That is so great to hear!! Required fields are marked *. ¼ cup honey or pure maple syrup ▢ They are flourless, and can be made dairy free with a few substitutions. For a long time I would workout fasted with a bit of coffee or pre-workout. They’re egg-free and dairy-free (obvs), and you can easily make them nut-free by replacing the almond butter with soy nut butter and the almond milk with another non-dairy milk like rice or soy. With that being said – I absolutely L-O-V-E this recipe. ★☆. Log in. Spray a 12-cup muffin tin with cooking spray, set aside. . 2020 I’ve been eager to find a homemade recipe that was easy and uses Oat flour to suit my daughter and I. Fold in chocolate chips. I did and it was amazing! Instead of chocolate chips, I used carob chips. I love making flourless muffins with homemade oat flour because they are so easy and so much more nutritious than using traditional white flour. Ohhh I LOVE those big chunks of chocolate chips inside these cute lil’ muffins! Your email address will not be published. Love that they are flourless! Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). FEEDING TODDLERS 101 COOKBOOK. If you have quick oats or old-fashioned oats, you’ll be set for this recipe in minutes. I love these muffins but do you think I could make them into a loaf? The combination delivers protein, fiber, and potassium—as well as some of the fats that toddlers need to grow—in an easy to eat format. Ingredients 1 cup rolled oats 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/4 tsp nutmeg 1/4 tsp salt 1 large overly ripened banana (or 2 small bananas) 2 eggs 1/2 cup creamy peanut … I tried the recipe last night! Filder Under:Breakfast, Gluten-Free, Muffins, Nut-Free, Recipes, Snacks. Subscribe for all the yummy, healthy, easy recipes straight to your inbox. * You can sub these out for another non-dairy milk like rice or soy and a soy nut butter if you need these to be nut-free. You can use either Greek yogurt or milk in these muffins. They baked well. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix until just combined. My daughter doesn’t like bananas and she can detect them anywhere. ), so the commitment/adoration level is pretty high. They sound so easy and good! These naturally gluten-free muffins (see quick tip below) are made with regular pantry staples. Blend until very smooth, stopping to scrape down the sides of the bowl if needed. I’m not sure which recipe you are looking for either. Oat flour absorbs a lot more liquid than whole wheat flour so it wouldn’t be a 1:1 substitution. The only other thing I can think since you said the inside was wet the second time is that maybe you didn’t cook them long enough or on the right oven temperature the second time you made them? Pulse the oats until they are ground into a powder-like consistency that resembles flour. So thrilled to hear that Thanks Abigail! And honestly, when it comes to feeding myself on our busy weekend days when lunchtime seems to come super fast and I almost never have enough time to get myself a meal before I’m starving, having nutritious muffins on hand that I can eat with one hand is such a big help. These muffins can store in the fridge in an. « 30 minute Thai Peanut Chicken Meal Prep Bowls. Add chocolate chips for a fun flavor addition; nuts or dried fruits work well, too. These look amazing, love the melted chocolate in the pictures, so pretty . 111 Shares. TIP: We like to eat these muffins cold right out of the fridge, but you can also serve them slightly warm. Here is our. Adapted from this pumpkin muffin recipe from Pinch of Yum. My muffins are around 170 calories per serving and the saturated fat is only 3 g! Hmm not sure why you had different results the first from the second time, did you perhaps change anything on the recipe or measuring anything differently? Add the rest of the ingredients except the. Pinterest and To make these as mini muffins, grease a mini muffin tin and pour the batter about 3/4 of the way full in each muffin cup. I love hearing from you when you've made one of my recipes! Add all of the remaining ingredients and process on high until the batter becomes smooth and creamy, about 30 seconds. And thanks so much for sharing your modifications . Just saw these on FG and they look great! More about Amanda →, Copyright © 2020 . My kids absolutely love them and i make a batch every couple of days, So happy to hear that! I will be making this again and again. Bonus: These store so well in the fridge for days! These were excellent. Bake for 20 – 22 minutes, until the tops of your muffins begin to turn golden brown and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Microwave for 1 minute, let cool 1 minute & enjoy! I know you have other banana loaf recipes but I was looking for one that was flour less and had yoghurt. Thanks for the recipe. Does your daughter like pumpkin? I can truly say I’ve been very frustrated as of recently trying to find things that taste good on such a restrictive diet, but these are the BOMB. (There is no need to measure the oats after they’ve been blended and are in powdered form). All you need to do is toss the raw oats into a high speed blender (I love my trusty Vitamix) and blend until they resemble a fine flour. make sure your agents are fresh before starting, Chocolate Greek Yogurt Banana Bread {Video}, Hi Heidi, I did not change this recipe. (Probably 2 tbsp would also work if you want to use less sugar but either will be fine I think). To do that I left out the maple syrup and added 3 more bananas. Filed Under: Breakfast, Gluten Free, Muffins and Baking, Quick & Easy Tagged With: Banana, Breakfast, Easy, Flourless, Gluten Free, Healthy, Muffins, Oats. Soft, chewy, and moist, Flourless Banana Muffins are made without any flour or refined sugars! leave me a comment below. I know. Search my 1,000+ recipes to find exactly what you’re looking for. They turned out great. Need to try! Great recipe. I omitted the vanilla because I was out, and they’re still super delicious! The only instant oats I had were honey and almond flavored, but I was already halfway through the recipe, so decided….why not? Spoon the batter into the prepared muffin cups, filling each one about 3/4 of the way full. 2 eggs ▢ ★☆ I made a change to the recipe. Allow the batter to rest for 10 to 20 minutes before scooping it into the baking cups. I know some people will argue that grinding up oats until they turn into a fine flour is technically still using a flour, but… nay. Cool for 5 minutes and carefully take out of muffin tin. Tag me on Instagram at @ChelseasMessyApron or We have a somewhat crazy love story that involves a little bit of serendipity and a lot of love for doughnuts! Sane Picky Eating Advice. I’ve been hearing about flourless this, gluten free that and I think I might be falling under the spell of it all. I feel like they don’t do these delicious muffins the justice they deserve. I used 2 tbsp of coconut oil and 1 tbsp cashew and 1 tbsp peanut butter. (Make sure to use old-fashioned or rolled oats, not quick or steel-cut oats). Required fields are marked *, Rate this recipe Click the Bookmark Icon to Add to Your Favories, Home > Desserts > Flourless Banana Muffins. Follow the rest of the instructions in the recipe below. If so, how much? i made these twice! This recipe turned out amazing even with my adjustments. I love how low added sugar yet delicious your recipes always are! perfect for a healthy pre-school treat! They came out great! ★☆ In a mixer, combine bananas and milk until smooth. the texture is perfect, I love all those chocolate chips, and the fact that they’re so healthified is amazing! Let cool in the pan for 5-10 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack (or just tilt a bit in the pan to let air flow underneath) to cool. ★☆ Amazing recipe!! I usually make 1 1/2 of the recipe at a time to fill a whole 12 pan of muffins. If you are using just one mix-in (i.e. Definitely use pumpkin! Preheat oven to 350F and prepare muffin tin with liners. Genius, Chelsea!! Hi Margaret! Bananas and Greek yogurt make them moist and tender. Did you find the other recipe? Best of all they are healthy, gluten free and make an awesome breakfast or dessert! Well, they are a perfect little pre-workout snack! So happy about that! The muffins are made with a banana, peanut butter, honey and oatmeal. Those muffins have been wildly popular, and I’m thrilled to share this recipe today that stacks up similarly to the pumpkin muffins: no flour, no butter, and no refined sugars. Top with. That’s totally okay with my macros for the day. Simply add all of the ingredients to a blender and pulse to combine that’s it! I frequent the 6AM CrossFit class and occasionally make it to the 5AM. I will have to try your recipe too – looks delicious! Thanks for the great easy recipe! And since it’s bathing suit season…I’ve been trying to watch what I eat. Would this work with almond flour instead of oats? Great! Finally! Not these. The muffins themselves are light, tender and subtly sweet with plenty of banana flavour. Yup, I let my boys have them for breakfast! I made this without the maple syrup so I added 3 tablespoons of milk to compensate for the lack of moisture and then it ended being too wet so I added 1/4 of extra flour! Thank you! I haven’t tried using applesauce and I worry a little that they would be too wet. Subbed blueberries for the choc chips and added a little bit of vanilla protein powder and a little less maple syrup YUM! Or to make them by hand, you’ll need to start with store-bought oat flour, mash the bananas with a fork or potato masher until super smooth, and stir everything together in a bowl. I apologize! They are flourless, and can be made dairy free with a few substitutions. Mostly in order to get work done or run errands. Regular old-fashioned oats! Bake. Top 10 Things I’m Loving – February Edition. I substituted flax seeds with chia seeds. Apple Cider Peanut Butter Whiskey Cocktail, Instant Pot Stuffed Peppers {with turkey and quinoa}, Chicken Fajita Casserole with Quinoa {GF}. Bake at 350 for about 15-18 minutes or until toothpick runs clear. Thanks Heidi! Pour wet ingredients into dry and mix. You will love how moist and flavorful these muffins are and they’re made with NO oil or butter! You can use pumpkin puree in for the banana though! This recipe is now made on repeat in my house. But a lot of times healthy muffins = dry muffins, right? Second, because it’s for a batch of banana muffins which, along with banana breads, are probably one of my favourite baked goods to eat. I'm here to help you relax about what your kids eat (and don't!) Making now Thank you! Yogurt will make for slightly flatter muffins, but they will taste the same. I go through phases when it comes to muffin add-ins and opted to leave them out this time so I could have a purer banana flavour, but you do you, boo! June 17, 2015 By Jen 3 Comments This post may contain affiliate links. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Make half with chocolate chips, my 19 minth old actually liked them without the chocolate chips. Thanks for the yummy sub tips! They look delicious and perfect for a healthier start to the morning! They’re the easiest muffins ever to make. I'm Amanda - health coach, cookbook author, recipe developer, photographer, makeup junkie, and the blogger behind Running with Spoons - a blog dedicated to proving that healthy snacking doesn't have to be tasteless or boring, one delicious recipe at a time. Fill muffin cups about 1/2 the way full. Now, I have to say that I don’t love the pictures of these flourless muffins. And are your baking agents fresh? 111. Thank you for making it gluten free! 2 cups old fashioned oats* ▢ Thank you! The muffins are melt in your mouth soft. No strange ingredients that require a stop at a specialty health-food store or online purchase. Instead of brown sugar, I used honey. Images and text copyright Amy Palanjian 2019 (except where noted). Never mind – I found it. I mean… I have an entire cookbook dedicated to them (shameless self plug! Almost every week, I make a batch of healthy muffins to have on hand for easy breakfasts, snacks, and lunches.