ll spend a little more time providing written feedback — or it can be a 5-question check-for-understanding Quiz with multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank, and true or false questions. Edmodo is a social learning network designed to help schools and teachers improve communication, collaboration, and coaching for K-12. Most teachers use Edmodo’s quiz feature for graded quizzes, but even though I don’t count these morning quizzes as test grades, my students take the quizzes seriously. The warm-up helps pique student interest while the exit ticket gives me vital information about whether students successfully absorbed what we covered that day. Multiple Choice: You can create questions with a multiple choice format for answering, with no limit of how many number of options you can present to the students. For one, this helps students feel like they’re an important thread in the fabric of our classroom community. Send a Welcome Note. You will need to grade the responses yourself. One of the most important habits I’ve developed as a teacher is sandwiching each lesson with a bell-ringer and an exit ticket. When I introduced Edmodo to my students, the Quiz feature changed my teaching practice. The full version of her post can be found on her blog at With these advantages in mind, here are some fun ideas for using Edmodo Quizzes throughout your busy school year, including harnessing the tool for social-emotional learning! While teachers have a full arsenal of strategies to help students meet each other, from randomized seating charts to rotating work groups, I like using an Edmodo Quiz at the beginning of the term to help students match names to faces. (Edmodo will provide auto-suggestions as you begin to type based on the groups you belong to). To insert a new question between two existing questions, hover over the horizontal line that separates two questions and click on the ", To rearrange a question, hover over the ", You can also reuse questions from previous Quizzes you've uploaded to Edmodo. grades and calendar events within Edmodo. Select “Send”. You also have the option of automatically adding the quiz grade to your Edmodo gradebook. Even though the word “Quiz” usually implies a short but serious assessment, I find that this feature in Edmodo can also be used in any situation where you want to hold students accountable for a particular task while giving them credit for completing it (and the automatic grading saves me a ton of time). More than ever before, we need to be proactive in our classrooms to foster supportive learning communities and provide students opportunities to develop social-emotional skills. A student will be awarded 3 points for selecting the 2 correct answers and not selecting the incorrect answer. A student will be awarded 2 points for selecting all 3 answers (2 correct answers selected, no incorrect answers not selected) or if they select 1 of the correct answers (1 correct answer selected and 1 incorrect answer not selected). Creating Better Materials for Distance Learning and Professional Development, EdmodoCon 2020 Global High 5s: Season 1 in Review, Using GIFs on Edmodo to Create Connections with Students, Our Commitment to Fighting for Racial Justice, I write five 5-question multiple choice quizzes on Edmodo and schedule them for delivery: one quiz at the beginning of the day Monday — Friday, When my students come to class they immediately log onto Edmodo from their devices and complete the maintenance quiz, After all quizzes have been submitted, I review the answers with the students. Start a Poll to get your students engaged right away. Hou can I share quizz with colegues tecahers? The Quiz results are automatically tallied and I can see at a glance whether any particular concept requires a bit more focus. Students will need to answer in the exact order for the question to be marked as correct. Note: refer to the Parent Guide for information on how parents can create a parent account. Creating the maintenance quizzes does take time, especially if you are going to create sub-groups with specific questions. Edmodo, based in San Mateo, CA, is ultimately owned and controlled by NetDragon Websoft Holdings Limited, a company principally based in Hong Kong and traded on … This is a guest post from Sharon Casadei, a 7th grade teacher in North Wales, Pennsylvania. This allows students to write as much or as little as they’d like for each of the questions and I can easily pull up their replies in my Quiz results on Edmodo and filter by class period. The fact that we are BYOD makes this type of maintenance possible, and pretty much a seamless part of our class time. Stacks of paper quizzes and scantrons that cluttered my desk just disappeared. Please share in the comments, or connect with me on Edmodo. You can assign this Quiz from your Class page or from your Library at any time. 3. I used the time I saved to provide written feedback on specific questions, which students received digitally through the website or … If there are six students who need more practice with percents, I can assign them to a small group and send specific questions to them. Your post will appear in the group’s feed. If you want, you can encourage them to Reply to your Post to help them learn how to use Edmodo. If there are six students who need more practice with percents, I can assign them to a small group and send specific questions to them. Now that you have assigned the quiz, you still need to set a due date and send the quiz to the appropriate groups. Select the question type from the dropdown menu. I am not a fan of the “math maintenance” in the traditional, “count as a grade” sense, but I do believe that keeping the students’ skills sharp is necessary.