Size and catch limits, seasons and gear restrictions should be adhered to strictly. Chesapeake Bay, North Carolina, and Louisiana support the largest blue crab fisheries. An experienced crabber can quickly grab the base of one of its swimming legs while holding down the claws. Other coastal water inhabitants prey on blue crabs as well.

Herons will stab crabs and crunch up the shells with their large beaks before swallowing them whole. They destroy conventional nets and are fished with cages. Its SWIM FINS! Large males, called Jimmies by fishermen, have brilliant blue claws and legs. Crab Measuring Gauges for Dungeness & Blue Crabs, ➰ The Best Crab Lines for Traps, Pots & Trotlining, The Best Crabbing Gloves On The Market. CBSAC's annual Blue Crab Advisory Report provides recommendations to management jurisdictions as they develop regulations for the blue crab fishery.

Box 28 • 647 Contees Wharf Road Growth rates are affected by water temperature—they grow more quickly in warmer water. Young crabs that make it into the estuaries become vulnerable to drought, flood, or unseasonable temperatures. Empower Her. Gestation takes 30-50 days and the young grow rapidly, devouring everything – including their own kind – with their large claws and powerful jaws. © 2020 WILD SKY MEDIA. Fish, such as red drum, croakers, striped bass, eels and sharks prey on all growth stages of blue crabs. he will continue to carry her until her shell hardens. ", The blue crab is a highly sought-after shellfish. At high tide, crabs swim into the salt marsh to pluck snails from the tall grass. Blue crabs live in coastal waters and tidal rivers. After 16 years of almost nonstop decline, populations had plummeted to little more than a third what they were before. Crabs, along with other animals, are cannibalistic – the larger will typically the smaller. To mate, a male crab cradles a female crab in a pose known as a “doubler” for a few days before the female’s terminal molt. Blue crabs are omnivores. But it’s a fragile recovery. Officials declared the fishery a federal disaster. However, habitat loss and nutrient loading are some of the larger issues faced by this species. Crabs are opportunistic feeders, eating whatever is most available.

A benchmark stock assessment completed in 2011 generated reference points for the female blue crab population in the Bay.

As larvae, they are vulnerable to fishes, jellyfish and other planktivores. Blue crabs are so treasured in the region that the blue crab is the Maryland state crustacean. Saltwater fishermen can further contribute to conservation by purchasing a Saltwater Recreational Fishing License, which is required to fish from a private boat or gather shellfish in South Carolina’s salt waters. Two to three days prior to mating, the male cradle carries the soon-to-shed female after a rather elaborate courtship ritual. For the best experience, please use a modern browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Edge. The crab is becoming more popular, especially in paella and other rice dishes – the signature dishes of the delta and Valencia where most of the crabs are found. It is a journey fraught with peril. They eat small fish and thin-shelled animals, as well as plants, so they are predators. ), fish, other crustaceans, organic debris, and vegetation, and benthic infauna.

Females mate only during the final molt when they are in the soft shell condition, but males are believed to mate several times.

Given its high “feeding adaptiveness”, blue crabs play an important role in determining the abundance and behavior of its prey. The Chesapeake Bay had a heavy decline in the 1990s, going from a high of nearly 800 million crabs in 1992 to about 250 million in 2000. Dipping requires a long-handled dip net, several yards of string and bait, usually a chicken neck or fish head which is tied to the string and thrown into the water. Edgewater, Maryland 21037-0028 Aerial view of Buda island in the Ebro Delta nature reserve, Tarragona. Male and female blue crabs have different life histories, and this affects the catch of blue crabs.

Blue crabs are subject to predation throughout their life cycle particularly when molting. Gourmets prefer the blue crab's sweet meat over all other locally caught seafood. For Hines, it comes down to knowing where they are, where they feed and molt, and when they begin their migrations. Eggs are carried under the abdomen until they hatch. Leave coarse woody debris on the Bay as crucial refuge for molting juvenile crabs. “There are also lots of wetlands on the Mediterranean coast and the females need both fresh and saltwater to complete the reproductive cycle. What happens if a blue crab loses a claw or leg to a predator? Collaboration between these three jurisdictions is essential to sustainable blue crab management on a Bay-wide basis. When you hear the words Chesapeake Bay, one creature quickly comes to mind: the famous blue crab. The NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office chairs Fisheries GIT. Because they lose hard parts during the molting process, it can be difficult to determine the age of a crab. Blue crabs, the icon of Chesapeake Bay, reached a tipping point in 2008.