Boomstick: You mean he can see EVERYTHING I do, just because I have a phone? And who don't we like when they're angry? (*Cues: Main Title - Batman: The Animated Series*). Boomstick: Like Bane's "Thank You Spine Durability Test". Wolverine took on Lobo, Spider-Man fought Superboy, Storm battled Wonder Woman, and Captain America took on Batman. Good God, is that Steve Rogers or Jack Skellington? Wiz: Actually, that's a common misconception, the Shark Repellent was stored in the helicopter that Robin was flying, NOT Batman's Utility Belt. Batman and Captain America exchange multiple blows for hours on end. Boomstick: I'm surprised Batty didn't pull something out of the Utility Belt to stop that one, considering it seems to contain anything Batman could ever need. Boomstick: Not to mention the gadgets. Wiz: Bruce chose the guise of a Bat to project his own fear of the flying mammal onto his enemies. ), (*Cues: Captain America's Theme - Marvel vs. Capcom 3*). Wiz: Batman also carries Explosive Gel. The two's tussle was a back-and-forth affair that appeared to be completely deadlocked until water knocked Steve off-balance allowing Batman to earn the win. Batman throws some Batarangs but said weapons are deflected as Cap throws his shield again. Wiz: And Captain America, The Sentinel of Liberty. There were some seriously huge fights, but perhaps the biggest fight among the entire crossover series was when Captain America and Batman duked it out. Batman throws Cap's shield at the hanging Captain America, slicing off the bottom half of his body and after that throwing a smoke pellet into the ground disappearing into the night of the city that he was fighting The First Avenger. Batman approaches the good Captain slowly and takes a combat stance. Hyper...! Even though he usually comes out victorious, his self-confidence occasionally put him in life-threatening situations he can't escape without help. Also, the fact is, Batman is more than a boxer. However, writers smartly chose to make the fight as even as possible and award Batman the win without Captain America getting embarrassed. Boomstick: And Bats has no problem continuously going toe-to-toe with evil in the name of Justice... Vengeance. As he retrieves the shield, Batman is flying towards him (Due to the grappling hook), and rams the shield into Batman's chest, knocking him into a wall. Cap throws his shield in the distance and waits for a second. Balls of steel right there. But underneath the Batsuit, he is affected by knives and bullets the same as any other mortal man. (Gunfire sounds as a Bald Eagle flies by while Confetti and Fireworks go off. BLOWING SHIT UP! As they emerge from the sewers, Cap declares Batman the victor of the fight since he came up short in the fight. Captain America Cap is more durable, is faster, and has better stamina. The connection between Batman and Captain America is that they are both famous comic book superheroes who rely on their peak physical prowess and military-grade arsenal rather than traditional super-powers as well as being the first member of their respective teams (The Justice League for Batman and The Avengers for Captain America). As soon as Captain America collapses, Batman grabs the Shield and walks behind Cap. Cap even proclaimed he's never fought someone who he was "so evenly matched with" - including the Red Skull, Hydra and Zemo. And if you recall, Mjolnir doesn't fuck around, this giant Frisbee of freedom is so cool, even Superman wants one! This is the first episode to be animated by Zack. DEATH BATTLE Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Wiz: But the Caped Crusader has consistently found a way to survive even the most life-threatening situations. He became an expert in the art of disguise and a master of every fighting style known to man. Batman vs Captain America #. Bane later said "Thank You" the only way he knew how. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Cap starts pummeling Batman with punches and kicks (due to his knowledge of pressure points and his study of different martial arts), but Batman starts avoiding the attacks, and counters with a kick. Wiz: Which is the absolutely stupidest way of saying that his brain can process images faster than a normal human. The crossover event from the mid-90s featured a significant amount of talent from both Marvel and DC Comics working together to bring some of the best crossover battles to life. Wiz: And to top everything off, not many Superheroes can claim to have defeated the fearsome foursome of Crack, Weed, Ice, and Ms. Batman's CAPE is a Superhero, Even Without Bruce Wayne, How Captain America Once Became IRON MAN Instead, Marvel Just Killed Off The Avengers' Maria Hill, Doctor Strange Was Once Bitten by Dracula, Marvel Shows Why Deadpool Was Born To Be King of Monsters, X-Men Are Losing The Battle For Earth In The Dumbest Ways Possible, DC Comics: Marie Javins Officially Named Editor-in-Chief, Batman: The Joker Has Lost What Made Him Special. (*Cues: Captain America: The First Avenger - Captain America March*). Boomstick: Meanwhile Hitler was creating a new group of Super Nazis with lasers, called HYDRA. Boomstick: Thanks to some Military-Grade Armor he stole from his own company with Morgan Freeman's permission, the batsuit is almost completely bulletproof, knife proof, electricity proof, punch proof, dogproof and theftproof. As those around him left to serve in the Second World War, Rogers was desperate to fight for his country. Batman dodges it and shoots his grappling hook from his grapple gun in an attempt to pull Cap towards him. Wiz: Inside Batman's Cowl is an array of High-Tech Gear commonly used for listening to Police Scanners and Communicating with Allies, but in combat, Batman finds more use in its Night, Infrared and Ultraviolet Vision. The first was, This is the second episode to feature a returning combatant, after, This is the first fight to feature a character who previously lost, with the next 13 being, This is also the first time a returning character fights a character from the same franchise that his previous opponent was in, with the next two being, This is the third Marvel VS DC themed episode, after, The is the first time DC wins, the next eleven being, This is the first Batman VS Captain America themed episode, with the next one being. AHHH, WEAPONS! Cap is jerked down, and the hook wraps around a lamppost, breaking the Star-Spangled Hero's neck instantly as he hangs above the street. Cap yanks the cord, and races to get his shield. Wiz: I guess we can add "Hypocrite" to his list of aliases. Batman leaps in and uses his knowledge of pressure points to keep Cap at bay. Wiz: Despite his incredible physical potential, the military initially decided Super Steve was best suited as... (*Cues: Captain America: The First Avenger - The Star Spangled Man*). (*Cues: Captain America: The First Avenger - Invader's Montage*). However, that is not the Batsuit's only purpose.