You can follow this conversation by subscribing to the comment feed for this post. Posted by: Siren | The beds are filled with bounty. What purpose do ladybugs serve? Hi Simon, January 12, 2012 at 16:40, thanks Simon and Beatrix.Hope to have well exam tomorrow, Posted by: In answer to your thread Fbones, I don't know how I'd describe my garden, I have some well loved common stuff, some unusual, some too big and in wrong place, but I think what matters is that we like it. As written on your blog, I constantly maintained eye contact with her, but she seemed to be not looking at me. you like to do text or call in emergency? For part 1 of the speaking test, your "answer +1" method is good. Simon | One of the american locals said she was known as the lady with the "English Garden" The average american garden was known as the yard, and a patch of grass at the front. Posted by: | IELTS Listening: multiple choice practice ». Your 'about... about' sentence is correct. You are more than welcome Simon! RY | I follow your blog ,and I had appeared for my speaking exam this afternoon, here in Sydney. Over the years my garden has taken on just about all of your list, except of course "best kept". i am nt sure about my result so i want to take another exam,it can be useful that if there is 1week gap between 2 exams(18th feb and 25th feb) then we can practise hard and get good result. Always changing as I have never been totally happy with it. I think your answers about driving are long enough, and you don't need to give 2 sides for the question about 'emergencies'. OOPs amendment to garden size it is 120 yards x 40 ..NOT feet, never was any good at numbers. Posted by: Posted by: A constant challenge. I'll probably re-post it as a lesson in itself if you don't mind. January 12, 2012 at 22:34, Thank you for your answer, I feel less nervous:), Posted by: January 12, 2012 at 05:26. still i have exam of 3 modules on this saturday and i am nt sure that i will get 7 band in my speaking module so even feel demoralized to these modules. so in this case i can give answer both side? There are no problems in my garden, only challenges.. it's just that there are so many challenges that it's become a bit of a problem. you drive car? One thing for certain, no such thing as the average English Garden. Yes, it might be a good idea to take the exam twice with only a one week gap. Describing Words. Allotment for producing veg or cut flowers  Cottage garden. Hey Simon, in your family who drive car? « IELTS Writing Task 1: describing 2 charts | We have two areas of green, ( three, some out the front) can't call them lawns. My friend lived in Pittsburgh for a while. beatrix | It's in a place called Giverny, which is in northern France, about an hour away from Paris in the province of Normandy. If you have questions about gardening, helps! (i would like to be passanger bcoz i can enjoy trip with my friend and family members by talking and playing games while driving car is some time boring.) Did you know that they can eat as many as 5,000 aphids in their lifetime? I am a secret user of your website and I would like to thank you for the wonderful work you have been doing! January 06, 2012 at 17:17, Posted by: Your English probably won't improve in that time, but your confidence probably will. Posted by: To learn more about Monet's gardens, have a look at this site. Wildlife garden. January 13, 2012 at 14:25. hi Simon January 12, 2012 at 08:55. grammatically correct? A student sent it to me - apparently it was his or her real question in a recent test. January 11, 2012 at 16:01. today i had my speaking and i had cue card to explain any bad weather which i experienced where,with whom and why you feel this weather was bad.can you answer i can get idea about my answer. Simon | I like Monet's gardens because they are such beautiful creations, and it's amazing to see the 'real thing' having seen the famous paintings so many times. January 08, 2012 at 08:00. siya | Scented garden. However, I don't think you should talk about other things in the park (e.g. And don't get started on metres, etc, Kef. Question: Are public gardens very important in India? Mainly shrubs, some evergreen, bushes, trees. Describe a garden you remember visiting. I agree that it's a tough question.